Doppler Institute Seminar
Main seminar of the Doppler
Institute, meeting mostly on Tuesday afternoons, usually in the main
building in Břehová 7, but switching occasionally between different places. The earlier history of the seminar can be
found here.
The absence of an
affiliation usually means that the speaker is a regular member of the
- December 17 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Marek Liška (Charles University), this-year recipient of a honourable mention of the Václav Votruba Prize: Thermodynamic perspective on classical gravity
- December 10 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Martin Štefaňák: Monitored recurrence of unitary quantum walks
- December 3 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Davron Matrasulov (Turin Polytechnic University Tashkent): PT-symmetric solitons in networks
- October 1 at 13.30 in [B-111], also via zoom
Seminar to honor the memory of Professor Miloslav Havlíček, founder of the Doppler Institute, who passed away on September 4
- September 3 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Léo Morin (Copenhagen University): Quantum tunneling between radial magnetic wells
- July 30 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Tulkin K. Rasulov (Bukhara State University): Spectral analysis of a lattice spin-boson Hamiltonian with at
most two photons
- June 11 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Riccardo Adami (Politecnico di Torino): Ground states for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on a hybrid plane
- April 23 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Kateřina Sýkorová (Charles University): Quantum aspects of the minimal renormalizable SO(10) Grand Unified Theory
- February 6 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Tamás Kiss (Wigner Research Centre Budapest): Rich dynamics of qubits: chaos, fractals and the effect of decoherence
- January 30 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Daniele Ferretti (Gran Sasso Science Institute), the fresh laureate of the Václav Votruba Prize: Zero-range Hamiltonians for many-particle quantum bosonic systems in dimension three
- Exceptionally on Thursday, December 21, at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Stanislav Molchanov (UNC Charlotte): The Dickman-Goncharov distribution
- Exceptionally on Wednesday, October 18, at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Ram Band (Technion): Dry Ten Martini Problem for Sturmian Hamiltonians
- July 11 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Sebastien Bertrand (University of Honolulu): On the representation of rank-2 Racah algebra
- Exceptionally on Wednesday, May 17, at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Pedro Freitas (Lisbon): Weyl, Pólya, and the rest
- May 16 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Soeren Fournais (Aarhus University): Counting eigenvalues below the first Landau level for magnetic Schrödinger operators on bounded domains
- April 11 at 16.00 in [B-111], the fresh laureate of the Václav Votruba Prize, also via zoom
Simon Becker (ETH Zürich): Mathematics of magic angles
- April 4, exceptionally at 16.15, in [B-111], also via zoom
Martin Křepela (FEE CTU): Rearrangements of functions
- February 21 at 16.00 in [B-111], postponed from December 13, also via zoom
Volodymyr Mikhailets (IM CAS): One-dimensional differential operators with distributions in coefficients
- Exceptionally on Friday, February 17, at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Vladimir Falko (Manchester): Electronic properties of marginally twisted bilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides
- February 14 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Jean-Pierre Gazeau (Paris 6): Quantum models a la Gabor for space-time metric
- To our regrets, the talk has to be postponed due to an illness of the speaker
(December 13 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom)
Volodymyr Mikhailets (IM CAS): One-dimensional differential operators with distributions in coefficients
- December 6 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Ayman Kachmar (Lebanese University Beirut): Quantum tunneling in deep potential wells and strong magnetic field revisited
- November 29 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Davron Matrasulov (Turin Polytechnic University Tashkent): Quantum physics on graphs: From basic research to practical applications
- November 22 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Anar Assanova, Elmira Bakirova, Roza Uteshova (IMMM Almaty): Parametrization method to solve problems for differential, integro-differential and hyperbolic equations
- November 1 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Lenka Zdeborová (EPFL Lausanne): From spin glasses to the theory of neural networks
- May 31 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Divya Goel (Indian Institute of Technology Varanasi): Fučík Spectrum and shape optimization problem for non-local
- May 3 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Shivani Singh: Quantum simulation and computation using discrete-time quantum walk
- March 22 at 16.00, exceptionally in [T-211], also via zoom
Olaf Post (Universität Trier): Some recent results on graph perturbations and the effect on
their spectrum
- January 18 at 16.00 in [B-111], also via zoom
Zdeněk Mihula (Faculty of Electrical Engineering CTU): Strict s-numbers of certain Sobolev embeddings on a strip
Seminar locations:
[B] Czech Technical University, Main building of the FNSPE,
Břehová 7, 11519 Praha
[T] CTU, Department of Mathematics, FNSPE, Trojanova 13,
[Rl Academy of Sciences, NPI, Department of Theoretical
25068 Řež near Prague
[H] University of Hradec Králové, Department of Mathematical
Physics, Building 5, Víta Nejedlého 573