Doppler Institute Publications

Here we collect DI publications with the appropriate bibliographical data and url's, both of open access sources and of summaries at the publisher web pages. Publications of the "original" Doppler Institute can be found here.

Research and review papers

  • DI25-002
    Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner, Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Quantum lattice transport along an infinitely extended perturbation
    submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. [arXiv:2412.20919 [math.SP]]
  • DI25-001
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Midy’s Theorem in non-integer bases and divisibility of Fibonacci numbers
    Commun. in Math. 33 (2025), 1 [arXiv:2401.03874 [math.NT]; abs]

  • DI24-050
    Emmanouil Bizas, Mariliena. Mitrouli, Ondřej Turek:
    Efficient estimates for matrix-inverse quadratic forms
    Appl. Numer. Math. 208 (2025), 76-91 [abs]
  • DI24-049
    Christos Koukouvinos, Mariliena. Mitrouli, Ondřej Turek:
    Using direct versus regularized solvers for realistic statistical models
  • DI24-048
    Antonella Marchesiello, Daniel Reyes, Libor Šnobl:
    Superintegrable families of magnetic monopoles with non-radial potential in curved background
    J. Geom. Phys. 203 (2024), 105261 [arXiv:2403.05267 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-047
    Ondřej Kubů, Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl:
    Integrable systems in magnetic fields: the generalized parabolic cylindrical case
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 (2024), 235203 [arXiv:2403.05267 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-046
    Md Fazlul Hoque, Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl:
    Integrable systems of the ellipsoidal, paraboloidal and conical type with magnetic field
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 (2024), 225201 [abs]
  • DI24-045
    Toshitaka Hayashi, Dalibor Cimr, Filip Studnička, Hamido Fujita, Damián Bušovský, Richard Cimler:
    Patient deterioration detection using one-class classification via cluster period estimation subtask
    Information Sciences 657 (2024), 119975 [abs]
  • DI24-044
    Orsolya Kálmán, Aurél Gábris, Igor Jex, Tamás Kiss:
    Unambiguous preparation of Bell pairs
    Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted [arXiv:2402.16752 [quant-ph]]
  • DI24-043
    Goce Chadzitaskos:
    Coherent states of the asymmetric harmonic oscillator
    submitted [arXiv:2406.03509 [quant-ph]]
  • DI24-042
    Marzieh Baradaran, Luis-Miguel Nieto, Saber Zarrinkamar:
    On some quantum correction to the Coulomb potential in generalized uncertainty principle approach
    Phys.Lett. B852 (2024), 138603 [arXiv:2401.03463 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-041
    Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Inequalities between Dirichlet and Neumann eigenvalues of the magnetic Laplacian
    submitted [arXiv:2405.120774 [math.SP]]
  • DI24-040
    Ayman Kachmar, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Mikael Sundqvist:
    On the Laplace operator with a weak magnetic field in exterior domains
    submitted [arXiv:2405.18154 [math.SP]]
  • DI24-039
    Ayman Kachmar, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    A geometric bound on the lowest magnetic Neumann eigenvalue via the torsion function
    SIAM J. Math. Anal. 56 (2024), 5723–5745 [arXiv:2312.06161 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI24-038
    Vladimir Lotoreichik, Thomas Ourmieres-Bonafos:
    Spectral asymptotics of the Dirac operator in a thin shell
    submitted [arXiv:2307.09033 [math.SP]]
  • DI24-037
    Andrii Khrabustovskyi, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Homogenization of the Dirac operator with position-dependent mass preprint
    submitted [arXiv:2405.09949 [math.AP]]
  • DI24-036
    Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    The Neumann sieve problem revisited
    submitted [arXiv:2402.16451 [math.AP]]
  • DI24-035
    Francisco Correa, Luis Inzunza, Vít Jakubský:
    Lorentzian quantum wells in graphene: the role of shape invariance in zero-energy states trapping
    Phys. Rev. B110 (2024), 075120 [arXiv:2401.13864 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI24-034
    Vít Jakubský, Kevin Zelaya:
    Flat-band engineering of quasi-one-dimensional systems via supersymmetric transformations
    Phys. Rev. B109 (2024), 245406 [arXiv:2402.10514 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI24-033
    Narges Heidari, Hassan Hassanabadi, Adailton Azevédo Araújo Filho, Jan Kříž, Soroush Zare, Paulo J. Porfírio:
    Gravitational signatures of a non-commutative stable black hole
    Physics of the Dark Universe 43 (2024), 101382 [arXiv: 2305.06838 [gr-qc]; abs]
  • DI24-032
    Dhruba Jyoti Gogoi, Narges Heidari, Jan Kříž, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Quasinormal Modes and Greybody Factors of de Sitter Black Holes Surrounded by Quintessence in Rastall Gravity
    Fortschritte der Physik 72 (2024), 2300245 [arXiv: 2307.09976 [gr-qc]; abs]
  • DI24-031
    Adailton Azevédo Araújo Filho, Hassan Hassanabadi, Narges Heidari, Jan Kříž, Soroush Zare:
    Gravitational traces of bumblebee gravity in metric-affine formalism
    Class. Quantum Gravity 41 (2024), 055003 [arXiv: 2305.18871 [gr-qc]; abs]
  • DI24-030
    Narges Heidari, Hassan Hassanabadi, Adailton Azevédo Araújo Filho, Jan Kr̆íz̆:
    Exploring non-commutativity as a perturbation in the Schwarzschild black hole: quasinormal modes, scattering, and shadows
    Eur. Phys. J. C 84 (2024), 566 [abs]
  • DI24-029
    Hao Chen; Shi-Hai Dong, Elham Maghsoodi, Sommayeh Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž, Soroush Zare; Hassam Hassanabadi:
    Gup-corrected black holes: thermodynamic properties, evaporation time and shadow constraint from EHT observations of M87* and Sgr A*
    Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139 (2024), 759 [abs]
  • DI24-028
    David Krejčiřík, Jiří Lipovský:
    Spectral determinant for the wave equation on an interval with Dirac damping
    submitted, [arXiv:2404.11992 [math.SP]]
  • DI24-027
    Pedro Freitas, Jiří Lipovský:
    The spectral determinant for second-order elliptic operators on the real line
    Lett. Math. Phys. 114 (2024), 65 [arXiv:2405.03469 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI24-026
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Non-Hermitian-Hamiltonian-induced unitarity and optional physical inner products in Hilbert space
    Phys. Lett. A523 (2024), 129782 [arXiv:2408.02491 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-025
    Bijan Bagchi, Aritra Ghosh, Miloslav Znojil:
    A reappraisal of Lagrangians with non-quadratic velocity dependence and branched Hamiltonians
    Symmetry 16 (2024), 860 [arXiv:2403.18801 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-024
    Saparboy Rakhmanov, Carsten Trunk, Miloslav Znojil, Davron Matrasulov:
    PT-symmetric dynamical confinement: Fermi acceleration, quantum force, and Berry phase
    Phys. Rev. A109 (2024), 053519 [arXiv:2403.18283 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-023
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Features, paradoxes and amendments of perturbative non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics
    Symmetry 16 (2024), 629 [abs]
  • DI24-022
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Anisotropy and asymptotic degeneracy of the physical-Hilbert-space inner-product metrics in an exactly solvable unitary quantum model
    Symmetry 16 (2024), 353 [abs]
  • DI24-021
    Emilia Charlier, Célia Cisternino, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Substitutions and Cantor real numeration systems
    submitted [arXiv:2312.13767 [math.CO]]
  • DI24-020
    Adam Blažek, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    Optimal representations of Gaussian and Eisenstein integers using digit sets closed under multiplication
    submitted [arXiv:2410.02418 [math.NT]]
  • DI24-019
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Karel Klouda, Edita Pelantová:
    The asymptotic repetition threshold of sequences rich in palindromes
    submitted [arXiv:2409.06849 [math.CO]]
  • DI24-018
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    2-balanced sequences coding rectangle exchange transformation
    Theory of computation systems to appear [arXiv:2403.12791 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI24-017
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Periodicity and pure periodicity in alternate base systems
    Research in Number Theory 10 (2024), 1 [arXiv:2402.01367 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI24-016
    Alexander Pushnitski, František Štampach:
    A functional model and tridiagonalisation for symmetric anti-linear operators
    J. Operator Theory (2025), to appear [arXiv:2402.01237 [math.SP]]
  • DI24-015
    Alexander Pushnitski, František Štampach:
    An inverse spectral problem for non-self-adjoint Jacobi matrices
    Int. Math. Res. Notes 2024 (2024), 6106-6139 [arXiv:2305.19608 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI24-014
    Jaroslav Dittrich, Saparboy Rakmanov, Davron Matrasulov:
    Dirac particle under dynamical confinement: Fermi acceleration, trembling motion and quantum force
    Phys. Lett. A503 (2024), 129408 [arXiv:2401.02837 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-013
    Magdalena Parýzková, Martin Štefaňák, Jaroslav Novotný, Bálint Kollár, Tamás Kiss:
    Two-particle Hadamard walk on dynamically percolated line and circle
    Physica Scripta 99 (2024), 035112 [arXiv:2311.15579 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-013
    Stanislav Skoupý, Martin Štefaňák:
    Search and state transfer between hubs by quantum walks
    Phys. Rev. A110 (2024), 022422 [arXiv:2409.02707 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-012
    Karel Tesař, Jaroslava Luňáčková, Michal Jex et al.:
    In vivo and in vitro study of resorbable magnesium wires for medical implants: Mg purity, surface quality, Zn alloying and polymer coating
    Journal of Magnetism and Alloys 12 (2024), 2472-2488 [arXiv:arXiv:2406.18172 [physics]; abs]
  • DI24-011
    Michal Jex, František Štampach:
    On the ground state of lattice Schrödinger operators
    submitted [arXiv:2312.08081 [math.SP]]
  • DI24-010
    Pavel Exner, Jonathan Rohleder:
    Optimization of quantum graph eigenvalues with preferred orientation vertex conditions
    Ann H. Poincaré, submitted [arXiv:2410.21820 [math-ph]]
  • DI24-009
    Pavel Exner, David Spitzkopf:
    Magnetic transport due to a translationally invariant potential obstacle
    J. Math. Phys., submitted [arXiv:2410.16036 [math-ph]]
  • DI24-008
    Pavel Exner, Jan Pekař:
    Spectral properties of hexagonal lattices with the -R coupling
    Rep. Math. Phys. 95 (2025), to appear [arXiv:2409.03538 [math-ph]]
  • DI24-007
    Pavel Exner, Hynek Kovařík:
    Optimizing the ground of a Robin Laplacian: asymptotic behavior
    submitted [arXiv:2408.11636 [math.SP]]
  • DI24-006
    K. Ando, E. Blasten, P. Exner, H. Isozaki, E. Korotyaev, M. Lassas, J. Lu, H. Morioka:
    Inverse problems for quantum graph associated with square and hexagonal lattices
    [arXiv:2409.02605 [math-ph]]
  • DI24-005
    Craig S. Hamilton, Igor Jex:
    Boson sampling from non-Gaussian states
    Phys. Rev. A109 (2024), 052427 [arXiv:2403.17183 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-004
    Orsolya Kálmán, Aurél Gábris, Igor Jex, Tamás Kiss:
    Unambiguous preparation of Bell pairs
    submitted [arXiv:2402.16752 [quant-ph]]
  • DI24-003
    Atilla Portik, Orsolya Kálmán, Igor Jex, Tamás Kiss:
    Robustness of chaotic behavior in iterated quantum protocols
    Phys. Rev. A109 (2024), 052410 [arXiv:2311.13280 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-002
    Pavel Exner, Jan Pekař:
    Vertex coupling interpolation in quantum chain graphs
    J. Math. Phys. 65 (2024) 092102 (24pp) [arXiv:2403.09457 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI24-001
    Pavel Šťovíček:
    Coulomb Green's function and an addition formula for the Whittaker functions
    J. Math. Phys. 65 (2024), 023503 [arXiv:2403.03749 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI23-058
    Won Sang Chung, Hassan Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž:
    The q-deformed heat equation and q-deformed diffusion equation with q-translation symmetry
    Revista Mexicana de Fisica 68 (2022), 060602 [abs]
  • DI23-057
    Somayyeh Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž, Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Relativistic solutions of generalized-Dunkl harmonic and anharmonic oscillators
    Physica Scripta 97 (2022), 125305 [arXiv:2208.10471 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-056
    Adailton Azevédo Araújo Filho, Soroush Zare, Paulo Porfírio, Jan Kříž, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Thermodynamics and evaporation of a modified Schwarzschild black hole in a non-commutative gauge theory
    Phys. Lett. B838 (2023), 137744 [arXiv:2212.03134 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI23-056
    Won Sang Chung, Afsin Gungor, Jan Kříž, Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Conformable fractional heat equation with fractional translation symmetry in both time and space
    Chinese Physics B32 (2023), 040202 [abs]
  • DI23-055
    Somayyeh Hassanabadi, Parisa Sedaghatnia, Won Sang Chung, Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Jan Kříž, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Exact solution to two dimensional Dunkl harmonic oscillator in the non-commutative phase-space
    Eur. J. Phys. Plus 138 (2023), 331 [arXiv:2209.031228 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI23-054
    Parisa Sedaghatnia, Hassan Hassanabadi, Gary Junker, Jan Kříž, Somayyeh Hassanabadi, Won Sang Chung:
    Investigation of the generalised Wigner-Dunkl harmonic oscillator and its coherent states
    Ann. Phys. 458 (2023), 169445 [abs]
  • DI23-053
    Dalibor Cimr, Damián Bušovský, Hamido Fujita, Filip Studnička, Richard Cimler, Toshitaka Hayashi:
    Classification of health deterioration by geometric invariants
    Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 239 (2023), 107623 [abs]
  • DI23-052
    Toshitaka Hayashi, Dalibor Cimr, Filip Studnička, Hamido Fujita, Damián Bušovský, Richard Cimler, Ali Selamat:
    Distance-based one-class time-series classification approach using local cluster balance
    Expert Systems with Applications 235 (2024), 121201 [abs]
  • DI23-051
    Roman Svoboda, Jana Machotová, Miloš Krbal, Daniel Jezbera, Martina Nalezinková, Jan Loskot, Aleš Berouk:
    Complex thermokinetic characterization of polydioxanone for medical applications: Conditions for material processing
    Polymer 277 (2023), 125978 [abs]
  • DI23-050
    Jan Loskot, Daniel Jezbera, Roman Loskot, Damián Bušovský, Adrian Barylski, Karsten Glowka, Piotr Duda, Krysztof Aniolek, Kateřina Voglová, Maciej Zubko:
    Influence of print speed on the microstructure, morphology, and mechanical properties of 3D-printed PETG products
    Polymer Testing 123 (2023), 108055 [abs]
  • DI23-049
    Jussi Behrndt, Iveta Semorádová, Petr Siegl:
    The imaginary Airy operator with a one-center delta-interaction
    Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. 9 (2024), 915-934 [abs]
  • DI23-048
    Jiří Lipovský, Tomáš Macháček
    The role of the branch cut of the logarithm in the definition of the spectral determinant for non-selfadjoint operators
    Acta Physica Polonica A144 (2023), 462-468. [arXiv: 2312.07155 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-047
    Lukáš Heriban, Matěj Tušek:
    Non-local relativistic delta-shell interactions
    Lett. Math. Phys. 114 (2024), 79 [arXiv:2311.02638 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-046
    Goce Chadzitaskos:
    An asymmetric harmonic oscillator
    in Geometric Methods in Physics XXXIX (P. Kielanowski, A. Dobrogowska, A., G.A. Goldin, T. Golinski, eds.), Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Cham 2023; pp. 47-55 [abs]
  • DI23-045
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Jiří Hrivňák, Jan Thiele:
    Discrete even Fourier Weyl transforms of A1 A1
    Analysis and Mathematical Physics 13 (2023), 76 [abs]
  • DI23-044
    Md Fazlul Hoque, Ondřej Kubů, Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl:
    New classes of quadratically integrable systems with velocity dependent potentials: non-subgroup type cases
    Eur. Phys. J. Plus 138 (2023), 845 [arXiv:2309.12718 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-043
    Vít Jakubský, Kevin Zelaya:
    Reflectionless pseudospin-1 Dirac systems via Darboux transformation and flat band solutions
    submitted (2023) [arXiv:2307.02123 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]
  • DI23-042
    Vít Jakubský, Kevin Zelaya:
    Lieb lattices and pseudospin-1 dynamics under barrier- and well-like electrostatic interactions
    Physica E152 (2023), 115738 [arXiv:2301.03552 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI23-041
    Charlotte Dietze, Ayman Kachmar, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Isoperimetric inequalities for inner parallel curves
    J. Spect. Theory 14 (2024), 1537–1562 [arXiv:2311.18413 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-040
    David Krejčiřík, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Optimisation and monotonicity of the second Robin eigenvalue on a planar exterior domain
    Calc. Var. Part. Diff. Eqs 63 (2024), 223 [arXiv:2307.14286 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-039
    Dale Frymark, Markus Holzmann, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Spectral analysis of the Dirac operator with a singular interaction on a broken line
    J. Math. Phys. 65 (2024), 083514 [arXiv:2306.04976 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-038
    Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Improved inequalities between Dirichlet and Neumann eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 152 (2024), 2571-2584 [arXiv:2305.18075 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-037
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Non-stationary non-Hermitian "wrong-sign" quantum oscillators and their meaningful physical interpretation
    Entropy 25 (2023), 692 [arXiv:2304.07103 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-036
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Composite quantum Coriolis forces
    Mathematics 11 (2023), 1375 [arXiv:2303.04263 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-035
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quasi-Hermitian formulation of quantum mechanics using two conjugate Schr dinger equations
    Axioms 12 (2023), 644 [arXiv:2306.12179 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-034
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Calogero-like model without rearrangement symmetry
    Symmetry 16 (2024), 27 [arXiv:2312.13667 [nlin.SI]; abs]
  • DI23-033
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Discrete-coordinate crypto-Hermitian quantum system controlled by time-dependent Robin boundary conditions
    Physica Scripta 99 (2024), 035250 [arXiv:2401.10682 [nlin.SI]; abs]
  • DI23-032
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Zig-zag-matrix algebras and solvable quasi-Hermitian quantum models
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 (2023), 335301 [arXiv:2307.03439 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-031
    Olaf Lechtenfeld, Miloslav Znojil:
    Quasi-hermitian quantum mechanics and a new class of user-friendly matrix Hamiltonians
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2667 (2023), 012036 [arXiv:2308.15043 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-030
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Three alternative model-building strategies using quasi-Hermitian time-dependent observables
    Symmetry 15 (2023), 1596 [arXiv:2308.07609 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-029
    Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Operator estimates for Neumann sieve problem
    Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 202 (2023), 1955-1990 [arXiv:2209.08775 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI23-028
    Andrii Khrabustovskyi, Evgen Khruslov:
    Creating and controlling band gaps in periodic media with small resonators
    J. Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 19 (2023), 456 481 [arXiv:2212.08100 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-027
    Giuseppe Cardone, Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Spectrum of the Laplacian on a domain perturbed by small resonators
    SIAM J. Math. Anal. 55 (2023), 3677-3712 [arXiv:2203.01971 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-026
    Jaroslav Hančl, Ondřej Turek:
    Continued fractions with bounded even-order partial quotients
    Ramanujan J. 62 (2023), 69-110 [abs]
  • DI23-025
    Petr Blaschke, František Štampach:
    Asymptotic root distribution of Charlier polynomials with large negative parameter
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 524 (20231), 1 [arXiv:2210.16922 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-024
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Pascal Ochem, Daniela Opočenská:
    Critical exponent of binary words with few distinct palindromes
    The Electr. J. Combinat. 31 (2024), P2.29 [arXiv:2311.13003 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI23-023
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Edita Pelantová:
    The repetition threshold of episturmian sequences
    Eur. J. Combin. 120 (2024), 104001 [arXiv:2309.00988 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI23-022
    James Currie, Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Pascal Ochem, Daniela Opočenská, Narad Rampersad, Jeffrey Shallit:
    Complement avoidance in binary words
    submitted [arXiv:2209.09598 [math.CO]]
  • DI23-021
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová, Katarína Studeničová:
    Finiteness property in Cantor real numeration systems with alternate base
    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, submitted
  • DI23-020
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Veronika Hendrychová:
    String attractors of Rote sequences
    Discr. Math. Theor. Comp. Sci. 26 (2024), 3 [arXiv:2308.00850 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI23-019
    Pierre-Adrien Tahay:
    Characteristic sequences of the sets of sums of squares as columns of cellular automata
    in Proceedings of Combinatorics on Words (A.E. Frid, R. Mercas, eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13911, Springer 2023, pp. 288-300 [abs]
  • DI23-018
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Martin Mašek, Edita Pelantovová:
    On a class of 2-balanced sequence
    in Proceedings of Combinatorics on Words (A.E. Frid, R. Mercas, eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13911, Springer 2023, pp. 143-154 [abs]
  • DI23-017
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Jana Lepšová:
    Critical exponents of regular Arnoux-Rauzy sequences
    in Proceedings of Combinatorics on Words (A.E. Frid, R. Mercas, eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13911, Springer 2023, pp. 130-142 [abs]
  • DI23-016
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová, Katarína Studeničová:
    Rewriting rules for arithmetics in alternate base systems
    in Proceedings of Developments in Language Theory (M. Volkov, F. Drewes, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13899, Springer 2023, pp. 195-207 [arXiv:2302.10708 [math.DS]; abs]
  • DI23-015
    Michal Jex, Mathiew Lewin, Peter S. Madsen:
    Classical density functional theory: the local density approximation
    Rev. Math. Phys., to appear [arXiv:2310.18028 [math-ph]]
  • DI23-014
    Martin Štefaňák, Stanislav Skoupý:
    Quantum walk state transfer on a hypercube
    Phys. Scripta 98 (2023), 104003 [arXiv:2302.07581 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-013
    Diana Barseghyan, Baruch Schneider, Swanhild Bernstein:
    Magnetic Neumann Laplacian on a domain with a hole
    Rep. Math. Phys. 92 (2023), 259-278 [arXiv:2301.09181 [math.SP]]
  • DI23-012
    Diana Barseghyan, Baruch Schneider:
    Spectral convergence of the Laplace operator with Robin boundary conditions on a small hole
    Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 20 (2023), 204 [abs]
  • DI23-011
    Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner:
    Cairo lattice with time-reversal non-invariant vertex couplings
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 (2024), 265202 [mp_arc 23-85; arXiv:2312.13827 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-010
    Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Matěj Tušek:
    On two-dimensional Dirac operators with delta-shell interactions supported on unbounded curves with straight ends
    Proceedings of the "Puglia Summer Trimester 2023", submitted [mp_arc 23-86; arXiv:2312.00181 [math.SP]]
  • DI23-009
    Shivani Singh, Craig S. Hamilton, Igor Jex:
    Phase estimation in driven discrete-time quantum walks
    Phys. Rev. A108 (2023), 042607 [abs]
  • DI23-008
    Jaroslav Novotný, Jiří Maryška, Igor Jex:
    Jaynes principle for quantum Markov processes: Generalized Gibbs - von Neumann states rule
    submitted [arXiv:2307.14695 [quant-ph]]
  • DI23-007
    Pavel Exner:
    Geometrically induced spectral properties of soft quantum waveguides and layers
    Rev. Math. Phys. 36 (2024), 2360003 [abs]
  • DI23-006
    Pavel Exner, David Spitzkopf:
    Tunneling in soft waveguides: closing a book
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 (2024), 125301 [mp_arc 23-39; arXiv:2307.01536 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-005
    Pavel Exner:
    Geometry effects in quantum dot families
    Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. 9 (2024), 1065-1080 [mp_arc 23-36; arXiv:2305.12748 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-004
    Pavel Exner, Semjon Vugalter:
    Bound states in bent soft waveguides
    J. Spect. Theory 14 (2024), 427-457 [mp_arc 23-32; arXiv:2304.14776 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI23-003
    Ondřej Kubů, Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl:
    New classes of quadratically integrable systems in magnetic fields: The generalized cylindrical and spherical cases
    Ann. Phys. 451 (2023), 169264 [arXiv:2206.15305 [nlin.SI]; abs]
  • DI23-002
    Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Magnetic square lattice with vertex coupling of a preferred orientation
    Ann. Phys. 454 (2023), 169339 [mp_arc 23-4; arXiv:2302.04601 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI23-001
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Systematics of quasi-Hermitian representations of non-Hermitian quantum models
    Ann. Phys. 448 (2023), 169198 [arXiv:2212.03940 [quant-ph]; abs]

  • DI22-055
    Pavel Holeka, Filip Studnička, Damián Bušovský, Jan Štěpán, Jan Matyska, Jan Šlégr:
    Possibilities and limits of using gyroscopic sensors in the diagnosis of progression of osteoarthritis and femoroacetabular impingement syndrome
    Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery Researc 17 (2022), 254 [abs]
  • DI22-054
    Toshitaka Hayashi, Dalibor Cimr, Filip Studnička, Hamido Fujita, Damián Bušovský, Richard Cimler:
    OCSTN: One-class time-series classification approach using a signal transformation network into a goal signal
    Information Science 614 (2022), 81-86 [abs]
  • DI22-053
    Jan Šlégr, Filip Studnička, Leontýna Šlégrová, Damián Bušovský, Klára Scháňková, Petra Pořízková, Tomáš Bílek, Martin Mészaros:
    Computer aided detection of nitrogen content in plant tissues using convolutional neural network
    European Journal of Horticultural Science 87 (2022), [abs]
  • DI22-052
    Jan Loskot, Daniel Jezbera, Zuzana Zmrhalová, Martina Nalezinková, Krisztina Lelkes, Petr Voda, Rudolf Andrýs, Alena Myslivcová Fučíková, Tomas Hosszú, Aleš Berouk:
    A complex in vitro degradation study on polydioxanone biliary stents during a clinically relevant period with the focus on Raman spectroscopy validation
    Polymers 14 (2022), 938 [abs]
  • DI22-051
    Denis I. Borisov, Jan Kříž:
    Operator estimates for non-periodically perforated domains with Dirichlet and nonlinear Robin conditions: vanishing limit, Anal. Math. Phys. 13 (2023), 5 [abs]
  • DI22-050
    Somayyeh Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž, Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Relativistic solutions of generalized-Dunkl harmonic and anharmonic oscillators
    Physica Scripta 97 (2022) 125305 [arXiv:2208.10471 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-049
    Kimet Jusufi, Hassan Hassanabadi, Parisa Sedaghatnia, Jan Kříž, Wong Sang Chung, Hao Chen, Zi-Long Zhao, Zhen Wen Long:
    Thermodynamics and shadow images of charged black holes in Horava-Lifshitz gravity
    Eur. J. Phys. Plus 137 (2022), 1147 [abs]
  • DI22-048
    Mehtab Singh, Jan Kříž, M.M. Kamruzzaman, Dhasarthan Vigneswaran, Abhishek Sharma, Somia A. Abd El-Mottaleb:
    Design of a High-Speed OFDM-SAC-OCDMA-Based FSO System Using EDW Codes for Supporting 5G Data Services and Smart City Applications
    Frontiers in Physics 2022 (2022), 934848 [abs]
  • DI22-047
    Wong Sang Chung, Hassan Hassanabadi, Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Jan Kříž:
    Conformable fractional wave equation and conformable fractional KdV equation from the ordinary Newton equation with deformed translational symmetry
    Waves in Random Media to appear [abs]
  • DI22-046
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Analyticity of resolvents of elliptic operators on quantum graphs with small edges
    Advances in Mathematics 397 (2022), 108125 [arXiv:2102.12958 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI22-045
    Md Fazlul Hoque, Libor Šnobl:
    Family of nonstandard integrable and superintegrable classical Hamiltonian systems in non-vanishing magnetic fields
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 (2023), 165203 [arXiv:2212.05338 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-044
    Ondřej Kubů, Libor Šnobl:
    Cylindrical first order superintegrability with complex magnetic fields
    J. Math. Phys. 64 (2023), 062101 [arXiv:2212.04141 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-043
    Pavel Šťovíček:
    A family of orthogonal polynomials corresponding to Jacobi matrices with a trace class inverse
    J. Approx. Theory 279 (2022), 105769 [arXiv:2203.05350 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-042
    Daniel Štěrba, Jaroslav Novotný, Igor Jex:
    Asymptotic phase-locking and synchronization in two-qubit systems
    J. Phys. Commun. 7 (2023), 047003 [arXiv:2210.07320 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-041
    Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    An isoperimetric inequality for the perturbed Robin bi-Laplacian in a planar exterior domain
    J. Diff. Eqs 335 (2023), 285-313 [arXiv:2206.11537 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI22-040
    David Krejčiřík, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Tuyen Vu:
    Reverse isoperimetric inequality for the lowest Robin eigenvalue of a triangle
    Appl. Math. Optim. 33 (2023), 63 [arXiv:2204.03235 [math.OC]; abs]
  • DI22-039
    David Krejčiřík, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Quasi-conical domains with embedded eigenvalues
    Bull. London Math. Soc. 56 (2024), 2969-2981 [arXiv:2205.08172 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI22-038
    Biagio Cassano, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Self-adjointness for the MIT bag model on an unbounded cone
    Math. Nachr. 297 (2024), 1006–1041 [arXiv:2201.08192 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI22-037
    Vít Jakubský, Kevin Zelaya:
    Landau levels and snake states of pseudo-spin-1 Dirac-like electrons in gapped Lieb lattices
    J. Phys: Cond. Mat. 35 (2023), 025302 [arXiv:2207.04133 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI22-036
    Miguel Castillo-Celeita, Vít Jakubský, Kevin Zelaya:
    Form-preserving Darboux transformations for 4x4 Dirac equation
    Eur. J. Phys. Plus. 137 (2022), 389 [arXiv:2110.05816 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-035
    Miroslav Korbel, Jiří Tolar:
    Clifford group is not a semidirect product in dimensions N divisible by four
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 (2023), 275304 [arXiv:2305.13178 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-034
    Jussi Behrndt, Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Construction of self-adjoint differential operators with prescribed spectral properties
    Math. Nachr. 295 (2022), 1063-1095 [arXiv:1911.04781 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI22-033
    Goce Chadzitaskos:
    An asymmetric harmonic oscillator
    Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics 2022, Birkhauser, to appear [arXiv:2106.07325 [astro-ph]]
  • DI22-032
    Izabella Ingrid Farkas, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    From positional representation of numbers to positional representation of vectors
    Acta Polytechnica 63 (2023), 188-198 [abs]
  • DI22-031
    Jana Lepšová, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    On a faithful representation of Sturmian morphisms
    Eur. J. Comb. 110 (2023), 103707 [arXiv:2203.003735 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI22-030
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková:
    String attractors of episturmian sequences
    Theor. Comput. Sci. 986 (2024), 114341 [arXiv:2211.01660 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI22-029
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Edita Pelantová:
    An upper bound on asymptotic repetitive threshold of balanced sequences via colouring of the Fibonacci sequence
    Theoret. Comput. Sci. 995 (2024), 114490 [arXiv:2211.11877 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI22-028
    Emilie Charlier, Celia Cisternino, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Spectrum, algebraicity and normalization in alternate bases
    J. Number Theory 249 (2023), 470-499 [arXiv:2202.03718 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI22-027
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Daniela Opočenská, Edita Pelantová:
    Asymptotic repetitive threshold of balanced sequences
    Mathematics in Computation 92 (2023), 1403-1429 [arXiv:2208.00366 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI22-026
    Martin Štefaňák:
    Monitored recurrence of a one-parameter family of three-state quantum walks
    Phys. Scripta 98 (2023), 064001 [arXiv:2212.00540 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-025
    Etsuo Segawa, Shoko Koyama, Norio Konno, Martin Štefaňák:
    Survival probability of the Grover walk on the ladder graph
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 (2023), 215301 [arXiv:2205.13188 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-024
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Hybrid form of quantum theory with non-Hermitian Hamiltonians
    Phys. Lett. A457 (2023), 128556 [arXiv:2211.10633 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-023
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Interference of non-Hermiticity with Hermiticity at exceptional points
    Mathematics 10 (2022), 3721 [arXiv:2208.14257 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-022
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Factorized Hilbert-space metrics and non-commutative quasi-Hermitian observables
    EPL 139 (2022), 32001 [arXiv:2206.13576 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-021
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Wheeler-DeWitt equation and the applicability of crypto-Hermitian interaction representation in quantum cosmology
    Universe 8 (2022), 385 [arXiv:2207.08508 [gr-qc]; abs]
  • DI22-020
    Miloslav Znojil, Denis I. Borisov:
    Arnold's potentials and quantum catastrophes II
    Ann. Phys. 442 (2022), 168896 [arXiv:2101.02015 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-019
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Feasibility and method of multi-step Hermitization of crypto-Hermitian quantum Hamiltonians
    Eur. J. Phys. Plus 137 (2022), 335 [arXiv:2203.02674 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-018
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Confluences of exceptional points and a systematic classification of quantum catastrophes
    Scientific Reports 12 (2022), 3355 [arXiv:2202.02554 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-017
    Joshua Feinberg, Miloslav Znojil:
    Which metrics are consistent with a given pseudo-hermitian matrix?
    J. Math. Phys. 63 (2022), 013505 [arXiv:2111.04216 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-016
    Jussi Behrndt, Markus Holzmann, Matěj Tušek:
    Two-dimensional Dirac operators with general delta-shell interactions supported on a straight line
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 (2023), 045201 [arXiv:2208.12761 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-015
    Lukáš Heriban, Matěj Tušek:
    Non-self-adjoint relativistic point interaction in one dimension
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 516 (2022), 126535 [arXiv:2205.05005 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-014
    Jussi Behrndt, Markus Holzmann, Matěj Tušek:
    Spectral transition for Dirac operators with electrostatic delta-shell potentials supported on the straight line
    Int. Eqs Oper. Theory 94 (2022), 33 [arXiv:2107.01156 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI22-013
    Michal Jex, Mathiew Lewin, Peter S. Madsen:
    Classical density functional theory: representability and universal bounds
    J. Stat. Phys. 190 (2023), 73 [arXiv:2210.07785 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-012
    Dirk Hundertmark, Michal Jex, Markus Lange:
    Quantum systems at the brink
    in Quantum Mathematics I (M.Correggi, M.Falconi, eds.), Springer INdAM Series, vol.57, Springer 2023; p. 259-263 [arXiv:2210.16356 [math-ph]]
  • DI22-011
    Dirk Hundertmark, Michal Jex, Markus Lange:
    Quantum systems at the brink: existence of bound states, critical potentials and dimensionality
    Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 11 (2023), E61 [arXiv:2107.14128 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-010
    Pavel Exner, Sylwia Kondej, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Bound states of weakly deformed soft waveguides
    Asympt. Anal. 138 (2024), 151–174
    [mp_arc 222-3; arXiv:2211.0198 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI22-009
    Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner:
    Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacian on spiral-shaped regions J. Spect. Theory 13 (2023), 247-261
    [mp_arc 22-32; arXiv:2206.14058 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI22-008
    Pavel Exner:
    Magnetic transport in laterally coupled layers
    Physica Scripta 97 (2022), 104004 [mp_arc 22-33; arXiv:2207.01252 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI22-007
    Jan Mareš, Jaroslav Novotný, Martin Štefaňák, Igor Jex:
    Key graph properties affecting transport efficiency of flip-flop Grover percolated quantum walks
    Phys. Rev. A105 (2022), 062417 [arXiv:2202.09582 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-006
    Antonín Hoskovec, Igor Jex:
    Dynamical decoupling and NNN discrete quantum networks
    International Journal of Quantum Information 20 (2022), 2250009 [abs]
  • DI22-005
    Pavel Exner, Shu Nakamura, Yukihide Tadano:
    Continuum limit of the lattice quantum graph Hamiltonian
    Lett. Math. Phys. 112 (2022), 83 (15pp) [mp_arc 22-9; arXiv:2202.06586 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-004
    Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl:
    Pairs of commuting quadratic elements in the universal enveloping algebra of Euclidean algebra and integrals of motion
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 (2022), 145203 [abs]
  • DI22-003
    Emily Blasten, Pavel Exner, Hiroshi Isozaki, Matti Lassas, Jinpeng Lu:
    Inverse problems for locally perturbed lattices - Discrete Hamiltonian and quantum graph
    Annales Henri Lebesgue to appear [mp_arc 22-8; arXiv:2202.00944 [math-ph]]
  • DI22-002
    Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Magnetic ring chains with vertex coupling of a preferred orientation
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 (2022), 375203 [mp_arc 22-1; arXiv:2201.01502 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI22-001
    Vít Jakubský, Kevin Zelaya:
    Coupled system of Dirac fermions with different Fermi velocities via composites of SUSY operators
    Phys. Lett. A435 (2022), 128053 [arXiv:2112.12449 [quant-ph]; abs]

  • DI21-063
    Daniel Jezbera, Jan Loskot, Dominik Miškář, Miroslava Pleska, Richard Thér:
    Analysis of archaeological ceramics by the methods of scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy
    Chemické listy 115 (2021), 320-324
  • DI21-062
    Jan Loskot, Daniel Jezbera, Aleš Berouk, Rafael Doležal, Rudolf Andrýs, Vendula Francová, Dominik Miškář, Alena Myslivcová Fučíková:
    Raman spectroscopy as a novel method for the characterization of polydioxanone medical stents biodegradation
    Materials 14 (2021), 5462 [abs]
  • DI21-061
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Stanislav Kruml, David Ryzák:
    Antipalindromic numbers
    Acta Polytechnica 61 (2021), 428-434 [text]
  • DI21-060
    Diana Barseghyan, Baruch Schneider, Ly Hong Hai:
    Neumann Laplacian in a perturbed domain
    Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 19 (2022), 126 [abs]
  • DI21-059
    Andrii Khrabustovskyi, Michael Plum:
    Operator estimates for homogenization of the Robin Laplacian in a perforated domain
    J. Diff. Eqs 338 (2022), 474-517 [arXiv:2106.10216 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI21-058
    Jussi Behrndt, Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Singular Schr dinger operators with prescribed spectral properties
    J. Funct. Anal. 282 (2022), 109252 [arXiv:2106.07184 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI21-057
    Andrii Khrabustovskyi, Olaf Post:
    A geometric approximation of delta-interactions by Neumann Laplacians
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 (2021), 465201 [arXiv:2104.10463 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI21-056
    Fatima Z. Goffi, Andrii Khrabustovskyi, Ramakrishna Venkitakrishnan, Carsten Rockstuhl, Michael Plum:
    Higher order constitutive relations and interface conditions for metamaterials with strong spatial dispersion
    Phys. Lett. A412 (2021), 127570 [abs]
  • DI21-055
    Andrii Khrabustovskyi, Imen Rassas, Eric Soccorsi:
    The inverse problem of two-state quantum systems with non-adiabatic static linear coupling
    Comm. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021), 2050002 [arXiv:1811.07302 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI21-054
    Dalibor Cimr, Filip Studnička, Hamido Fujita, Richard Cimler, Jan Šlégr:
    Application of mechanical trigger for unobtrusive detection of respiratory disorders from body recoil micro-movements
    Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 207 (2021), 106149 [abs]
  • DI21-053
    Dalibor Cimr, Filip Studnička, Hamido Fujita, Hana Tomášková, Richard Cimler, Jitka Kühnová, Jan Šlégr:
    Computer aided detection of breathing disorder from ballistocardiography signal using convolutional neural network
    Information Sciences 541 (2020), 207-217 [abs]
  • DI21-052
    Arnošt Mládek, Václav Gerla, Petr Šeba, Vladimír Kolář, Petr Skalický, Helen Whitley, Lenka Lhotská, Vladimír Beneš, Ondřej Bradáč:
    From head micro-motions towards CSF dynamics and non-invasive intracranial pressure monitoring
    Scientific Reports 11 (2021), 14349 [abs]
  • DI21-051
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Spectra of elliptic operators on quantum graphs with small edges
    Mathematics 9 (2021), 1874 [abs]
  • DI21-050
    Denis I. Borisov, A.I. Mukhametrakhimova:
    Uniform convergence and asymptotics for problems in domains finely perforated along a prescribed manifold in the case of the homogenized Dirichlet condition
    Sbornik Math. 212 (2021), 1068-1121 [abs]
  • DI21-049
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Quantum graphs with small edges: holomorphy of resolvents
    Doklady Math. 103 (2021), 113-117 [abs]
  • DI21-048
    Denis I. Borisov, Giuseppe Cardone, Gregory A. Chechkin, Yulia O. Koroleva:
    On elliptic operators with Steklov condition perturbed by Dirichlet condition on a small part of boundary
    Calc. Var. PDE 60 (2021), 48 [abs]
  • DI21-047
    Denis I. Borisov, Maral N. Konyrkulzhaeva:
    On infinite system of resonances and eigenvalues with exponential asymptotics generated by distant perturbations
    Ufa Math. J. 12 (2020), 3-18 [abs]
  • DI21-046
    Mansoureh Hosseinpour, Hassan Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž, Somayyeh Hassanabadi, Bekir Can Lütfünoglu:
    Interaction of the generalized Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation with a non-minimal coupling under the cosmic rainbow gravity
    Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 18 (2021), 2150224 [arXiv:2108.12832 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-045
    Somayyeh Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž, Won Sang Chung, Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Ehsan Masgoodi, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Thermodynamics of the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom black holes under higher-order generalized uncertainty principle
    Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136 (2021), 918 [arXiv:2110.01363 [gr-qc]; abs]
  • DI21-044
    Somayyeh Hassanabadi, Soroush Zare, Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Jan Kříž, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau particles in the presence of the spiral dislocation
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A36 (2021), 2150100 [arXiv:2106.05791 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI21-043
    Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Jan Kříž, Soroush Zare, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Interaction of the magnetic quadrupole moment of a non-relativistic particle with an electric field in the background of screw dislocations with a rotating frame
    Physica Scripta 96 (2021), 015005 [arXiv:2106.04667 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-042
    Hassan Hassanabadi, Soroush Zare, Jan Kříž, Bekir Can Lütfünoglu:
    Electric quadrupole moment of a neutral non-relativistic particle in the presence of screw dislocation
    EPL 132 (2020), 60005 [arXiv:2103.01163 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-041
    František Růžička, Kaustubh S. Agarwal, Yogesh N. Joglekar:
    Conserved quantities, exceptional points, and antilinear symmetries in non-Hermitian systems
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2038 (2021), 012021 [arXiv:2104.11265 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-040
    Iveta Semorádová, Petr Siegl:
    Diverging eigenvalues in domain truncations of Schr dinger operators with complex potentials
    SIAM J. Math. Anal. 54 (2022), 5064-5101 [arXiv:2107.10557 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI21-039
    Kyle Scarbrough:
    Canonical systems and quantum graphs
    submitted [arXiv:2112.09558 [math.SP]]
  • DI21-038
    Goce Chadzitaskos:
    On the influence of rings on orbital velocities
    submitted [arXiv:2106.07325 [astro-ph]]
  • DI21-037
    Vladimír Ježek, Jiří Lipovský:
    Application of quotient graph theory to three-edge star graphs
    Acta Phys. Polonica A 140 (2021) 514-524 [mp_arc 21-44; arXiv:2108.05253 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-036
    Michal Ławniczak, Jiří Lipovský, Małgorzata Białous, Leszek Sirko:
    Application of topological resonances in experimental investigation of a Fermi golden rule in microwave networks
    Phys. Rev. E103 (2021), 032208 [arXiv: 2108.05584 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-035
    František Štampach, Pavel Šťovíček:
    New explicitly diagonalizable Hankel matrices related to the Stieltjes-Carlitz polynomials
    Integr. Eqs Oper. Theory 93 (2021), 29 [arXiv:1911.08218 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI21-034
    Ondřej Kubů, Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl:
    Superintegrability of separable systems with magnetic field: the cylindrical case
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 (2021), 425204 [abs]
  • DI21-033
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Daniela Opočenská, Edita Pelantová, Arseny M. Shur:
    On minimal critical exponent of balanced sequences
    Theoret. Comput. Sci. 922 (2022), 158-169 [arXiv:2112.02854 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI21-032
    Francesco Dolce, Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Edita Pelantová:
    On balanced sequences and their critical exponent
    Theoret. Comput. Sci. 939 (2023), 18-47 [arXiv:2103.02599 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI21-031
    Edita Pelantová, Tomáš Vávra:
    On positional representation of integer vectors
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 633 (2021), 316-331 [arXiv:2103.02599 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI21-030
    Zuzana Masáková, Elise Vandomme:
    Redundance in the signed m-bonacci numeration system, Journal of Integer Sequences 24 (2021), 21.7.2 [abs]
  • DI21-029
    Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann:
    Dirac operator spectrum in tubes and layers with a zigzag type boundary
    Lett. Math. Phys.112 (2022), 102 [mp_arc 21-60; arXiv:2112.08109 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI21-028
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Spectral transition model with the general contact interaction
    From Complex Analysis to Operator Theory: A Panorama. In Memory of Sergey Naboko (M. Brown, F. Gesztesy, P. Kurasov, A. Laptev, B. Simon, G. Stolz, and I. Wood, eds.), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol.291, Birh user 2023; pp.523-547. [mp_arc 22-34; arXiv:2207.03713 [math-ph]]
  • DI21-027
    Jaroslav Dittrich:
    Measurement of a quantum particle position at two distant locations
    Acta Polytechnica 62 (2022), 445-450 [abs]
  • DI21-026
    Dale Frymark, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Self-adjointness of the 2D Dirac operator with singular interactions supported on star-graphs
    Ann. H. Poincare 23 (2023), 179-221 [arXiv:2111.09617 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI21-025
    Ayman Kachmar, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    On the isoperimetric inequality for the magnetic Robin Laplacian with negative boundary parameter
    J. Geom. Anal. 32 (2022), 182 [arXiv:2108.05256 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI21-024
    Jussi Behrndt, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Peter Schlosser:
    Schr dinger operators with delta-potentials supported on unbounded Lipschitz hypersurfaces
    From Complex Analysis to Operator Theory: A Panorama. In Memory of Sergey Naboko (M. Brown, F. Gesztesy, P. Kurasov, A. Laptev, B. Simon, G. Stolz, and I. Wood, eds.), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol.291, Birh user 2023; pp. 123-150 [arXiv:2105.05579 [math.SP]]
  • DI21-023
    Jussi Behrndt, Markus Holzmann, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Georgi Raikov:
    The fate of Landau levels under delta-interactions
    J. Spect. Theory 12 (2022), 1203-1234 [arXiv:2109.07233 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI21-022
    Biagio Cassano, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Albert Mas, Matěj Tušek:
    General delta-shell interactions for the two-dimensional Dirac operator: self-adjointness and approximation
    Rev. Math. Iberoam. 39 (2023), 1443-1492 [arXiv:2102.09988 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI21-021
    Vít Jakubský, Sengul Kuru, Javier Negro:
    Dirac fermions in armchair graphene nanoribbons trapped by electric quantum dots
    Phys. Rev. B105 (2022), 165404 [arXiv:2111.10829 [cond-mat]; abs]
  • DI21-020
    Miguel Castillo-Celeita, Vít Jakubský, Kevin Zelaya:
    Confinement in bilayer graphene via intra- and inter-layer interactions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 (2022), 035202 [arXiv:2108.07221 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI21-019
    Miguel Castillo-Celeita, Vít Jakubský:
    Reduction scheme for coupled Dirac systems
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 (2021), 455301 [arXiv:2104.10582 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-018
    Daniel Uzcátegui Contreras, Dardo Goyeneche, Ondřej Turek, Zuzana Václavíková:
    Circulant matrices with orthogonal rows and off-diagonal entries of absolute value 1
    Communications in Mathematics 29 (2021), 15-34 [abs; text]
  • DI21-017
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum mechanics using two auxiliary inner products
    Phys. Lett. A421 (2021), 127792 [arXiv:2110.12155 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-016
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Bose-Einstein condensation processes with nontrivial geometric multiplicites realized via PT-symmetric and exactly solvable linear-Bose-Hubbard building blocks
    Quantum Reports 3 (2021), 517-533 [arXiv:2108.07110 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-015
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Avoided level crossings in quasi-exact approach
    Nucl. Phys. B967 (2021), 115431 [arXiv:2104.12144 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-014
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Exceptional points and domains of unitarity for a class of strongly non-Hermitian real-matrix Hamiltonians
    J. Math. Phys. 62 (2021), 052103 [arXiv:2104.11016 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-013
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Paths of unitary access to exceptional points
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2038 (2021), 012026 [arXiv:2101.10414 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-012
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum phase transitions mediated by clustered non-Hermitian degeneracies
    Phys. Rev. E103 (2021), 032120 [arXiv:2102.12272 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-011
    Denis I. Borisov, Dimitry A. Zezyulin, Miloslav Znojil:
    Bifurcations of thresholds in essential spectra of elliptic operators under localized non-Hermitian perturbations
    Studies in Applied Mathematics 146 (2021), 834-880 [arXiv:2007.02258 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI121-010
    Norio Konno, Etsuo Segawa, Martin Štefaňák:
    Relation between quantum walks with tails and quantum walks with sinks on finite graphs
    Symmetry 13 (2021), 1169 [arXiv:2105.03111 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-009
    Stanislav Skoupý, Martin Štefaňák:
    Quantum-walk-based state-transfer algorithms on the complete M-partite graph
    Phys. Rev. A103 (2021), 042222 [abs]
  • DI21-008
    Atilla Portik, Orsolya Kálmán, Igor Jex, Tamás Kiss:
    Iterated nth order nonlinear quantum dynamics with mixed initial states
    Phys. Lett. A431 (2022), 127999 [abs]
  • DI21-007
    Craig S. Hamilton, Regina Kruse, Sonja Barkhofen, Stephen M. Barnett, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Quantum state creation in nonlinear waveguide arrays
    Phys. Rev. A105 (2022), 042622 [abs]
  • DI21-006
    Boris Shapiro, Miloš Tater:
    On spectral asymptotic of quasi-exactly solvable quartic potential
    Analysis and Mathematical Physics 12 (2022), 2 [abs]
  • DI21-005
    Pavel Exner:
    Soft quantum waveguides in three dimensions
    J. Math. Phys. 63 (2022), 042103 [mp_arc 21-47; arXiv:13142 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI21-004
    Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Photons walk on fractal graphs
    Nature Photonics 25 (2021), 641-642 [abs]
  • DI21-003
    Pavel Exner, Miloš Tater:
    Quantum graphs: self-adjoint, and yet exhibiting a nontrivial PT-symmetry
    Phys. Lett. A416 (2021), 127669 [mp_arc 21-43; arXiv:2108.04708 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-002
    Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner:
    Kagome network with vertex coupling of a preferred orientation
    J. Math. Phys. 63 (2022), 083502 [mp_arc 21-34; arXiv:2106.16019 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI21-001
    Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner, Miloš Tater:
    Spectrum of periodic chain graphs with time-reversal non-invariant vertex coupling
    Ann. Phys. 443 (2022), 168992 [mp_arc 20-109; arXiv:2012.14344 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI20-074
    Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Periodic quantum graphs with predefined spectral gaps
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 (2020), 405202 [arXiv:2005.11360 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI20-073
    Fatima Goffi, Karim Mnasri, Michael Plum, Carsten Rockstuhl, Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Towards more general constitutive relations for metamaterials: A checklist for consistent formulations
    Phys. Rev. B101 (2020), 195411 [abs]
  • DI20-072
    Dalibor Cimr, Filip Studnička:
    Automatic detection of breathing disorder from ballistocardiography signals
    Knowledge-Based Systems 188 (2020), 104973 [abs]
  • DI20-071
    Kishore Kumar Devarepally, Jan Kříž, N. Bennet, Baixin Chen, H. Upadhayaya, Karkala Ragava Reddy, Verra Sadhu:
    Functionalized metal oxide nanoparticles for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs): A review
    Materials Science for Energy Technologies 3 (2020), 472-481 [abs]
  • DI20-070
    Won Sang Chung, Hassan Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž:
    Newton equation and Schrodinger equation for the harmonic oscillator with probability distributions in frequency
    Physica A558 (2020), 124967 [abs]
  • DI20-069
    Won Sang Chung, Soroush Zare, Hassan Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž, Ehsan Masgoodi:
    The investigation of a classical particle in the presence of fractional calculus
    Revista Mexicana de Fisica 66 (2020), 840-847 [abs]
  • DI20-068
    P.V. Pyshkin, Aurél Gábris, Da-Wei Luo, Jian-Qiang You, Lian-Ao Wu:
    Tunable trade-off between quantum and classical computation via non-unitary Zeno-like dynamics
    Phys. Rev. Applied 18 (2022), 044060 [arXiv:2011.10901 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-067
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Francesco Dolce, Edita Pelantová:
    On balanced sequences and their asymptotic critical exponent
    in Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 15th International Conference (LATA 2021) , Milan 2022; pp. 293-304 [abs]
  • DI20-066
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Kateřina Medková, Edita Pelantová:
    Complementary symmetric Rote sequences: the critical exponent and the recurrence function
    Discr. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 22 (2020), 20 [arXiv:2003.06916 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI20-065
    Olga Parshina, Mickayl Postic:
    Open and closed complexity of infinite words
    submitted [arXiv:2005.06254 [math.CO]]
  • DI20-064
    Alonso Contreras-Astorga, Francisco Correa, Vít Jakubský:
    Super-Klein tunneling of Dirac fermions through electrostatic gratings in graphene
    Phys. Rev. B102 (2020), 115429 [arXiv:2006.08207 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI20-063
    Alonso Contreras-Astorga, Vít Jakubský:
    Multimode two-dimensional PT-symmetric waveguides
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1540 (2020), 012018 [abs]
  • DI20-062
    Denis Borisov, Oskar Sultanov:
    Asymptotic analysis of mean exit time for dynamical systems with asingle well potential
    J. Diff. Eqs 269 (2020), 78-116 [abs]
  • DI20-061
    Denis I. Borisov, Oskar A. Sultanov:
    Complete asymptotics for solution of singularly perturbed dynamical systems with single well potential
    Mathematics 8 (2020), 949 [abs]
  • DI20-060
    Denis I. Borisov, Giuseppe Cardone:
    Spectra of operator pencils with small PT-symmetric periodic perturbation
    ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 26 (2020), 21 [abs]
  • DI20-059
    Denis I. Borisov, Dmitry A. Zezyulin:
    Sequences of closely spaced resonances and eigenvalues for bipartite complex potentials
    Appl. Math. Lett. 100 (2020), 106049 [arXiv:1908.06384 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI20-058
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Perturbations of the continuous spectrum of a certain nonlinear two-dimensional operator sheaf
    J. Math. Sci. 252 (2021), 135-146 [abs]
  • DI20-057
    Denis I. Borisov, A.I. Mukhametrakhimova:
    On a model graph with a loop and small edges. Holomorphy property of resolvent
    J. Math. Sci. 251 (2020), 573-601 [abs]
  • DI20-056
    Denis I. Borisov, Anastasia M. Golovina, A.I. Mukhametrakhimova:
    Analytic continuation of resolvents of elliptic operators in a multidimensional cylinder
    J. Math. Sci. 250 (2020), 260-284 [abs]
  • DI20-055
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Elliptic operators in multidimensional cylinders with frequently alternating boundary conditions along a given curve
    J. Math. Sci. 244 (2020), 378-389 [abs]
  • DI20-054
    Denis I. Borisov, Anastasia M. Golovina:
    On finitely many resonances emerging under distant perturbations in multi-dimensional cylinders
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 496 (2021), 124809 [arXiv:2008.07289 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI20-053
    Houcine Aounallah, Bekir Can Lüftüoglu, Jan Kříž, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    Thermal properties of a two-dimensional Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator under an external magnetic field in the presence of a minimal length
    Mod. Phys. Lett. 35 (2020), 2050278 [arXiv:1909.06187 [physics.gen-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-052
    Bekir Can Luftuoglu, Parisa Sedaghatnia, Jan Kříž, Hassan Hassanabadi:
    The generalized Klein-Gordon oscillator in a cosmic space-time with a space-like dislocation and the Aharonov-Bohm effect
    European Physical Journal Plus 135 (2020), 691 [arXiv:2011.02056 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-051
    Nasrin Farahani, Hassan Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž, Won Sang Chung, Saber Zarrinkamar:
    DSR-GUP black hole based on COW experiment and Einstein-Bohr's photon box
    European Physical Journal C 80 (2020), 696 [abs]
  • DI20-050
    Sylwia Kondej, David Krejčiřík, Jan Kříž:
    Soft quantum waveguides with an explicit cut-locus
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 (2021), 30LT01 [arXiv:2007.10946 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-049
    Won Sang Chung, Hassan Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž:
    Even and odd coherent states of Wigner algebra
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 59 (2020), 2924-2938 [abs]
  • DI20-048
    Sara Rahmani, Hassan Hassanabadi, Jan Kříž:
    Nonleptonic and semileptonic Lambda(b)->Lambda(c) transitions in a potential quark model
    European Physical Journal C 80 (2020), 636 [abs]
  • DI20-047
    Pawel Swislowski, Jan Kříž, Malgorzata Rajfur:
    The use of bark in biomonitoringheavy metal pollution of forest areas on the example of selected areas in Poland
    Ecological Chemistry and Engineering 27 (2020), 195-210 [abs]
  • DI20-046
    Slawomir Wierzba, Agnieszka Dolhanczuk-Srodka, Jan Kříž:
    Optimization of the sorption process of copper cations from aqueous solution by pine bark (Pinus sylvestris)
    Desalination and Water Treatment 186 (2020), 258-266 [abs]
  • DI20-045
    D. Kishore Kumara, Jan Loskot, Jan Kříž, Nick Bennett, Hari M. Upadhyaya, Veera Sadhu, Ch. Venkata Reddy, Kakarla Raghava Reddy:
    Synthesis of SnSe quantum dots by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method for efficient solar cells applications
    Solar Energy 199 (2020), 570-574 [abs]
  • DI20-044
    Maryna Nesterenko, Severín Pošta:
    Contractions of realizations
    in "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics" (V. Dobrev, ed.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 335, Singapore 2020; pp. 447-453.
  • DI20-043
    Goce Chazitaskos, Miloslav Havlíček, Jiří Patera:
    Orthonormal bases on L^2(R+)
    J. Adv. Math. Comp. Sci. 38 (2023), 95-102 [arXiv:2004.00106 [math.FA]; abs]
  • DI20-042
    Adrian Ortega, Thomas Gorin, Craig S. Hamilton:
    Quantum transport in a combined kicked rotor and quantum walk system
    Phys. Lett. A395, 127224 [arXiv:2011.11813 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-041
    Kateřina Medková, Edita Pelantová, Elise Vandomme:
    On non-repetitive complexity of Arnoux-Rauzy words
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 285 (2020), 485-472 [arXiv:2002.12593 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI20-040
    Clément Lagisquet, Edita Pelantová, Sébastien Tavenas, Laurent Vuillon:
    On the Markov numbers: fixed numerator, denominator, and sum conjectures
    Adv. Appl. Math. 130 (2021), 102227 [arXiv:2010.10335 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI20-039
    Petr Ambrož, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Lattice bounded distance equivalence for 1D Delone sets with finite local complexity
    Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 59 (2021), 1-29 [arXiv:2010.03884 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI20-038
    Francesco Dolce, Edita Pelantová:
    On morphisms preserving palindromic richness
    Fundamenta Informaticae 185 (2022), 1-25 [arXiv:2006.12207 [cd.FL]; abs]
  • DI20-037
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Three-Hilbert-space formulation of quantum theory: unitary evolution via non-Hermitian Hamiltonians
    in "Topics in Mathematical Physics, Quantum Physics and Path Integrals" (A. Bounames, A. Makhlouf, eds.), ISTE-Wiley Editions, 2021; pp. 79-126.
  • DI20-036
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Non-Hermitian N-state degeneracies: unitary realizations via antisymmetric anharmonicities
    [arXiv:2010.15014 [quant-ph]]
  • DI20-035
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum phase transitions in nonhermitian harmonic oscillator
    Scientific Reports 10 (2020), 18523 [arXiv:2008.04012 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-034
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Unitary unfoldings of Bose-Hubbard exceptional point with and without particle number conservation
    Proc. Roy. Soc. A476 (2020), 20200292 [arXiv:2008.12844 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-033
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Perturbation theory near degenerate exceptional points
    Symmetry 12 (2020), 1309 [arXiv:2008.00479 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-032
    Miloslav Znojil, Denis I. Borisov:
    Anomalous mechanisms of the loss of observability in non-Hermitian quantum models
    Nuclear Physics B957 (2020), 115064 [arXiv:2005.13069 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-031
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Relocalization switch in a triple quantum dot molecule in 2D
    Modern Physics Letters B34 (2020), 2050378 [arXiv:2005.06934 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI20-030
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Supersymmetry and exceptional points
    Symmetry 12 (2020), 892 [arXiv:2005.04508 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI20-029
    Raymond F. Bishop, Miloslav Znojil:
    Non-Hermitian coupled cluster method for non-stationary systems and its interaction-picture reinterpretation
    Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135 (2020), 374 [arXiv:1908.03780 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-028
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Polynomial potentials and coupled quantum dots in two and three dimensions Annals of Physics 416 (2020), 168161
    [arXiv:2003.06501 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-027
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Passage through exceptional point: case study
    Proc. Roy. Soc. A476 (2020), 20190831 [arXiv:2003.05876 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-026
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Using five-Hilbert-space reformulation of unitary Quantum Mechanics
    Entropy 22 (2020), 000080 [arXiv:1908.03017 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-025
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Arnold's potentials and quantum catastrophes
    Annals of Physics 413 (2020), 168050 [arXiv:1912.06223 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-024
    Monique Dauge, Michal Jex, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Trace Hardy inequality for the Euclidean space with a cut and its applications
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 500 (2021), 125124 [arXiv:2011.14712 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI20-023
    Vladimir Lotoreichik, Alessandro Michelangeli:
    Faber-Krahn inequalities for Schr dinger operators with point and with Coulomb interactions
    J. Math. Phys. 62 (2021), 012105 [arXiv:2005.07561 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI20-022
    Pedro R.S. Antunes, Rafael D. Benguria, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Thomas Ourmieres-Bonafos:
    A variational formulation for Dirac operators in bounded domains. Applications to spectral geometric inequalities
    Commun. Math. Phys. 386 (2021), 781 818 [arXiv:2003.04061 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI20-021
    David Krejčiřík, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Konstantin Pankrashkin, Matěj Tušek:
    Spectral analysis of the multi-dimensional diffusion operator with random jumps from the boundary
    Journal of Evolution Equations 21 (2021), 1651-1675 [arXiv:2006.14392 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI20-020
    Dale Frymark, Constanze Liaw:
    Perspectives on general left-definite theory
    Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, to appear [arXiv:2012.01014 [math.SP]]
  • DI20-019
    Michael Bush, Dale Frymark, Constanze Liaw:
    Singular boundary conditions of Sturm-Liouville operators via perturbation theory
    Canadian J. Math. 75 (2023), 1110-1146 [arXiv:2011.03388 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI20-018
    Tomáš Kalvoda, František Štampach:
    New family of symmetric orthogonal polynomials and a solvable model of a kinetic spin chain
    J. Math. Phys. 61 (2020), 103305 [arXiv:2004.08679 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-017
    Matěj Tušek:
    Approximation of one-dimensional relativistic point interactions by regular potentials revised
    Lett. Math. Phys. 110 (2020), 2585-2601 [arXiv:1904.01061 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-016
    Pedro Freitas, Jiří Lipovský:
    The determinant of one-dimensional polyharmonic operators of arbitrary order
    J. Funct. Anal. 279 (2020), 108783 [arXiv:2001.04703 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-015
    Juan Bory Reyes, Diana Barseghyan, Baruch Schneider:
    Dirichlet-type problems for certain Beltrami equations
    Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 18 (2021), 1-15 [abs]
  • DI20-014
    Sébastien Bertrand, Ondřej Kubů and Libor Šnobl:
    On superintegrability of 3D axially-symmetric non-subgroup-type systems with magnetic fields
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 (2021), 015201 [arXiv:2008.01987 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-013
    Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Optimization of the lowest eigenvalue of a soft quantum ring
    Lett. Math. Phys. 111 (2021), 28 [mp_arc 20-2; arXiv:2011.02257 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-012
    Pavel Exner, Takashi Ichinose:
    Note on a product formula related to quantum Zeno dynamics
    Ann. H. Poincaré 22 (2021), 1669-1697; correction 1699-1700 [mp_arc 20-110; arXiv:2012.15061 [math-ph]; abs, corr]
  • DI20-011
    Jaroslav Novotný, Angelo Mariano, Saverio Pascazio, Antonello Scardicchio, Igor Jex:
    Relaxation to equilibrium in a quantum network
    Phys. Rev. A103 (2021), 042218 [arXiv:2009.13657 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-010
    Pavel Exner, Miloš Tater:
    Spectral properties of spiral-shaped quantum waveguides
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 (2020), 505303 [mp_arc 20-80; arXiv:2009.02730 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-009
    Denis I. Borisov, Pavel Exner:
    Approximation of point interactions by geometric perturbations in two-dimensional domains
    Bull. Math.Sci. (2022), 2250003 [mp_arc 20-68; arXiv:2008.00478 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-008
    Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner:
    Magnetic field influence on the discrete spectrum of locally deformed leaky wires
    Rep. Math. Phys. 88 (2021), 47-57 [mp_arc 20-46; arXiv:2006.03877 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI20-007
    Thomas Nitsche, Syamsundar De, Sonja Barkhofen, Evan Meyer-Scott, Johannes Tiedau, Jan Sperling, Aurél Gábris, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Local versus global two-photon interference in quantum networks
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 213 (2020), 213604 [arXiv:2005.07219 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-006
    Pavel Exner:
    Spectral properties of soft quantum waveguides
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 (2020), 355302; corrigendum 54 (2021), 099501 [mp_arc 20-48; arXiv:200615071 [math.SP]; abs; corr]
  • DI20-005
    Pavel Exner:
    Quantum graphs with vertices violating the time reversal symmetry (in Russian)
    Phys. Elem. Part. Atom. Nucl. 52 (2021), 645-657; English version 52 (2021), 330-336
  • DI20-004
    Bálint Kollár, András Gilyén, Iva Tkáčová, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex, Martin Štefaňák:
    Complete classification of trapping coins for quantum walks on the 2D square lattice
    Phys. Rev. A102 (2020), 012207 [arXiv:2002.08070 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-003
    Pavel Exner:
    Leaky quantum structures
    Trudy MIAN 311 (2020), 123-139; Proc. Steklov Inst. 311 (2020), 114-128 [abs-russ; abs-eng]
  • DI20-002
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Topological bulk-edge effects in quantum graph transport
    Phys. Lett. A384 (2020), 126390 [mp_arc 20-5; arXiv:2001.10735 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI20-001
    Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Spectral optimization for Robin Laplacian on domains admitting parallel coordinates
    Mathematische Nachrichten 295 (2022), 1163-1173 [mp_arc 20-2; arXiv:2001.02718 [math.SP]; abs]

  • DI19-058
    Jan Hlubík, Lenka Vysloužilová, Lenka Lhotská, Olga Štěpánková, Jan Kříž:
    Bioimpedance, Total Body Water and Phase Angle of Preschool Czech Children
    IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 76, Medicon 2019; pp. 761-767.
  • DI19-057
    Denis I. Borisov, Maral N. Konyrkulzhaeva:
    Spectrum of the Schr dinger operator on the simplest graph with a small edge
    J. Math. Sci. 239 (2019), 518-548 [abs]
  • DI19-056
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Estimates of initial scales for layers with small random negative-definite perturbations
    J. Math. Sci. 241 (2019), 518-548 [abs]
  • DI19-055
    Denis I. Borisov, Dmitry A. Zezyulin:
    Spacing gain and absorption in a simple PT-symmetric model: Spectral singularities and ladders of eigenvalues and resonances
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019), 445202 [arXiv:1908.06383 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-054
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Gaps in the spectrum of the Laplacian in a strip with periodic delta interaction
    Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 305 (2019), S16-S23 [abs]
  • DI19-053
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Bethe-Sommerfeld conjecture for periodic Schr dinger operators in strip
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 479 (2019), 260-282 [abs]
  • DI19-052
    Leontýna Břízová, Jan Kříž, Filip Studnička, Jan Šlégr:
    Methods for the evaluation of the stochastic properties of the ionosphere for earthquake prediction--random matrix theory
    Atmosphere 10 (2019), 413 [abs]
  • DI19-051
    Petr Ambrož, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Morphisms generating antipalindromic words
    Eur. J. Combin. 89 (2020), 103160 [arXiv:1906.06174 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI19-050
    Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    On Sturmian substitutions closed under derivation
    Theoretical Computer Science 867 (2021), 128-139 [arXiv:1908.11095 [math.DS]; abs]
  • DI19-049
    Zuzana Masáková, Tomáš Vávra, Francesco Veneziano:
    Finiteness and periodicity of continued fractions over quadratic number fields
    Bull. Soc. Math. France 150 (2022), 77-109 [arXiv:1911.07670 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI19-048
    Zuzana Masáková, Jan Mazáč, Edita Pelantová:
    On generalized self-similarities of cut-and-project sets
    Linear Algebra and Applications 625 (2021), 279-321 [arXiv:1909.10753 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-047
    Petr Ambrož, Zuzana Masáková:
    Description of Voronoi tiles in quasicrystals with 8-fold symmetry
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1458 (2020), 012007 [abs]
  • DI19-046
    Zuzana Masáková, Jan Mazáč:
    Pentagonal quasicrystals and their linear self-similarities
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1458 (2020), 012010. [abs]
  • DI19-045
    Josef Rukavička:
    Rich words containing two given factor
    in "Combinatorics on Words (WORDS 2019)" (R. Mercas, D. Reitenbach, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11682, Springer, Cham 2019; pp. 286-298. [abs]
  • DI19-044
    Kateřina Medková:
    Derived sequences of Arnoux Rauzy sequences
    in "Combinatorics on Words (WORDS 2019)" (R. Mercas, D. Reitenbach, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11682, Springer, Cham 2019; pp. 251-263. [abs]
  • DI19-043
    Václav Košík, Štěpán Starosta:
    On substitutions closed under derivation: examples
    in "Combinatorics on Words (WORDS 2019)" (R. Mercas, D. Reitenbach, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11682, Springer, Cham 2019; pp. 226-237. [arXiv:1907.05751 [math.CO]]
  • DI19-042
    Hanka Rada, Štěpán Starosta:
    Bounds on the period of the continued fraction after a M bius transformation
    Journal of Number Theory 743 (2018), 23-37 [arXiv:1901.01383 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI19-041
    Christiane Frougny, Marta Pavelka, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    On-line algorithms for multiplication and division in real and complex numeration systems
    Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 21 (2019), 14 [arXiv:1610.08309 [cs.DS]; abs]
  • DI19-040
    Maryna Nesterenko, Severín Pošta:
    Discrete analysis on non-cubic lattices
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1416 (2019), 012024 [abs]
  • DI19-039
    Miloslav Havlíček, Jan Kotrbatý, Patrick Moylan, Severín Pošta:
    (Heisenberg-)Weyl algebras, Segal-Bargmann transform and representations of Poincaré groups
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1194 (2019), 012043 [abs]
  • DI19-038
    Tomáš Kalvoda, David Krejčiřík, Kateřina Zahradová:
    Effective quantum dynamics on the M bius strip
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 (2020), 375201 [arXiv:1912.05365 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-037
    Alonso Contreras-Astorga, Vít Jakubský, Alfredo Raya:
    On the propagation of Dirac fermions in graphene with the strain-induced inhomogeneous Fermi velocity
    J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 32 (2020), 295301 [arXiv:1912.00675 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI19-036
    Magda Khalile, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Spectral isoperimetric inequalities for Robin Laplacians on 2-manifolds and unbounded cones
    J. Spect. Theory 12, 683 706 [arXiv:1909.10842 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI19-035
    Vladimir Lotoreichik, Thomas Ourmieres-Bonafos:
    A sharp upper bound on the spectral gap for graphene quantum dots
    Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 22 (2019), 13 [arXiv:1812.03029 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI19-034
    Dirk Hundertmark, Michal Jex, Markus Lange:
    Quantum systems at the brink. Existence and decay rates of bound states at thresholds; atoms
    submitted [arXiv:1908.05016 [math-ph]]
  • DI19-033
    Dirk Hundertmark, Michal Jex, Markus Lange:
    Quantum systems at the brink: Helium-type systems
    submitted [arXiv:1908.04883 [math-ph]]
  • DI19-032
    Rupert L. Frank, Dirk Hundertmark, Michal Jex, Phan Thanh Nam:
    The Lieb-Thirring inequality revisited
    J. Eur. Math. Soc. 23 (2021), 2583-2600 [arXiv:1808.09017 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-031
    Felix Fournier, Libor Šnobl, Pavel Winternitz:
    Cylindrical type integrable classical systems in a magnetic field
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 (2020), 085203 [arXiv:1909.05307 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-030
    Sébastien Bertrand, Libor Šnobl:
    On rotationally invariant integrable and superintegrable classical systems in magnetic fields with non-subgroup type integrals
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019), 195201 (24pp) [arXiv:1812.09399 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-029
    Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl:
    Classical superintegrable systems in a magnetic field that separate in Cartesian coordinates
    SIGMA 16 (2020), 015 [arXiv:1911.01180 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-028
    Michał Ławniczak, Jiří Lipovský, Leszek Sirko:
    Non-Weyl microwave graphs
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019), 140503 [arXiv:1904.06905 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-027
    Pedro Freitas, Jiří Lipovský:
    A Gelfand-Levitan trace formula for generic quantum graphs
    Anal. Math. Phys. 11 (2021), 56 [mp_arc 19-4; arXiv:1901.07790 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-026
    Pedro Freitas, Jiří Lipovský:
    Spectral determinant for the damped wave equation on an interval
    Acta Physica Polonica A136 (2019), 817-823 [arXiv:1908.06862 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-025
    Philippe Briet, Jaroslav Dittrich, David Krejčiřík:
    Spectrum absolute continuity in a twisted Dirichlet-Neumann waveguide
    J. Math. Phys. 61 (2020), 013503 [arXiv:1906.05617 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-024
    Jaroslav Dittrich:
    Scattering of particles bounded to infinite planar curve
    Rev. Math. Phys. 32 (2020), 2050029 [arXiv:1912.03958 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-023
    Biagio Cassano, Orif O. Ibrogimov, David Krejčiřík, František Štampach:
    Location of eigenvalues of non-self-adjoint discrete Dirac operators
    Ann. H. Poincaré 21 (2020), 2193-2217 [arXiv:1910.10710 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI19-022
    Biagio Cassano, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Self-adjoint extensions of the two-valley Dirac operator with discontinuous infinite mass boundary conditions
    Operators and Matrices 14 (2020), 667-678 [arXiv:1907.13224 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-021
    Diana Barseghyan, Baruch Schneider:
    Eigenvalue bound for Schroedinger operators with unbounded magnetic field
    Rep. Math. Phys. 85 (2020), 239-251 [arXiv:1907.02467 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI19-020
    Jaroslav Novotný, Jan Mareš, Igor Jex:
    Quantum walk transport on carbon nanotube structures
    Phys. Lett. A384 (2020), 126302 [abs]
  • DI19-019
    David J. Stonner, Jaroslav Kysela, Graeme Weir, Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex:
    Deterministic twirling with low resources
    Phys. Lett. A384 (2020), 126179 [abs]
  • DI19-018
    Jan Mareš, Jaroslav Novotný, Martin Štefaňák, Igor Jex:
    Counterintuitive role of geometry in transport by quantum walks
    Phys. Rev. A101 (2020), 032113 [arXiv:1908.10173 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-017
    Miloslav Znojil, František Růžička:
    Multi-well log-anharmonic oscillators
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A34 (2020), 1950085 [arXiv:1901.02238 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-016
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Generalized Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians exhibiting a complete non-Hermitian degeneracy
    Annals of Physics 405 (2019), 325-339 [arXiv:1902.10942 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-015
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Unitarity corridors to exceptional points
    Phys. Rev. A100 (2020), 032124 [arXiv:1909.02035 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-014
    Pavel Šťovíček:
    On infinite Jacobi matrices with a trace class resolvent
    J. Approx. Theory 249 (2020), 483-509 [arXiv:1904.13199 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI19-013
    Christos Koukouvinos, Angeliki Lappa, Marilena Mitrouli, Paraskevi Roupa, Ondřej Turek:
    Numerical methods for estimating the tuning parameter in penalized least squares problems
    Comm. Statist. Simul. Comput. 51 (2022), 1542-1563 [abs]
  • DI19-012
    Christos Koukouvinos, Marilena Mitrouli, Ondřej Turek:
    Efficient estimates in regression models with highly correlated covariates
    J. Comp. Appl. Math 373 (2020), 112416 [abs]
  • DI19-011
    Christos Koukouvinos, Khalide Jbilou, Marilena Mitrouli, Ondřej Turek:
    An eigenvalue approach for estimating the generalized cross validation function for correlated matrices
    Electron. J. Linear Alg. 35 (2019), 482-496 [abs]
  • DI19-010
    Marzieh Baradaran, Pavel Exner, Miloš Tater:
    Ring chains with vertex coupling of a preferred orientation
    Rev. Math. Phys. 33 (2021), 2060005 [mp_arc 19-61; arXiv:1912.03667 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI19-009
    Regina Kruse, Craig S. Hamilton, Linda Sansoni, Sonja Barkhofen, Christine Silberhorn, Igor Jex:
    Detailed study of Gaussian boson sampling
    Phys. Rev. A100 (2019), 032326 [arXiv:1801.07488 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-008
    Pavel Exner:
    Dirac operators with a delta-shell interaction
    Proceedings of the International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (Moscow and Dubna 2019), Physics of Particles and Nuclei 51 (2020), 405-409
  • DI19-007
    Pavel Exner:
    Topologically induced spectral behavior: the example of quantum graphs
    Proceedings of the conference "8th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians" (Beijing 2019), to appear [mp_arc 20-24; arXiv:2003.06189 [math.SP]]
  • DI19-006
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Spectral asymptotics of the Laplacian on Platonic solids graphs
    J. Math. Phys. 60 (2019), 122101 [mp_arc 19-42; arXiv:1906.09091 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI19-005
    Pavel Exner:
    An optimization problem for finite point interaction families
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019), 405302 [mp_arc 19-36; arXiv:1906.01229 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI19-004
    Pavel Exner, Sylwia Kondej:
    Spectral optimization for strongly singular Schr dinger operators with a star-shaped interaction
    Lett. Math. Phys. 110 (2020), 735-751 [mp_arc 19-35; arXiv:1906.00390 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI19-003
    Pavel Exner:
    Spectral optimization for singular Schr dinger operators
    Proceedings of the conference "Differential Operators on Graphs and Waveguides" (Graz 2019), Operators and Matrices 14 (2020), 705-716 [abs]
  • DI19-002
    Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner:
    Spectral geometry in a rotating frame: properties of the ground state
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 489 (2020), 124130 [mp_arc 19-17; arXiv:1902.03038 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI19-001
    Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    On Dirac operators in R^3 with electrostatic and Lorentz scalar delta-shell interactions
    Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 6 (2019), 295-314 [mp_arc 19-14; arXiv:1901.11323 [math.SP]; abs]

  • DI18-067
    Maryna Nesterenko, Severín Pošta:
    Equivalence of vector field realizations of Lie algebras from the Lie group point of view
    in Quantum Theory and Symmetries with Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics (V. Dobrev, ed.), Springer, Singapore 2018; pp. 421-427 [abs]
  • DI18-066
    Miloslav Znojil, František Růžička:
    Nonlinearity of perturbations in PT-symmetric quantum mechanics
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1194 (2019), 012120 [abs]
  • DI18-065
    Miloslav Znojil:
    On some aspects of unitary evolution generated by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians (a unitary way towards quantum collapse)
    in "Integrability, Supersymmetry and Coherent States, A Volume in Honour of Professor V ronique Hussin" (S. Kuru, J. Negro, L.M. Nieto, eds.), CRM Series in Mathematical Physics, Springer International Publishing 2019, pp. 411-426.
  • DI18-064
    Miloslav Znojil, Iveta Semorádová:
    Log-anharmonic oscillator and its large-N solution
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A33 (2018), 1850223 (11pp) [arXiv:1809.07590 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-063
    Miloslav Znojil, Iveta Semorádová:
    Quantum square well with logarithmic central spike
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A33 (2018), 1850009 (13pp) [arXiv:1712.03672 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-062
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Broken Hermiticity phase transition in Bose-Hubbard model
    Phys. Rev. A98 (2018), 052102 [arXiv:1810.05771 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-061
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Complex symmetric Hamiltonians and exceptional points of order four and five
    Phys. Rev. A98 (2018), 032109 [arXiv:1808.07472 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-060
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Hermitian-to-quasi-Hermitian quantum phase transitions
    Phys. Rev. A97 (2018), 042117 (10pp) [arXiv:1804.03425 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-059
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Hermitian-non-Hermitian interfaces in quantum theory
    Advances in High Energy Physics 2018 (2018), 7906536 (12pp) [arXiv:1710.03470 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-058
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Admissible perturbations and false instabilities in PT-symmetric quantum systems
    Phys. Rev. A97 (2018), 032114 (13pp) [arXiv:1803.01949 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-057
    Martin Malachov, Igor Jex, Orsolya Kálmán, Tamás Kiss:
    Phase transition in iterated quantum protocols for noisy inputs
    Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (2019), 033107 [arXiv:1809.00140 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-056
    Lennart Lorz, Evan Meyer-Scott, Thomas Nitsche, Václav Potoček, Aurél Gábris, Sonja Barkhofen, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Photonic quantum walks with a four-dimensional coin
    Phys. Rev. Res. 1 (2019), 033036 [arXiv:1809.00591 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-055
    Orsolya Kálmán, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Sensitivity to initial noise in measurement-induced nonlinear quantum dynamics
    J. Russ. Laser Res. 39 (2018), 382-388 [arXiv:1808.08151 [quant-ph]]
  • DI18-054
    Pavlo V. Pyshkin, Aurel Gabris, Orsolya Kálmán, Igor Jex, Tamás Kiss:
    Quantum state identification of qutrits via a nonlinear protocol
    J. Russ. Laser Res. 39 (2018), 456-464 [arXiv:1808.10360 [quant-ph]]
  • DI18-053
    Emil Horozov Boris Shapiro, Miloš Tater:
    In search of a higher Bochner theorem
    Journal of Approximation Theory 305 (2025), 106114 [arXiv:1807.01558 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-052
    Biagio Cassano, Fabio Pizzichillo:
    Self-adjointness for the Dirac operator with Coulomb-type spherically symmetric perturbations via boundary conditions
    J. Math. Phys. 60 (2019), 041502 [arXiv:1810.01659 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI18-051
    Biagio Cassano, Fabio Pizzichillo, Luis Vega:
    A Hardy-type inequality and some spectral characterizations for the Dirac-Coulomb operator
    Rev. Mat. Complutense 33 (2020), 1-18 [arXiv:1810.01309 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-050
    Jan Mareš, Jaroslav Novotný, Igor Jex:
    Percolated quantum walks with a general shift operator: From trapping to transport
    Phys. Rev. A99 (2019), 042129 [arXiv:1812.02519 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-049
    Kateřina Medková, Edita Pelantová, Laurent Vuillon:
    Derivated sequences of complementary symmetric Rote sequences
    RAIRO: Theor. Inf. Appl. 53 (2019), 125-151 [arXiv:1812.03748 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI18-048
    Petr Ambrož, Ondřej Kadlec, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    A note on palindromic length of Sturmian sequences
    Theor. Comput. Sci. 780 (2019), 74-83. [arXiv:1812.00711 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI18-047
    Petr Ambrož, Edita Pelantová:
    Palindromic length of words and morphisms in class P
    in "Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2019)" (P. Hofman, M. Skrzypczak M., eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11647, Springer, Cham 2019; pp. 244 250. [arXiv:1808.08879 [math.CO]]
  • DI18-046
    Petr Ambrož, Zuzana Masáková, Jan Mazáč:
    Linear mappings as self-similarities of mathematical models of quasicrystals
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1194 (2019), 012005. [abs]
  • DI18-045
    Josef Florian, Tereza Velká, Ľubomíra Dvořáková:
    Normalization of ternary generalized pseudostandard words
    Theor. Comput. Sci. 780 (2019), 29-53 [arXiv:1807.07248 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI18-044
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Tereza Velká:
    Fixed points of morphisms among binary generalized pseudostandard words
    El. J. Combin. Number Theory 18 (2018), A21 [arXiv:1701.04472 [math.CO]]
  • DI18-044
    Christiane Frougny, Edita Pelantová:
    Two applications of the spectrum of numbers
    Acta Math. Hungarica 156 (2018), 391-407 [arXiv:1512.04234 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI18-043
    Karel Klouda, Kateřina Medková, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Fixed points of Sturmian morphisms and their derivated words
    Theor. Comput. Sci. 743 (2018), 23-37 [arXiv:1801.09203 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI18-042
    František Štampach, Pavel Šťovíček:
    Spectral representation of some weighted Hankel matrices and orthogonal polynomials from the Askey scheme
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 472 (2019), 483-509 [arXiv:1811.05820 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-041
    Wei Wen, Ond ej Kaj nek, Siamak Khatibi, Goce Chadzitaskos:
    A common assessment apace for different sensor structures
    Sensors 19 (2019), 568 [abs]
  • DI18-040
    Jiří Tolar:
    On Clifford groups in quantum computing
    J. Phys.: Conf. Series 1071 (2018), 012022 [arXiv:1810.10259 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-039
    Denis Borisov:
    On spectral gaps of a Laplacian in a strip with a bounded periodic perturbation
    Ufa Math. J. 10 (2018), 14-30 [abs]
  • DI18-038
    Denis Borisov:
    Absence of gaps in a lower part of the spectrum of a Laplacian with frequent alternation of boundary conditions in a strip
    Theor. Math. Phys. 195 (2018), 690-703 [abs]
  • DI18-037
    Denis Borisov, Matthias Täufer, Ivan Veselič:
    Spectral localization for quantum Hamiltonians with weak random delta interaction
    Comptes Rendus Mathematique 356 (2018), 686-691 [abs]
  • DI18-036
    Miloslav Znojil, Denis Borisov:
    Two patterns of PT-symmetry breakdown in a non-numerical six-state simulation
    Ann. Phys. 394 (2018), 40-49 [arXiv:1804.07324 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-035
    Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Jan Kříž:
    A comparative interpretation of the thermodynamic functions of a relativistic bound state problem proposed with an attractive or a repulsive surface effect
    Eur. Phys. J. Plus 134 (2019), 60 [arXiv:1811.00380 [nucl-th]; abs]
  • DI18-034
    Ondřej Turek:
    Gaps in the spectrum of a cuboidal periodic lattice graph
    Rep. Math. Phys. 52 (2019), 107-127 [arXiv:1801.02572 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-033
    Marilena Mitrouli, Ondřej Turek:
    Determinantal properties of generalized circulant Hadamard matrices
    Electron. J. Linear Algebra 34 (2018), 639-651 [abs]
  • DI18-032
    Jaroslav Hančl, Ondřej Turek:
    One-sided Diophantine approximations
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019), 045205 [arXiv:1809.01013 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI18-031
    Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Spectral isoperimetric inequality for the delta'-interaction on a contour
    in Mathematical Challenges of Zero-Range Physics (A.Michelangeli, ed.), Springer INdAM Series, vol.42, 2021; pp. 3-15 [arXiv:1810.05457 [math.SP]]
  • DI18-030
    Markus Holzmann, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Spectral analysis of photonic crystals made of thin rods
    Asympt. Anal. 110 (2018), 83 112 [arXiv:1701.05107 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-029
    Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Spectral isoperimetric inequalities for singular interactions on open arcs
    Appl. Anal. 98 (2019), 1451-1460 [arXiv:1609.07598 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-028
    Alonso Contreras-Astorga, Vít Jakubský:
    Photonic systems with two-dimensional landscapes of complex refractive index via time-dependent supersymmetry
    Phys. Rev. A99 (2019), 053812 [arXiv:1808.08225 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-027
    Artur Ishkhanyan, Vít Jakubský:
    Two-dimensional Dirac fermion in presence of an asymmetric vector potential
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 (2018), 495205 [arXiv:1801.05045 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI18-026
    Diana Barseghyan, Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacian on tubes with exploding twisting velocity
    Operators and Matrices 13 (2019), 311-322 [arXiv:1804.07197 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-025
    Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl:
    An infinite family of maximally superintegrable systems in a magnetic field with higher order integrals
    SIGMA 14 (2018), 092 (11pp) [arXiv:1804.03039 [math-ph]; text]
  • DI18-024
    Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl, Pavel Winternitz:
    Spherical type integrable classical systems in a magnetic field
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 (2018), 135205 (24pp) [abs]
  • DI18-023
    Lucrezia Cossetti, David Krejčiřík:
    Absence of eigenvalues of non-self-adjoint Robin Laplacians on the half-space
    Proc. London Math. Soc. 121 (2020), 584-616 [arXiv:1812.05348 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-022
    Philippe Briet, Hamza Abdou Soimadou, David Krejčiřík:
    Spectral analysis of sheared nanoribbons
    ZAMP 70 (2019), 48 [arXiv:1807.10006 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-021
    Luca Fanelli, David Krejčiřík, Ari Laptev, Luis Vega:
    On the improvement of the Hardy inequality due to singular magnetic fields
    Comm. PDE 45 (2020), 1202-1212 [arXiv:1807.04430 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-020
    David Krejčiřík:
    Complex magnetic fields: An improved Hardy-Laptev-Weidl inequality and quasi-self-adjointness
    SIAM J. Math. Anal. 51 (2019), 790 807 [arXiv:1802.05586 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-019
    Luca Fanelli, David Krejčiřík:
    Location of eigenvalues of three-dimensional non-self-adjoint Dirac operators
    Lett. Math. Phys. 109 (2019), 1473-1485 [arXiv:1809.07580 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-018
    David Krejčiřík, Gian Paolo Leonardi, Petr Vlachopulos:
    The Cheeger constant of curved tubes
    Arch. Math. 112 (2019), 429-436 [arXiv:1811.12095 [math.OC]; abs]
  • DI18-017
    David Krejčiřík, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Miloslav Znojil:
    The minimally anisotropic metric operator in quasi-Hermitian quantum mechanics
    Proc. Roy. Soc. A474 (2018) 20180264 [arXiv:1804.06766 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-016
    Bernd Kawohl, David Krejčiřík:
    From symmetry to monotonicity
    Math. Intelligencer 40 (2018), 12-13 [arXiv:1712.08415 [math.CA]; abs]
  • DI18-015
    Luca Fanelli, David Krejčiřík, Luis Vega:
    Absence of eigenvalues of two-dimensional magnetic Schrodinger operators
    J. Funct. Anal. 275 (2018), 2453-2472 [arXiv:1710.06176 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-014
    David Krejčiřík, Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa:
    Ruled strips with asymptotically diverging twisting
    Ann. H. Poincaré 19 (2018), 2069-2086 [arXiv:1802.00321 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-013
    Marie Fialová, Vít Jakubský, Matěj Tušek:
    Qualitative analysis of magnetic waveguides for two-dimensional Dirac fermions
    Ann. Phys. 395 (2018), 219-237 [arXiv:1801.08785 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI18-012
    Miloslav Havlíček, Jan Kotrbatý, Patrick Moylan, Severín Pošta:
    Construction of representations of Poincaré group using Lie fields
    J. Math. Phys. 59 (2018), 021702 [abs]
  • DI18-011
    Mohamed Sabri, Etsuo Segawa, and Martin Štefaňák:
    Conditional limit measure of a one-dimensional quantum walk with an absorbing sink
    Phys. Rev. A98 (2018), 012136 [arXiv:1807.02765 [quant-ph], abs]
  • DI18-010
    Bekir Can Lütfünoglu, Jiří Lipovský, Jan Kříž:
    Scattering of Klein-Gordon particles in the background of mixed scalar-vector generalized symmetric Woods-Saxon potential
    Eur. Phys. J. Plus 133 (2018), 17 [arXiv: 1801.06365 [math-ph], abs]
  • DI18-009
    Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    The Landau Hamiltonian with delta potentials supported on curves
    Rev. Math. Phys. 32 (2020), 2050010 [mp_arc 18-118; arXiv:1812.09145 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-008
    Denis I. Borisov, Pavel Exner:
    Gap opening in two-dimensional periodic systems
    Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021), 1950080 [mp_arc 18-100; arXiv:1810.08824 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-007
    Pavel Exner:
    Schrödinger operators with a switching effect
    in Mathematical Modelling, Optimization, Analytic and Numerical Solutions (P. Manchanda, R.P. Lozi, A.H. Siddiqi, eds.), Springer, Singapore 2020; pp.13--31 [arXiv:1810.08824 [math-ph];book]
  • DI18-006
    Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Spectral asymptotics of the Dirichlet Laplacian on a generalized parabolic layer
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 92 (2020), 15 [mp_arc 18-64; arXiv:1805.12448 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-005
    Pavel Exner, Sylwia Kondej:
    Scattering on leaky wires in dimension three
    written for Analysis and Operator Theory In Honor of Tosio Kato s 100th Birthday (Th. Rassias and V. Zagrebnov, eds.), Springer Optimization and Its Applications, vol.~146, Cham 2019; pp. 81-91. [mp_arc 18-108; arXiv:1811.04802 [math-ph]]
  • DI18-004
    Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek, Miloš Tater:
    A family of quantum graph vertex couplings interpolating between different symmetries
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 (2018), 285301 (22pp) [mp_arc 18-44; arXiv:1804.01414 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-003
    Pavel Exner, Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Gap control by singular Schr dinger operators in a periodically structured metamaterial
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, and Geometry 14 (2018), 270-285 [mp_arc 18-22; arXiv:1802.07522 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI18-002
    Pavel Exner:
    Singular Schr dinger operators and Robin billiards. Spectral properties and asymptotic expansions
    Afrika Matematika 31 (2020), 71-88 [mp_arc 18-81; arXiv:1807.06835 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI18-001
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Smilansky-Solomyak model with a $\delta'$-interaction
    Phys. Lett. A382 (2018), 1207-1213 [mp_arc 18-6; arXiv:1801.08304 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI17-048
    Zuzana Masáková, Magdalena Tinková:
    Finiteness in real cubic fields
    Acta Math. Hungar. 153 (2017), 318-333 [abs]
  • DI17-047
    Zuzana Masáková, Jan Mazáč:
    On self-similarities of cut-and-project sets
    Acta Polytechnica 57 (2017), 430-445 [abs]
  • DI17-046
    Fedor Bakharev, Pavel Exner:
    Geometrically induced spectral effects in tubes with a mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary
    Rep. Math. Phys. 81 (2018), 213-231 [mp_arc 17-89; arXiv:1708.08068 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-045
    Denis I. Borisov, Sergey V. Dmitriev:
    Klein-Gordon model with parity-time-symmetric perturbation
    Stud. Appl. Math. 138 (2017), 317-342 [arXiv:1512.01103 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-046
    Danial Saadatmand, Denis I. Borisov, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, Kun Zhou, Sergey V. Dmitriev:
    Resonant interaction of phi(4) kink with PT-symmetric perturbation with spatially periodic gain/loss coefficient
    Comm. Nonlin. Sci. Num. Sim. 56 (2018), 62-76 [arXiv:1611.08281 [nlin.PS]; abs]
  • DI17-045
    Denis I. Borisov, Francisco Hoecker-Escuti, Ivan Veselič:
    Expansion of the spectrum in the weak disorder regime for random operators in continuum space
    Comm. Cont. Math. 20 (2018), 1750008 [arXiv:1610.01103 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI17-044
    Denis Borisov, Pedro Freitas:
    The spectrum of geodesic balls on spherically symmetric manifolds
    Comm. Anal. Geom. 25 (2017), 507-544 [arXiv:1603.02399 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI17-043
    Jan Kříž, Jan Loskot, Vladimír Štěpánek, Lidmila Hyšplerová, Daniel Jezbera, Lucie Trnková, Agnieszka Dolhanczuk-Srodka, Zbigniew Ziembik, Malgorzata Rajfur, Andrzej Klos, Maria Waclawek:
    Modelling of mercury emissions from large solid fuel combustion and biomonitoring in CZ-PL border region
    Ecol. Chem. Eng. S23 (2016), 593-604 [abs; text]
  • DI17-042
    Olena Vaneeva, Severín Pošta, Christodoulos Sophocleous:
    Enhanced group classification of Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equations
    Appl. Math. Lett. 65 (2017), 19-25 [arXiv:1608.03941 [nlin.SI]; abs]
  • DI17-041
    Agata Bezubik, Jiří Hrivňák, Jiří Patera, Severín Pošta:
    Three-variable symmetric and antisymmetric exponential functions and orthogonal polynomials
    Math. Slovaca 67 (2017), 427-446 [abs]
  • DI17-040
    Olena Vaneeva, Severín Pošta:
    Equivalence groupoid of a class of variable coefficient Korteweg-de Vries equations
    J. Math. Phys. 58 (2017), 101504 [arXiv:1604.06880 [nlin.SI]; abs]
  • DI17-039
    Radek Novák, Xue Ping Wang:
    On the Kramers-Fokker-Planck equation with decreasing potentials in dimension one
    J. Spect. Theory 10 (2020), 1-32 [arXiv:1712.01660 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI17-038
    Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl, Pavel Winternitz:
    Integrable 3D systems in a magnetic field corresponding to spherical separation of variables
  • DI17-037
    Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl:
    Superintegrable 3D systems in a magnetic field corresponding to Cartesian separation of variables
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017), 245202 (24pp) [abs]
  • DI17-036
    Thomas Nitsche, Sonja Barkhofen, Regina Kruse, Linda Sansoni, Martin Štefaňák, Aurél Gábris, Václav Potoček, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Probing measurement-induced effects in quantum walks via recurrence
    Science Advances 4 (2018), eaar6444 [text]
  • DI17-035
    Jaroslav Novotný, Jiří Maryška, Igor Jex:
    Asymptotics of quantum Markov processes: From algebraic structure to characterization of asymptotic states
    Eur. Phys. J. Plus 133 (2018), 310 [arXiv:1711.02599 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-034
    Craig S. Hamilton, Regina Kruse, Linda Sansoni, Sonja Barkhofen, Christine Silberhorn, Igor Jex:
    Gaussian boson sampling
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017), 170501 [arXiv:1612.01199 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-033
    Girish Agarwal, Roland E. Allen, Iva Bezděková, Robert W. Boyd, Goong Chen, Ronald Hanson, Dean L. Hawthorne, Philip Hemmer, Olga Kocharovskaya, Harald Losert, Moochan B. Kim, David M. Lee, Sebastian K. Lidstrom, Suzy Lidstrom, Helmut Maier, John W. Neuberger, Miles J. Padgett, Mark Raizen, Surjeet Rajendran, Ernst Rasel, Gavriil Shchedrin, Wolfgang P. Schleich, Marlan O. Scully, Gennady Shvets, Alexei Sokolov, Ronald L. Walsworth, Rainer Weiss, Frank Wilczek, Alan E. Willner, Eli Yablonovich and Nikolay Zheludev:
    Light, the universe, andeverything - 12 Herculean tasks for quantum cowboys and black diamond skiers
    J. Mod.Optics 65 (2018), 1261-1308 [text]
  • DI17-032
    Martin Štefaňák, Iva Bezděková, Igor Jex:
    Limit density of 2D quantum walk: zeroes of the weight function
    Interdisc. Inform. Sci. 23 (2017), 19 25 [arXiv:1701.00408 [quant-ph]; text]
  • DI17-031
    Jussi Behrndt, Matthias Langer, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Jonathan Rohleder:
    Spectral enclosures for non-self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators
    J. Funct. Anal. 275 (2018), 1808 1888 [arXiv:1710.07542 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-030
    Werner Kirsch, David Krejčiřík, Georgi Raikov:
    Lifshits tails for randomly twisted quantum waveguides
    J. Stat. Phys. 171 (2018), 383-399 [arXiv:1705.04772 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-029
    David Krejčiřík, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Optimisation of the lowest Robin eigenvalue in the exterior of a compact set, II: non-convex domains and higher dimensions
    Potential Anal. 52 (2020), 601-614 [arXiv:1707.02269 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-028
    David Krejčiřík, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Thomas Ourmieres-Bonafos:
    Spectral transitions for Aharonov-Bohm Laplacians on conical layers
    Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh A25 (2018), 319-337 [arXiv:1607.02454 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-027
    David Krejčiřík, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Optimisation of the lowest Robin eigenvalue in the exterior of a compact set
    J. Convex Anal. 25 (2018), 319-337 [arXiv:1608.04896 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-026
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Three-Hilbert-space formulation of quantum theory: unitary evolution via non-Hermitian Hamiltonians
    in Topics in Quantum Physics and Path Integrals (E. Bounames and A. Makhlouf, eds.), ISTE-Wiley Editions 2019; pp. 79-126
  • DI17-025
    Bijan Bagchi, Syed M. Kamil, Tarun R. Tummuru, Iveta Semorádová, Miloslav Znojil:
    Branched Hamiltonians for a class of velocity dependent potentials
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 839 (2017), 012011 [arXiv:1701.02280 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-024
    Denis I. Borisov, Miloslav Znojil:
    On eigenvalues of a PT-symmetric operator in a thin layer
    Sbornik Math. 208 (2017), 173 199 [abs; original Russian text abs]
  • DI17-023
    Sergii Kuzhel, Miloslav Znojil:
    Non-self-adjoint Schroedinger operators with nonlocal one point interactions
    Banach J. Math. Anal. 11 (2017), 923-944 [arXiv:1607.00350 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-022
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Bound states emerging from below the continuum in a solvable PT-symmetric discrete Schroedinger equation
    Phys. Rev. A86 (2017), 012127 [arXiv:1707.01681 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-021
    Miloslav Znojil, František Růžička, Konstantin G. Zloshchastiev:
    Schroedinger equations with logarithmic self-interactions: from antilinear PT-symmetry to the nonlinear coupling of channels
    Symmetry 9 (2017), 165 [abs]
  • DI17-020
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Non-Hermitian interaction representation and its use in relativistic quantum mechanics
    Ann. Phys. 385 (2017), 162-179 [arXiv:1702.08493 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-019
    Diana Barseghyan, Francoise Truc:
    A Lieb Thirring type inequality for magnetic Schr dinger operators with a radial symmetry
    Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 276 (2020), 154-161 [arXiv:1711.09754 [math-ph] abs]
  • DI17-018
    Natalia G. Inozemtseva, Jaroslav Dittrich, Vladimir I. Inozemtsev:
    On the solution to the separated equation in the 3-particle Calogero-Moser problem
    Adv. Pure Math. 8 (2018), 266-271 [arXiv:1710.08658 [math-ph]; text]
  • DI17-017
    Pavel Exner, Sylwia Kondej:
    Aharonov and Bohm vs. Welsh eigenvalues
    Lett. Math. Phys. 108 (2018), 2153-2167 [mp_arc 17-115; arXiv:1712.04897 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-016
    David Krejčiřík, Matěj Tušek:
    Location of hot spots in thin curved strips
    J. Diff. Eqs 266 (2019), 2953-2977 [arXiv:1709.01279 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI17-015
    Pedro Freitas, Petr Siegl, Christiane Tretter:
    Damped wave equation with unbounded damping
    J.Diff. Eqs 264 (2018), 7023-7054 [abs]
  • DI17-014
    Jean-Claude Cuenin, Petr Siegl:
    Eigenvalues of one-dimensional non-self-adjoint Dirac operators and applications
    Lett. Math.Phys. 108 (2018), 1757-1788 [arXiv:1705.04833 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-013
    David Krejčiřík, Petr Siegl:
    Pseudomodes for Schr dinger operators with complex potentials
    J. Funct. Anal. 276 (2019), 2856-2900 [arXiv:1705.01894 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-012
    David Krejčiřík, Nicolas Raymond, Julien Royer, Petr Siegl:
    Reduction of dimension as a consequence of norm-resolvent convergence and applications
    Mathematika 64 (2018), 406-429 [arXiv:1701.08819 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-011
    Jiří Lipovský, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Asymptotics of resonances induced by point interactions
    Acta Phys. Polonica A 132 (2017), 1677-1682 [mp_arc17-84; arXiv:1708.03509 [math-ph], text]
  • DI17-010
    Pavel Exner, Miloš Tater:
    Quantum graphs with vertices of a preferred orientation
    Phys. Lett. A 382 (2018), 283-287 [mp_arc 17-100; arXiv:1710.02664 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-009
    Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner:
    A magnetic version of the Smilansky-Solomyak model
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017), 485203 (24pp) [mp_arc 17-86; arXiv:1708.07375 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-008
    Dardo Goyeneche, Ondřej Turek:
    Equiangular tight frames and unistochastic matrices
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017), 245304 [arXiv:1607.04528 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-007
    Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Periodic quantum graphs from the Bethe-Sommerfeld perspective
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017), 455201 [mp_arc 17-67; arXiv:1705.07306 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-006
    Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Quantum graphs with the Bethe-Sommerfeld property
    Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math. 8 (2017), 305-309 [mp_arc 17-60; arXiv:1705.04363 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-005
    Pavel Exner, Aleksey Kostenko, Mark Malamud, Hagen Neidhardt:
    Spectral theory of infinite quantum graphs
    Ann. H. Poincare 19 (2018), 3457-3510 [mp_arc 17-59; arXiv:1705.01831 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI17-004
    Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Axel Pérez-Obiol:
    On the bound states of magnetic Laplacians on wedges
    Rep. Math. Phys. 82 (2018), 161-185 [mp_arc 17-35; arXiv:1703.03667 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-003
    Pavel Exner, Sylwia Kondej, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Asymptotics of the bound state induced by $\delta$-interaction supported on a weakly deformed plane
    J. Math. Phys. 59 (2018), 013501 (17pp) [mp_arc 17-34; arXiv:1703.10854 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI17-002
    Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Optimization of the lowest eigenvalue for leaky star graphs
    Proceedings of the conference "Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics" (QMath13, Atlanta 2016; F. Bonetto, D. Borthwick, E. Harrell, M. Loss, eds.), Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, Providence, R.I., 2018; p. 187-196. [mp_arc 17-10; arXiv:1701.06840 [math.SP]; cont]
  • DI17-001
    Pavel Exner, Tomáš Kalvoda, Matěj Tušek:
    A geometric Iwatsuka type effect in quantum layers
    J. Math. Phys. 59 (2018), 042105 (19pp) [mp_arc 17-6; arXiv:1701.05714 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI16-072
    Konstantin G. Zloshchastiev, Miloslav Znojil:
    Logarithmic wave equation: origins and applications
    Visnyk Dnipropetrovs kogo universytetu. Serija Fizyka, radioelektronyka 24 (2016), 101-107
  • DI16-071
    Jiří Lipovský:
    Quantum graphs and their resonance properties
    Acta Phys. Slovaca 66 (2016), 265-363 [text]
  • DI16-070
    Pedro R.S. Antunes, Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    Bounds and extremal domains for Robin eigenvalues with negative boundary parameter
    Adv. Calc. Var. 10 (2017), 357-380 [arXiv:1605.0816173 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-069
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved quantum layers
    in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory for Quantum Physics (J. Dittrich, H. Kova k, A. Laptev, eds.) EMS Publishing House, Basel 2017; pp. 261-269 [arXiv:1602.04990 [math-ph]]
  • DI16-068
    Sylwia Kondej, David Krejčiřík:
    Asymptotic spectral analysis in colliding leaky quantum layers
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 446 (2017), 1328-1355 [arXiv:1606.07273 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-067
    Thomas Nitsche, Fabian Elster, Jaroslav Novotný, Lennart Lorz, Aurel A. Gábris, Igor Jex, Ch. Silberhorn:
    Quantum walks with dynamical control: graph engineering, initial state preparation and state transfer
    New J. Phys. 18 (2016), 063017 [arXiv:1601.08204 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-066
    Miloslav Znojil, Iveta Semorádová, Franti ek Ru icka, Hafida Moulla, Ilhem Leghrib:
    The problem of coexistence of several non-Hermitian observables in PT-symmetric quantum mechanics
    Phys. Rev. A95 (2017), 042122 [arXiv:1610.09396 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-065
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Displaced harmonic oscillator $V\sim \min \,[(x+d)^2,(x-d)^2]$ as a benchmark double-well quantum model
    Quantum Reports 4 (2022), 309-323 [arXiv:1607.01297 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-064
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Is PT-symmetric quantum theory false as a fundamental theory?
    Acta Polytechnica 56 (2016), 254-257 [arXiv:1404.1555 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-063
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Symmetrized quartic polynomial oscillators and their partial exact solvability
    Phys. Lett. A380 (2016), 1414-1418 [arXiv:1602.07088 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-062
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Morse potential, symmetric Morse potential and bracketed bound-state energies
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A31 (2016), 1650088 [arXiv:1603.09483 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-061
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Parity-time symmetry and the toy models of gain-loss dynamics near the real Kato's exceptional points
    Symmetry 8 (2016), 52 [abs]
  • DI16-060
    Ryu Sasaki, Miloslav Znojil:
    One-dimensional Schr dinger equation with non-analytic potential $V(x)= -g^2\exp (-|x|)$ and its exact Bessel-function solvability
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016), 445303 [arXiv:1605.073108 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-059
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Symmetrized exponential oscillator
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A31 (2016), 1650195 [arXiv:1609.00166 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-058
    Miloslav Znojil:
    A method of constructive quantum mechanics of remarkable hidden beauty
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016), 451003 [arXiv:1609.03378 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-057
    David Krejčiřík, Nicolas Raymond, Julien Royer, Petr Siegl:
    Non-accretive Schrödinger operators and exponential decay of their eigenfunctions
    Israel J. Math. 221 (2017), 779-802 [arXiv:1605.02437 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-056
    Petr Siegl, František Štampach:
    On extremal properties of Jacobian elliptic functions with complex modulus
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 442 (2016), 627-641 [arXiv:1512.06089 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-055
    Boris Mityagin, Petr Siegl:
    Local form-subordination condition and Riesz basisness of root systems
    J. d'Anal. Math. 139 (2019), 83-119 [arXiv:1608.00224 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-054
    Petr Siegl, František Štampach:
    Factorization of the characteristic function of a Jacobi matrix
    Operators and Matrices 11 (2017), 901-928 [arXiv:1603.01052 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-053
    Matěj Tušek:
    On an extension of the Iwatsuka model
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016), 365205 [arXiv:1601.02670 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-052
    Boris Shapiro, Miloš Tater:
    Asymptotics and monodromy of the algebraic spectrum of quasi-exactly solvable sextic oscillator
    Experimental Math. 28 (2017), 16-23 [arXiv:1611.06313 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-051
    Denis I. Borisov, Giuseppe Cardone, Tiziana Durante:
    Homogenization and norm-resolvent convergence for elliptic operators in a strip perforated along a curve
    Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh A146 (2016), 1115 1158 [arXiv:1305.1009 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI16-050
    Denis I. Borisov, T.F. Sharapov:
    On the resolvent of multidimensional operators with frequently alternating boundary conditions with the Robin homogenized condition
    J. Math Sci. 213 (2016), 461-503 [abs]
  • DI16-049
    Danial Saadatmand, Sergey V. Dmitriev, Denis I. Borisov, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, Minnekhan A. Fatykhov, Kurosh Javidan:
    Kink scattering from a parity-time-symmetric defect in the phi^4 model
    Comm. Nonlin. Sci. Num. Sim. 29 (2015), 267-282 [arXiv:1411.5857 [nlin.PS]; abs]
  • DI16-048
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Creation of spectral bands for a periodic domain with small windows
    Russ. J. Math. Phys. 29 (2016), 19-34 [arXiv:1507.01169 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-047
    Denis I. Borisov, Francisco Hoecker-Escuti, Ivan Veseli :
    Expansion of the almost sure spectrum in the weak disorder r gime
    J. Funct. Anal. 270 (2016), 1684-1718 [arXiv:1408.2113 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-046
    Denis I. Borisov, R.K. Gaydukov:
    Existence of the stationary solution of a Rayleigh-type equations
    Math. Notes 99 (2016), 636-642 [abs]
  • DI16-045
    Denis I. Borisov, Anastasia Golovina, Ivan Veseli :
    Quantum Hamiltonians with weak random abstract perturbation. I. Initial length scale estimates
    Ann. H. Poincaré 17 (2016), 2341-2377 [arXiv:1501.06503 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI16-044
    Malgorzata Rajfur, Pawel Krems, Andrzej Klos, Rafal Kozlowski, Malgorzata A. Jóźwiak, Jan Kříž, Maria Waclawek:
    Application of algae in active biomonitoring of the selected holding reservoirs in Swietokrzyskie Province
    Ecol. Chem. Eng. S23 (2016), 237-247 [abs]
  • DI16-043
    Jan Šlégr, Kamila Váňová:
    Stochastic properties of lower ionosphere as earthquake precursor
    J. Seismol. 21 (2017), 243-248 [abs]
  • DI16-042
    Filip Studnička, Jan Šlégr, David Štegner:
    Free fall of a cat freshman physics exercise
    Eur. J. Phys. 37 (2016), 045002 [abs]
  • DI16-041
    Pavel Šťovíček:
    The heat kernel for two Aharonov-Bohm solenoids in a uniform magnetic field
    Ann. Phys. 376 (2017), 254-282 [arXiv:1611.06942 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-040
    František Štampach, Pavel Šťovíček:
    Factorization of the characteristic function of a Jacobi matrix
    Operators and Matrices 11 (2017), 147-169 [arXiv:1510.01454 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-039
    Petra Košťáková, Pavel Šťovíček:
    The Aharonov-Bohm Hamiltonian with two vortices revisited
    Acta Polytechnica 56 (2016), 224-235 [abs]
  • DI15-038
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Josef Florian:
    A new estimate on complexity of binary generalized pseudostandard words
    El. J. Combin. Number Theory 17 (2017), A61 [arXiv:1611.05482 [math.CO]]
  • DI16-037
    Zuzana Krčmáriková, Wolfgang Steiner, Tomáš Vávra:
    Finite beta-expansions with negative bases
    Acta Mat. Hung. 152 (2017), 485-504 [abs]
  • DI16-036
    Kevin Hare, Zuzana Masáková, Tomáš Vávra:
    On the spectra of Pisot-cyclotomic numbers
    Lett. Math. Phys. 108 (2018), 1729 1756 [arXiv:1612.09285 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-035
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Itineraries induced by exchange of three intervals
    Acta Polytechnica 56 (6) (2016), No. 6 [abs]
  • DI16-034
    Simon Baker, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová, Tomáš Vávra:
    On periodic representations in non-Pisot bases
    Monatsh. Math. 184 (2018), 1-19 [arXiv:1604.03354 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI16-033
    Sébastien Labbé, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    On the Zero Defect Conjecture
    Eur. J. Combinatorics 62 (2017), 132-146 [arXiv:1606.05525 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI16-032
    Lenka Háková, Jiří Hrivňák, Lenka Motlochov :
    On cubature rules associated to Weyl group orbit functions
    Acta Polytechnica 56 (2016), 202-213 [abs]
  • DI16-031
    Wolfgang P. Schleich, Iva Bezděková, M.B. Kim, P.C. Abbott, H. Maier, H. Montgomery, J.W. Neuberger:
    Equivalent formulations of the Riemann hypothesis based on the lines of constant phase
    Physica Scripta 93 (2018), No. 6 [abs]
  • DI16-030
    Agata Bezubík, Severín Pošta:
    Three-variable alternating trigonometric functions and corresponding Fourier transforms
    Acta Polytechnica 56 (2016), 156-165 [abs]
  • DI16-029
    Maryna Nesterenko, Severín Pošta, Olena Vaneeva:
    Realizations of Galilei algebras
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016), 115203 [arXiv:1509.00233 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-028
    Francisco Correa, Vít Jakubský:
    Confluent Crum-Darboux transformations in Dirac Hamiltonians with PT-symmetric Bragg gratings
    Phys. Rev. A95 (2017), 033807 [arXiv:1612.06349 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI16-027
    Vít Jakubský, Axel Pérez-Obiol:
    Spontaneous twisting and shrinking of carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. B95 (2017), 245431 [arXiv:1609.07347 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI16-026
    Vít Jakubský, Matěj Tušek:
    Dispersionless wave packets in Dirac materials
    Ann. Phys. 378 (2017), 171-182 [arXiv:1604.00157 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI16-025
    Daniel Vašata:
    On long-range dependence of random measures
    Adv. Appl. Probab. 48 (2016), 1235-1255 [abs]
  • DI16-024
    Daniel Vašata:
    Generalizations of the centroid with an application in stochastic geometry
    Math. Nachr. 16 (2017), 452-473 [abs]
  • DI16-023
    Ondřej Turek, Dardo Goyeneche:
    A generalization of circulant Hadamard and conference matrices
    Lin. Alg. Appl. 569 (2019), 241-265 [arXiv:1603.05704 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI16-022
    Ondřej Turek:
    On quantum graph filters with flat passbands
    Functional Analysis and Operator Theory for Quantum Physics (J. Dittrich, H. Kova k, A. Laptev, eds.), EMS Publishing House, Basel 2017; pp. 541-563 [arXiv:1512.09366 [math-ph]]
  • DI16-021
    Martin Štefaňák, Stanislav Skoupý:
    Perfect state transfer by means of discrete-time quantum walk on complete bipartite graphs
    Quantum Inf. Process. 16 (2017), 72 [arXiv:1610.03633 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-020
    Martin Štefaňák, Stanislav Skoupý:
    Perfect state transfer by means of discrete-time quantum walk search algorithms on highly symmetric graph
    Phys. Rev. A94 (2016), 022301 [arXiv:1608.00498 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-019
    Martin Štefaňák, Igor Jex:
    Persistence of unvisited sites in quantum walks on a line
    Phys. Rev. A93 (2016), 032321 [arXiv:1603.05003 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-018
    Vladimir Lotoreichik, Petr Siegl:
    Spectra of definite type in waveguide models
    Proc. AMS 145 (2017), 1231-1246 [arXiv:1602.08883 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-017
    Jussi Behrndt, Matthias Langer, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Trace formulae for Schr dinger operators with singular interactions
    in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory for Quantum Physics (J. Dittrich, H. Kova k, A. Laptev, eds.) EMS Publishing House, Basel 2017; pp. 129 152 [arXiv:1512.06551 [math.SP]; ref]
  • DI16-016
    Jussi Behrndt, Rupert L. Frank, Christian Kühn, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Jonathan Rohleder:
    Spectral theory for Schr dinger operators with delta-interactions supported on curves in R^3
    Ann. H. Poincaré 18 (2017), 1305 1347 [arXiv:1601.06433 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-015
    Pavel Exner, Daniel Vašata:
    Cantor spectra of magnetic chain graphs
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017), 165201 [mp_arc 16-90; arXiv:1611.04559 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-014
    Alexander Minakov:
    Asymptotics of step-like solutions for the Camassa Holm equation
    J. Diff. Eqs 261 (2016), 6055-6098 [arXiv:1512.04762 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-013
    Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Miloš Tater:
    Spectral and resonance properties of Smilansky Hamiltonian
    Phys. Lett. A381 (2017), 756-761 [mp_arc 16-84; arXiv:1610.02868 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-012
    Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    On the spectral properties of Dirac operators with electrostatic delta-shell interactions
    J. Math. Pures Appl. 111 (2018), 47-78 [mp_arc 16-74; arXiv:1609.00608 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-011
    Vladimir Lotoreichik, Jonathan Rohleder:
    Eigenvalue inequalities for the Laplacian with mixed boundary conditions
    J. Diff. Eqs 263 (2017), 491 508 [arXiv:1609.02890 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI16-010
    Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner:
    A regular analogue of the Smilansky model: spectral properties
    Rep. Math. Phys. 80 (2017), 177-192 [mp_arc16-73; arXiv:1609.03008 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-009
    Pavel Exner:
    On the spectrum of leaky surfaces with a potential bias
    in "Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, and Stochastic Analysis. The Helge Holden Anniversary Volume" (F. Gesztesy et al. eds.), EMS, Zürich 2018, pp. 169--181. [mp_arc 17-7; arXiv:1701.06288 [math-ph]]
  • DI16-008
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Pseudo-orbit approach to trajectories of resonances in quantum graphs with general vertex coupling: Fermi rule and high-energy asymptotics
    J. Math. Phys. 58 (2017), 042101 [mp_arc16-67; arXiv:1608.03978 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-007
    Craig S. Hamilton, Sonja Barkhofen, Linda Sansoni, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Driven discrete time quantum walks
    New J. Phys. 18 (2016), 073008 [arXiv:1606.08996 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-006
    Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Miloš Tater:
    On resonances and bound states of Smilansky Hamiltonian
    Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math. 7 (2016), 789-802 [mp_arc 16-44; arXiv:1607.00540 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-005
    Sonja Barkhofen, Thomas Nitsche, Fabian Elster, Lennart Lorz, Aurel Gabris, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Measuring topological invariants in disordered discrete-time quantum walks
    Phys. Rev. A96 (2017), 020502 [arXiv:1606.00299 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-004
    Sonja Barkhofen, Tim J. Bartley, Linda Sansoni, Regina Kruse, Craig S. Hamilton, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Driven boson sampling
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (2017), 020502 [arXiv:1605.08570 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-003
    Aleksey S. Kostenko, Mark M. Malamud, Hagen Neidhardt, Pavel Exner:
    Infinite quantum graphs (in Russian)
    Doklady AN 472 (2017), 253-258
  • DI16-002
    Martin Štefaňák, Jaroslav Novotný, Igor Jex:
    Percolation assisted excitation transport in discrete-time quantum walks
    New. J. Phys. 18 (2016), 023040 [arXiv:1602.04678 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI16-001
    Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Markus Holzmann, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Approximation of Schroedinger operators with delta-interactions supported on hypersurfaces
    Math. Nachr. 290 (2017), 1215 1248 [mp_arc 15-120; arXiv:1512.08658 [math.SP]; abs]

  • DI15-069
    Denis I. Borisov:
    On the band spectrum of a Schr dinger operator in a periodic system of domains coupled by small windows
    Russ. J. Math. Phys. 22 (2015), 153-160 [arXiv:1312.7534 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-068
    Denis I. Borisov:
    Perturbation of threshold of essential spectrum for waveguides with windows. II: Asymptotics
    J. Math. Sciences 210 (2015), 590-621 [abs]
  • DI15-067
    Denis I. Borisov:
    The emergence of eigenvalues of a PT-symmetric operator in a thin strip
    Math. Notes 98 (2015), 872-883 [abs]
  • DI15-066
    Agnieszka Dolhanczuk-Srodka, Zbigniew Ziembik, Jan Kříž, Lidmila Hyšplerová, Maria Waclawek:
    Pb-210 isotope as a polutant indicator
    Ecol. Chem. Eng. S22 (2015), 73-81 [abs]
  • DI15-065
    Jan Hlubík, Lenka Lhotská, Jan Kříž:
    Correctness of bioimpedance data for body composition obtained by BIA approach in various external conditions
    in IMBE Proceedings 51 (2015), 1317-1320 [text]
  • DI15-064
    Jiří Adam, Jr., Vyacheslav B. Belyaev, Paolo Ricci, Fedor Šimkovic, Miloš Tater, Emil Truhlík:
    SMWDs as SGRs/AXPs and the lepton number violation
    in Proceedings of the MEDEX'15 Conference, Prague, to appear in AIP Conf. Proc. [arXiv:1512.01564 [astro-ph.SR]]
  • DI15-063
    Vyacheslav B. Belyaev, Paolo Ricci, Fedor imkovic, Ji Adam, Jr., Miloš Tater, Emil Truhl k:
    Consequence of total lepton number violation in strongly magnetized iron white dwarfs
    Nucl. Phys. B937 (2015), 17-43 [arXiv: 1212.3155 [nucl-th]; abs]
  • DI15-062
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Jiří Patera, Marzena Szajewska:
    Polytopes vibrations within Coxeter group symmetries [abs]
    Eur. J. Phys. B83 (2016), 132
  • DI15-061
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Lenka Háková, Ondřej Kajínek:
    Weyl group orbit functions in image processing
    in Geometric Methods in Physics (P. Kielanowski et al., eds.), Springer 2015; pp. 189-194 [abs]
  • DI15-060
    Vladimir Lotoreichik, Thomas Ourmieres-Bonafos:
    On the bound states of Schrodinger operators with delta-interactions on conical surfaces
    Comm. PDE 41 (2016), 999-1028 [arXiv:1510.05623 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-059
    Michal Jex, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    On absence of bound states for weakly attractive delta'-interactions supported on non-closed curves in R^2
    J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016), 022101 [arXiv:1508.04577 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-058
    Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    A spectral isoperimetric inequality for cones
    Lett. Math. Phys. 107 (2017), 717-732 [mp_arc 15-117; arXiv:1512.01970 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-057
    Vladimir Lotoreichik, Jonathan Rohleder:
    An eigenvalue inequality for Schrodinger operators with delta and delta'-interactions supported on hypersurfaces
    Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 247 (2015), 173-184 [arXiv:1407.5539 [math.SP]]
  • DI15-056
    Vladimir Lotoreichik, Hagen Neidhardt, Igor Yu. Popov:
    Point contacts and boundary triples
    Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics: Proceedings of the QMath12 Conference (P. Exner, H. Neidhardt, W. K nig, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2015; pp. 283-293
  • DI15-055
    Jussi Behrndt, Gerd Grubb, Matthias Langer, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Spectral asymptotics for resolvent differences of elliptic operators with delta and delta'-interactions on hypersurfaces
    J. Spect. Theory 5 (2015), 697-729 [arXiv:1404.2791 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-054
    Tomáš Hejda:
    Multiple tilings associated to d-Bonacci beta-expansions
    submitted [arXiv:1503.07744 [math.CO]]
  • DI15-053
    Tomáš Hejda, Wolfgang Steiner:
    Beta-expansions of rational numbers in quadratic Pisot bases
    Acta Arithmetica 183 (2017), 35-51 [arXiv:1411.2419 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI15-052
    Tomáš Vávra, Francesco Veneziano:
    Pisot unit generators in number fields
    Journal of Symbolic Computation 89 (2018), 94-108 [abs]
  • DI15-051
    Marta Brzicová, Christiane Frougny, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    On-line multiplication and division in real and complex bases
    in Proceedings of IEEE ARITH 23, IEEE Computer Society Press (2016); pp. 134-141 [abs]
  • DI15-050
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Exchange of three intervals: itineraries, substitutions and palindromicity
    Europ. J. Combin. (2017), 217-231 [arXiv:1503.03376 [math.CO]]
  • DI15-049
    Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Josef Florian:
    On periodicity of generalized pseudostandard words
    El. J. Combinatorics 23 (2016), #P1.2 [arXiv:1508.02020 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI15-048
    Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta, Miloslav Znojil:
    Markov constant and quantum instabilities
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016), 155201 [arXiv:1510.02407 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-047
    Karel Klouda, Kateřina Medková:
    Synchronizing delay for binary uniform morphisms
    Theor. Comp. Science 615 (2016), 12-22 [arXiv:1507.05223 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI15-046
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Interval exchange words and the question of Hof, Knill, and Simon
    in Proceedings of DLT 2015, Liverpool, LNCS 9168 (2015), 377 388 [arXiv:1503.03376 [math.CO]; text]
  • DI15-045
    Jiří Krac k, Hynek Lavička:
    Fluctuation analysis of high frequency power load in the Czech Republic
    Physica A462 (2016), 951-961 [arXiv:1602.05498 [physics.soc-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-044
    Agata Bezubík, Jiří Hrivňák, Jiří Patera, Severín Pošta:
    Three-variable symmetric and antisymmetric exponential functions and orthogonal polynomials
    Math. Slovaca 65 (2017) [abs]
  • DI15-043
    Sabine Bögli, Petr Siegl, Christiane Tretter:
    Approximations of spectra of Schr dinger operators with complex potentials on R^d
    Comm. PDE 42 (2017), 1001-1041 [arXiv:1512.01826 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-042
    Tomáš Dohnal, Petr Siegl:
    Bifurcation of eigenvalues in nonlinear problems with antilinear symmetry
    J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016), 093502 [arXiv:1504.00054 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-041
    Orif O. Ibrogimov, Petr Siegl, Christiane Tretter:
    Analysis of the essential spectrum of singular matrix differential operators
    J. Diff. Eqs 260 (2016), 3881-3926 [arXiv:1512.00759 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-040
    František Štampach, Pavel Šťovíček:
    The Nevanlinna parametrization for q-Lommel polynomials in the indeterminate case
    J. Approx. Theory 201 (2016), 48-72 [arXiv:1407.0217 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-039
    Francisco Correa, Vít Jakubský, Mikhail S. Plyushchay:
    PT-symmetric invisible defects and confluent Darboux-Crum transformations
    Phys. Rev. A92 (2015), 023839 [arXiv:1506.00991 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI15-038
    Pavel Šťovíček, Tomáš Kalvoda:
    A family of explicitly diagonalizable weighted Hankel matrices generalizing the Hilbert matrix
    Lin. Multilin. Algebra (2016), 870-884 [arXiv:1506.01064 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-037
    Diana Barseghyan, Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    Gaps in the spectrum of a periodic quantum graph with periodically distributed delt'-type interactions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 255201 [arXiv:1502.04664 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-036
    Antonella Marchesiello, Sarah Post, Libor Šnobl:
    Third-order superintegrable systems with potentials satisfying only nonlinear equations
    J. Math. Phys. 56 (2015), 102104 [arXiv:1501.00470 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-035
    Antonella Marchesiello, Libor Šnobl, Pavel Winternitz:
    Three-dimensional superintegrable systems in a static electromagnetic field
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 395206 [arXiv:1507.04632 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-034
    Martin Kolb, David Krejčiřík:
    Spectral analysis of the diffusion operator with random jumps from the boundary
    Math. Z. 284 (2016), 877-900 [arXiv:1507.08487 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-033
    David Krejčiřík:
    The Hardy inequality and the heat flow in curved wedges
    Portugal. Math. 73 (2016), 91-113 [arXiv:1507.03627 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-032
    Luca Fanelli, David Krejčiřík, Luis Vega:
    Spectral stability of Schrodinger operators with subordinated complex potentials
    J. Spectr. Theory 8 (2018), 575-604 [arXiv:1506.01617 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-031
    David Krejčiřík, Petr Siegl:
    Elements of spectral theory without the spectral theorem
    in "Non-Selfadjoint Operators in Quantum Physics: Mathematical Aspects" (F. Bagarello, J.-P. Gazeau, F.H. Szafraniec, and M. Znojil, eds.), J. Wiley & Sons 2015; pp. 241-292
  • DI15-030
    Raphael Henry, David Krejčiřík:
    Pseudospectra of the Schrödinger operator with a discontinuous complex potential
    J. Spect. Theory 7 (2017), 659-697 [arXiv:1503.02478 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-029
    Jiří Lipovský:
    On the effective size of a non-Weyl graph
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016), 375202 [mp_arc 15-65; arXiv: 1507.04176 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-028
    Jiří Lipovský:
    Pseudo orbit expansion for the resonance condition on quantum graphs and the resonance asymptotics
    Acta Phys. Polonica A128 (2015), 968-973 [mp_arc 15-73; arXiv: 1507.06845 [math-ph]; text]
  • DI15-027
    Ondřej Turek:
    Abelian complexity function of the Tribonacci word
    J. Integer Seq. 18 (2015), 15.3.4 [arXiv:1309.4810 [math.CO]; text]
  • DI15-026
    Denis I. Borisov, František Růžička, Miloslav Znojil:
    Multiply degenerate exceptional points and quantum phase transitions
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 54 (2015), 4293-4305 [arXiv:1412.6634 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-025
    Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric model with an interplay between kinematical and dynamical non-localities
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 195303 [arXiv:1410.3583 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-024
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum control and the challenge of non-Hermitian model-building
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 624 (2015), 012011 [arXiv:1504.03075 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-023
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Non-Hermitian Heisenberg representation
    Phys. Lett. A379 (2015), 2013-2017 [arXiv:1505.01036 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-022
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Solvable quantum lattices with nonlocal non-Hermitian endpoint interactions
    Ann. Phys. 361 (2015), 226-246 [arXiv:1506.00216 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-021
    Bijan Bagchi, Subhrajit Modak, Prasanta K. Panigrahi, František Růžička, Miloslav Znojil:
    Exploring branched Hamiltonians for a class of nonlinear systems
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A30 (2015), 1550213 [arXiv:1505.07552 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-020
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantization of Big Bang in crypto-Hermitian Heisenberg picture
    in "Pseudo-Hermitian Operators in Quantum Physics", proceedings of PHHQP XIII (F. Bagarello et al, eds.), Springer 2016; pp. 383-399 [arXiv:1511.07610 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-019
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Non-selfadjoint operators in quantum physics: ideas, people and trends
    in "Non-Selfadjoint Operators in Quantum Physics: Mathematical Aspects" (F. Bagarello, J.-P. Gazeau, F.H. Szafraniec, and M. Znojil, eds.), J. Wiley & Sons 2015; pp. 7-58
  • DI15-018
    Rostyslav Hryniv, Stepan Manko:
    Inverse scattering for energy-dependent Schr dinger equations
    Proceedings of the "Inverse Problems from Theory to Applications" conference (A. Louis, S. Arridge and B. Rundell, eds.), IOP Publishing 2014; pp. 57-61
  • DI15-017
    András Gilyén, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Exponential sensitivity and its cost in quantum physics
    Sci. Rep. 6 (2016), 20076 [arXiv:1508.03191 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-016
    Regina Kruse, Linda Sansoni, Sebastian Brauner, Raimund Ricken, Craig S. Hamilton, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Dual-path source engineering in integrated quantum optics
    Phys. Rev. A92 (2015), 053841 [arXiv:1505.01416 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-015
    Satoshi Ohya:
    BPS monopole in the space of boundary conditions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 505401 [arXiv:1506.04738 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI15-014
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex :
    Universality in random quantum networks
    Phys. Rev. A92 (2015), 062335 [abs]
  • DI15-013
    Pavel Exner, Jonathan Rohleder:
    Generalized interactions supported on hypersurfaces
    J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016), 041507 (24pp) [mp_arc 15-110; arXiv:1511.06903 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-012
    Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner, Andrii Khrabustovskyi, Miloš Tater:
    Spectral analysis of a class of Schr\"odinger operators exhibiting a parameter-dependent spectral transition
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016), 165302 [mp_arc 15-103; arXiv:1511.00097 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-011
    Iva Bezděková, Martin Štefaňák, Igor Jex:
    Suitable bases for quantum walks with Wigner coins
    Phys. Rev. A92 (2015), 022347 [arXiv:1509.00960 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-010
    Jiří Maryška, Jaroslav Novotný, Igor Jex :
    Dominant couplings in qubit networks with controlled interactions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 215301 [arXiv:1504.03456 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-009
    Fabian Elster, Sonja Barkhofen, Thomas Nitsche, Jan Novotný, Aurel Gábris, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Quantum walk coherences on a dynamical percolation graph
    Scientific Reports 5 (2015), 13495 [abs]
  • DI15-008
    Pavel Bažant, Holger Frydrych, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex:
    Suppressing systematic control errors to high orders
    Phys. Rev. A92 (2015), 022325 [abs]
  • DI15-007
    Pavel Exner, Stepan Manko:
    Spectral properties of magnetic chain graphs
    Ann. H. Poincaré 18 (2017), 929-953 [mp_arc 15-61; arXiv:1507.00608 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-006
    Pavel Exner, Sylwia Kondej:
    Gap asymptotics in a weakly bent leaky quantum wire
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 495301 [mp_arc 15-60; arXiv:1506.07309 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-005
    Jaroslav Dittrich, Pavel Exner, Christian Kühn, Konstantin Pankrashkin:
    On eigenvalue asymptotics for strong $\delta$-interactions supported by surfaces with boundaries
    Asympt. Anal. 97 (2016), 1-25 [mp_arc 15-59; arXiv:1506.06583 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-004
    Pavel Exner, Semjon Vugalter:
    On the existence of bound states in asymmetric leaky wires
    J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016), 022104 [mp_arc 15-38; arXiv:1505.02347 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-003
    Jussi Behrndt, Matthias Langer, Vladimir Lotoriechik, Jonathan Rohleder:
    Quasi boundary triples and semibounded self-adjoint extensions
    Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh A147 (2017), 895 916 [arXiv:1504.03885 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI15-002
    Bálint Kollár, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Strongly trapped two-dimensional quantum walks
    Phys. Rev. A91 (2015), 022308 [arXiv:1501.05844 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI15-001
    Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner, Hynek Kovařík, Timo Weidl:
    Semiclassical bounds in magnetic bottles
    Rev. Math. Phys. 28 (2016), 1650002 [mp_arc 15-06; arXiv:1501.02950 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI14-060
    Vladislav Kosejk, Goce Chadzitaskos, Jaroslav Červen :
    The principle of the technology and design of the parabolic strip telescope
    Proceedings of the Workshop "Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium" (Guangzhou, August 25-18, 2014), pp. 1726-1729
  • DI14-059
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Jaroslav ˇVerven , Vladislav Kosejk:
    Parabolic strip telescope
    Proceedings of the Workshop "Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium" (Guangzhou, August 25-18, 2014), pp. 471-476
  • DI14-058
    Daniel Jezbera, Jan Kříž, Jiří Rajsner, Filip Studnička, Petr Šeba :
    Geometric ballistography - vital functions monitoringy
    WSEAS Proceedings "Recent Advances In Energy, Environment, Biology And Ecology" (V. Niola, ed.), 2014; pp. 65-69
  • DI14-057
    Daniel Jezbera, Jan Kříž, Ji Rajsner, Filip Studnička, Petr Šeba :
    Unobtrusive monitoring of blood pressure variability and pulse wave velocity
    WSEAS Proceedings "Recent Advances In Energy, Environment, Biology And Ecology" (V. Niola, ed.), 2014; pp. 124-127
  • DI14-056
    Daniel Jezbera, Jan Kříž, Filip Studnička, Petr Šeba :
    Geometric approach to biomedical signal processing: ballistocardiografic monitoring of vital functions
    Int. J. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 8 (2014), 147-153
  • DI14-055
    Daniel Jezbera, Jan Kříž, Ji Rajsner, Filip Studnička, Petr Šeba :
    Results of geometric ballistocardiography
    Int. J. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 8 (2014), 211-217
  • DI14-054
    Malgorzata Rajfur, Andrzej Klos, Jan Kříž:
    Translocation of cations during sorption of copper in the system solution-algae (Spirogyra sp.)
    Ecol. Chem. Eng. S 21 (2014), 425-433 [abs]
  • DI14-053
    Miloslav Znojil:
    The large-g observability of the low-lying energies in the strongly singular potentials $V(x)=x^2+g^2/x^6$ after their PT-symmetric regularization
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 53 (2014), 2549-2557 [arXiv:1401.1435 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-052
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Solvable non-Hermitian discrete square well with closed-form physical inner product
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014), 435302 [arXiv:1409.37888 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-051
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum star-graph analogues of PT-symmetric square wells. II: Spectra
    Can. J. Phys. 93 (2015),765-768 [arXiv:1411.3828 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-050
    Francisco M. Fernández, Javier Garcia, Iveta Semorádová, Miloslav Znojil:
    Ad hoc physical Hilbert spaces in quantum mechanics
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 54 (2015), 4187-4203 [arXiv:1405.7284 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-049
    Géza Lévai, František Růžička, Miloslav Znojil:
    Three solvable matrix models of a quantum catastrophe
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 53 (2014), 2875-2890 [arXiv:1403.0723 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-048
    Christiane Frougny, Pavel Heller, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    Parallel algorithms for addition in non-standard number systems
    Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA) (2014); pp. 1-7 [abs]
  • DI14-047
    Sébastien Labbé, Edita Pelantová:
    Palindromic sequences generated from marked morphisms
    Eur. J. Combinatorics 51C (2016), 200-214 [arXiv:1409.7510 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI14-046
    Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Constructions of word rich in palindromes and pseudopalindromes
    Discrete Math. Theor. Comp. Sci. 18 (2016), #16 [arXiv:1409.2354 [math.CO]]
  • DI14-045
    Zuzana Masáková, Kate ina Pastir kov , Edita Pelantová:
    Description of spectra of quadratic Pisot units
    J. Number Theory 150 (2015), 168-190 [arXiv:1402.1582 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI14-044
    František Štampach, Pavel Šťovíček:
    Orthogonal polynomials associated with Coulomb wave functions
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 419 (2014) 231-254 [arXiv:1403.8083 [math.CA]; abs]
  • DI14-043
    František Štampach, Pavel Šťovíček:
    The Hahn-Exton q-Bessel function as the characteristic function of a Jacobi matrix
    Spec. Matrices 2 (2014), 131-147 [arXiv:1404.7647 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-042
    Rostyslav Hryniv, Stepan Manko:
    Inverse scattering on the half-line for ZS-AKNS systems with integrable potentials
    Int. Eq. Oper. Theory 84 (2016), 323-355 [abs]
  • DI14-041
    Stepan Manko:
    On $\delta'$-couplings at graph vertices
    Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics: Proceedings of the QMath12 Conference (P. Exner, H. Neidhardt, W. K nig, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2015; pp. 305-313
  • DI14-040
    Oksana Kuriksha, Severín Pošta, Olena Vaneeva:
    Group analysis of variable coefficient generalized fifth-order KdV equations
    Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 11 (2014), 990-995 [arXiv:1401.7155 [math-ph]]
  • DI14-039
    Michal Jex:
    Spectral asymptotics for a $\delta'$ interaction supported by an infinite curve
    Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics: Proceedings of the QMath12 Conference (P. Exner, H. Neidhardt, W. K nig, eds.),World Scientific, Singapore 2014; pp. 259-265 [arXiv:1403.5798 [math-ph]]
  • DI14-038
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    Alexandrov's isodiametric conjecture and the cut locus of a surface
    Tohoku Math. J. 67 (2015), 405-417 [arXiv:1406.0811 [math.DG]; abs]
  • DI14-037
    Martin Bureš, Petr Siegl:
    Hydrogen atom in space with a compactified extra dimension and potential defined by Gauss' law
    Ann. Phys. 354 (2015), 316-327 [arXiv:1409.8530 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-036
    Sabine Bögli, Petr Siegl:
    Remarks on the convergence of pseudospectra
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 80 (2014), 303-321 [arXiv:1408.3431 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-035
    Radek Novák:
    On the pseudospectrum of the harmonic oscillator with imaginary cubic potential
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 54 (2015), 4142-4153 [arXiv:1411.1856 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-034
    Radek Novák:
    Bound states in waveguides with complex Robin boundary conditions
    Asympt. Anal. 96 (2016), 251-281 [arXiv:1409.0626 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-033
    Hynek Lavička, Tomáš Lichard, Jaroslav Novotný:
    Sand in the wheels or wheels in the sand? Tobin taxes and market crashes
    CERGE-EI Working paper, March 2014; International Review of Financial Analysis 47 (2016), 328-342 [text; abs]
  • DI14-032
    Lenka Háková, Agnieszka Tereszkiewicz:
    On immanant functions related to Weyl groups of A_n
    J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), 113509 [arXiv:1412.1594 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-031
    Vít Jakubský:
    Spectrally isomorphic Dirac systems: graphene in electromagnetic field
    Phys. Rev. D91 (2015), 045039 [arXiv:1412.1026 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI14-030
    Adrian Arancibia, Francisco Correa, Vít Jakubský, Juan Mateos Guilarte, Mikhail S.Plyushchay:
    Soliton defects in one-gap periodic system and exotic supersymmetry
    Phys. Rev. D90 (2014), 125041 [arXiv:1410.3565 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI14-029
    Francisco Correa, Vít Jakubský:
    Twisted kinks, Dirac transparent systems and Darboux transformations
    Phys. Rev. D90 (2014), 125003 [arXiv:1406.2997 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI14-028
    Vladimir Kotlyarov, Alexander Minakov:
    Modulated elliptic wave and asymptotic solitons in a shock problem to the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
    J. Phys.A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 305201 [arXiv:1304.1703 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-027
    Matěj Tušek:
    Atoms confined by very thin layers
    J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), 112105 [arXiv:1205.2260 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-026
    Ondřej Turek:
    Abelian properties of Parry words
    Theor. Comput. Sci. 566 (2015), 26-38 [abs]
  • DI14-025
    Philippe Briet, Jaroslav Dittrich, Eric Soccorsi:
    Scattering through a straight quantum waveguide with combined boundary conditions
    J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), 112104 [arXiv:1408.3958 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-024
    Barbara Brandolini, Francesco Chiacchio, David Krejčiřík, Cristina Trombetti:
    The equality case in a Poincaré-Wirtinger type inequality
    Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 27 (2016), 443-464 [arXiv:1410.0676 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI14-023
    Cristian Cazacu, David Krejčiřík:
    The Hardy inequality and the heat equation with magnetic field in any dimension
    Comm. PDE 41 (2016), 1056-1088 [arXiv:1409.6433 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-022
    David Krejčiřík:
    Waveguides with asymptotically diverging twisting
    Appl. Math. Lett. 46 (2015), 7-10 [arXiv:1407.4028 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-021
    Philippe Briet, Hiba Hammedi, David Krejčiřík:
    Hardy inequalities in globally twisted waveguides
    Lett. Math. Phys. 105 (2015), 939-958 [arXiv:1406.2841 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-020
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    The first Robin eigenvalue with negative boundary parameter
    Adv. Math. 280 (2015), 322-339 [arXiv:1403.6666 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-019
    David Krejčiřík, Petr Siegl, Miloš Tater, Joe Viola:
    Pseudospectra in non-Hermitian quantum mechanics
    J. Math. Phys. 56 (2015), 103513 [arXiv:1402.1082 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-018
    Jussi Behrndt, David Krejčiřík:
    An indefinite Laplacian on a rectangle
    J. d'Anal. Math. 134 (2018), 501-522 [arXiv:1407.7802 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-017
    David Krejčiřík, Matěj Tušek:
    Nodal sets of thin curved layers
    J. Diff. Eqs 258 (2015), 281-301 [arXiv:1406.4103 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI14-016
    Vít Jakubský, David Krejčiřík:
    Qualitative analysis of trapped Dirac fermions in graphene
    Ann. Phys. 349 (2014), 268-287; corrigendum 353 (2015), 340-341 [arXiv:1405.2535 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs; corr]
  • DI14-015
    Pavel Exner, Stepan S. Manko:
    Spectra of magnetic chain graphs: coupling constant perturbations
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 125302 [mp_arc 14-86; arXiv: 1412.6089 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-014
    Pavel Exner, Sylwia Kondej:
    Strong coupling asymptotics for Schroedinger operators with an interaction supported by an open arc in three dimensions
    Rep. Math. Phys. 77 (2016), 1-17 [mp_arc 15-63; arXiv:1507.02123 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-013
    Satoshi Ohya:
    Supersymmetry and non-Abelian geometric phase for a free particle on a circle with point-like interactions
    J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 563 (2014), 012021 [arXiv:1409.8238 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI14-012
    Holger Frydrych, Antonín Hoskovec, Igor Jex, Gernot Alber:
    Selective dynamical decoupling for quantum state transfer
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 (2014), 025501 [arXiv:1409.3424 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-011
    Craig S. Hamilton, Regina Kruse, Linda Sansoni, Christine Silberhorn, Igor Jex:
    Driven quantum walks
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014), 083602 [abs]
  • DI14-010
    Alexander Minakov:
    Riemann-Hilbert problem for Camassa-Holm equation with step-like initial data
    J. Math. Anal. Appl. 429 (2015), 81 104 [arXiv:1401.6777 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-009
    Martin Štefaňák, Iva Bezděková, Igor Jex:
    Limit distributions of three-state quantum walks: The role of coin eigenstates
    Phys. Rev. A90 (2014), 012342 [arXiv:1405.7146 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-008
    Pavel Exner, Alexander Minakov:
    Curvature-induced bound states in Robin waveguides and their asymptotical properties
    J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), 122101 [mp_arc 14-51; arXiv:1406.7624 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-007
    Satoshi Ohya:
    Non-Abelian monopole in the parameter space of point-like interactions
    Ann. Phys. 351 (2014), 900-913 [arXiv:1406.4857 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI14-006
    Pavel Exner, Hagen Neidhardt, Miloš Tater, Valentin A. Zagrebnov:
    Non-equilibrium current via geometric scatterers
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014), 395301 [mp_arc 14-42; arXiv: 1405.4391 [math-ph]; abs; insight]
  • DI14-005
    Pavel Exner, Andrii Khrabustovskyi:
    On the spectrum of narrow Neumann waveguide with periodically distributed $\delta'$ traps
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 315301 [mp_arc 14-36; arXiv: 1405.1367 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-004
    Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Spectrum of a dilated honeycomb network
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 81 (2015), 535-557 [mp_arc 14-34; arXiv: 1405.0694 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-003
    Bálint Kollár, Jaroslav Novotný, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Discrete time quantum walks on percolation graphs
    European Physics Journal Plus 129 (2014), 103 [arXiv:1404.45098 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI14-002
    Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Schroedinger operators with delta-interactions supported on conical surfaces
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014), 355202 [mp_arc 14-23; arXiv: 1404.1764 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI14-001
    Pavel Exner, Michal Jex:
    Spectral asymptotics of a strong $\delta'$ interaction supported by a surface
    Phys. Lett. A378 (2014), 2091-2095 [mp_arc 14-9; arXiv: 1402.6117 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI13-067
    David Krejčiřík, Helena Šediváková:
    The effective Hamiltonian in curved quantum waveguides and when it does not work
    in Microlocal Methods in Mathematical Physics and Global Analysis (Tubingen 2011), Springer, Basel 2013; pp. 29-32
  • DI13-066
    Hynek Lavička, Jaroslav Novotný:
    Employment, production and consumption with random update: non-equilibrium stationary state equations
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (2013), 847-853 [abs]
  • DI13-065
    Goce Chadzitaskos:
    Parabolic strip telescope
    [arXiv:1304.6530 [astro-ph.IM]] submitted
  • DI13-064
    Pavel Exner, Alexander Minakov, Leonid Parnovski:
    Asymptotic eigenvalue estimates for a Robin problem with a large parameter
    Portugal. Math. 71 (2014), 141-156 [mp_arc 14-19; arXiv: 1312.7293 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-063
    Satoshi Ohya:
    A simple derivation of finite-temperature CFT correlators from BTZ black hole
    Acta Polytechnica 54 (2014), 142-148 [arXiv:1312.7348 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI13-062
    Miloslav Znojil, Raymond F. Bishop:
    The coupled-cluster approach to quantum many-body problem in a three-Hilbert-space reinterpretation
    Acta Polytechnica 54(2) (2014), 85-92 [arXiv:1311.6295 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-061
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Solvable model of quantum phase transitions and the symbolic-manipulation-based study of its multiply degenerate exceptional points and of their unfolding
    Ann. Phys. 336 (2013), 98-111 [arXiv:1305.4822 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-060
    Denis I. Borisov, Miloslav Znojil:
    Mathematical and physical meaning of the crossings of energy levels in PT-symmetric systems
    in $quot;Pseudo-Hermitian Operators in Quantum Physics", proceedings of PHHQP XV (F. Bagarello et al, eds.), Springer 2016; pp. 201-217 [arXiv:1303.4876 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-059
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Non-Hermitian star-shaped quantum graphs
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (3) (2013), 317-321 [arXiv:1303.4331 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-058
    Miloslav Znojil:
    New concept of solvability in quantum mechanics
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (5) (2013), 473-482 [arXiv:1302.2035 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-057
    Miloslav Znojil, Junde Wu:
    A generalized family of discrete PT-symmetric square wells
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 52 (2013), 2152-2162 [arXiv:1302.1662 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-056
    Mark Bodner, Goce Chadzitaskos, Jiří Patera, Agnieszka Tereszkiewicz:
    Proposal of new optical elements
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (5) (2013), 395-398 [abs]
  • DI13-055
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Costas Daskaloyannis, Jan Smotlacha:
    Three boson interaction process: spectra and coherent states
    J. Mod. Optics 60 (2013), 479-487 [abs]
  • DI13-054
    Sylwia Kondej, David Krejčiřík:
    Spectral analysis of a quantum system with a double line singular interaction
    Publ. RIMS 49 (2013), 831-859 [arXiv:1307.12336 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI13-053
    David Krejčiřík:
    Spectrum of the Laplacian in narrow tubular neighbourhoods of hypersurfaces with combined Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
    Math. Bohemica 139 (2014), 185-193 [arXiv:1311.2386 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI13-052
    Bálint Kollár, Jaroslav Novotný, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Percolation induced symmetry breaking in 2D coined quantum walks: exact asymptotic solutions
    New J. Phys. 16 (2014), 023002 [arXiv:1401.5668 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-051
    Georgios M. Nikolopoulos, Thomas Brougham, Antonín Hoskovec, Igor Jex:
    Communication in engineered quantum networks
    in Quantum State Transfer and Network Engineering, Springer 2014; pp. 39-86
  • DI13-050
    František Štampach, Pavel Šťovíček:
    Special functions and spectrum of Jacobi matrices
    Linear Alg. Appl. 464 (2015), 38-61 [arXiv:1301.21253 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI13-049
    Stepan S. Manko:
    Quantum-graph vertex couplings: some old and new approximations
    Math. Bohemica 139 (2014), 259 267 [abs]
  • DI13-048
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Lenka Háková, Ondřej Kajínek:
    Weyl group orbit functions in image processing
    Appl. Math. 5 (2014), 501-511 [arXiv:1404.0566 [cs.CV]; text]
  • DI13-047
    Josef Hubeník, Jan Šlégr:
    Lower ionosphere electron density profiling with data from VLF receivers
    J. Atmosph. Solar.-Terrestr .Phys. 107 (2014), 85-88 [abs]
  • DI13-046
    Hynek Lavička, Jaroslav Novotný:
    Production and consumption with random update: non-equilibrium stationary sState equation
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (6) (2013), [abs]
  • DI13-045
    Boris Mityagin, Petr Siegl, Joe Viola:
    Differential operators admitting various rates of spectral projection growth
    J. Funct. Anal. 272 (2017), 3129-3175 [arXiv:1309.3751 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI13-044
    Boris Mityagin, Petr Siegl:
    Root system of singular perturbations of the harmonic oscillator type operators
    Lett. Math. Phys. 106 (2016), 147-167 [arXiv:1307.6245 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI13-043
    Amru Hussein, David Krejčiřík, Petr Siegl:
    Non-self-adjoint graphs
    Trans. AMS 367 (2015), 2921-2957 [arXiv:1308.4264 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI13-042
    Jiří Tolar:
    A classification of finite quantum kinematics
    J. Phys.: Conf. Series 538 (2014) 012020 [arXiv:1411.6390 [quant-ph]]
  • DI13-041
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Jiří Tolar:
    Proposal of new optical elements
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (5) (2013), 405-409 [abs]
  • DI13-040
    Vít Jakubský, Sengul Kuru, Javier Negro:
    Carbon nanotubes in almost homogeneous transverse magnetic field: exactly solvable model
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014), 115307 [arXiv:1306.2115 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI13-039
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Enumerating Abelian returns to prefixes of Sturmian words
    Proceedings WORDS 2013, LNCS 8079 (2013), 193-204 [arXiv:1303.09694 [cs.FL]]
  • DI13-038
    Ľubomíra Balková, Michelangelo Bucci, Alessandro De Luca, Svetlana Puzynina:
    Infinite words with well distributed occurences
    Proceedings WORDS 2013, LNCS 8079 (2013), 46-57 [text]
  • DI13-037
    Vincent Delacroix, Tomáš Hejda, Wolfgang Steiner:
    Balancedness of Arnoux-Rauzy and Brun words
    Proceedings WORDS 2013, LNCS 8079 (2013), 119-131 [arXiv:1308.6694 [cs.FL]]
  • DI13-036
    Daniel Dombek:
    Generating ( beta)-integers by conjugated morphisms
    in Local Proceedings of WORDS 2013, TUCS Lecture Notes 20 (2013), 14-25
  • DI13-035
    Ľubomíra Balková, Michelangelo Bucci, Alessandro De Luca, Jiří Hladký, Svetlana Puzynina:
    Aperiodic pseudorandom number generators based on infinite words
    Theor. Comput. Sci 647 (2016), 85-100 [arXiv:1311.6002 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI13-034
    Daniel Dombek, Zuzana Masáková, Tomáš Vávra:
    Confluent Parry numbers, integers in positive and negative non-integer base and conjugated morphisms
    J. Th orie Nombres de Bordeaux 27 (2015), 745-768 [arXiv:1402.4314 [cs.DM]]
  • DI13-033
    Daniel Dombek, Zuzana Masáková, Volker Ziegler:
    On distinct unit generated fields that are totally complex
    J. Number Theory 148 (2015), 311-327 [abs; text]
  • DI13-032
    Christiane Frougny, Pavel Heller, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    k-block versus 1-block parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems
    Theor. Comp. Sci. 543 (2014), 52-67 [arXiv:1312.4858 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI13-031
    Edita Pelantová, Tomáš Hejda:
    Spectral properties of cubic complex Pisot units
    Math. Comput. 85 (2016), 401-421 [arXiv:1312.0653 [math.MG]; text]
  • DI13-030
    Tatiana Jajcayová, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Palindromic closure using multiple antimorphisms
    Theor. Comp. Sci. 533 (2014), 37-45 [arXiv:1306.6784 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI13-029
    V.B. Belyaev, P. Ricci, F. Šimkovic, J. Adam, Jr., M. Tater, E. Truhlík:
    Strongly magnetized iron white dwarfs and the total lepton number violation
    submitted [arXiv: 1312.5343 [nucl-th]]
  • DI13-028
    Peter P. Rohde, Andreas Schreiber, Martin Štefaňák, Igor Jex, Aleksei Gilchrist, Christine Silberhorn:
    Increasing the dimensionality of quantum walks using multiple walkers
    J. Comp. Theor. Nanosci. 10 (2013), 1644-1652 [arXiv:1205.1851 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-027
    Pedro Freitas, Jiří Lipovský:
    Eigenvalue asymptotics for the damped wave equation on metric graphs
    J. Diff. Eq. 263 (2017), 2780 2811 [arXiv: 1307.6377 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-026
    Oksana Kuriksha, Severín Pošta, Olena Vaneeva:
    Group classification of variable coefficient generalized Kawahara equationsn
    J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. 47 (2014), 045201 [arXiv: 1309.7161 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-025
    Miloslav Havlíček, Severín Pošta:
    Note on Verma bases for representations of simple Lie algebras
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (5) (2013), 450-456 [abs]
  • DI13-024
    Jan Fuksa, Severín Pošta:
    Generating functions for tensor product decomposition
    J. Phys.: Conf. Series 474 (2013), 012018 [abs]
  • DI13-023
    Agata Bezubik, Severín Pošta:
    Interpolation via symmetric exponential functions
    J. Phys.: Conf. Series 474 (2013), 012011 [abs]
  • DI13-022
    Agata Bezubik, Jiří Hrivňák, Severín Pošta:
    Two dimensional symmetric and antisymmetric exponential functions and orthogonal polynomials
    J. Phys.: Conf. Series 411 (2013), 012007 [abs]
  • DI13-021
    Pavel Exner, Stepan S. Manko:
    Approximations of quantum-graph vertex couplings by singularly scaled rank-one operators
    Lett. Math. Phys. 104 (2014), 1079-1094 [mp_arc 13-84; arXiv: 1310.5856 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI13-020
    Martin Štefaňák, Iva Bezděková, Igor Jex, Stephen M. Barnett:
    Stability of point spectrum for three-state quantum walks on a line
    Quantum Inf. Comput. 14 (2014), 1213 [arXiv: 1309.7835 [quant-ph]]
  • DI13-019
    Satoshi Ohya:
    Recurrence relations for finite-temperature correlators via AdS2/CFT1
    JHEP 12 (2013), 011 [arXiv: 1309.2939 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI13-018
    Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner:
    A regular version of Smilansky model
    J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), 042104 [mp_arc 13-70; arXiv: 1308.4249 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-017
    Lenka Háková, Jiří Hrivňák, Jiří Patera:
    Four families of Weyl group orbit functions of B_3 and C_3
    J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013), 083501 [abs]
  • DI13-016
    Regina Kruse, Fabian Katzschmann, Andreas Christ, Andreas Schreiber, Sarah Wilhelm, Kaisa Laiho, Aurél Gábris, Craig S. Hamilton, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Spatio-spectral characteristics of parametric down-conversion in waveguide arrays
    New J. Phys. 15 (2013), 083046 [arXiv: 1305.6806 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-015
    Jussi Behrndt, Pavel Exner, Vladimir Lotoreichik:
    Schroedinger operators with delta and delta'-interactions on Lipschitz surfaces and chromatic numbers of associated partitions
    Rev. Math. Phys. 26 (2014), 1450015 [mp_arc 13-59; arXiv: 1307.0074 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-014
    Pavel Exner, Stepan S. Manko:
    Approximations of quantum-graph vertex couplings by singularly scaled potentials
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 (2013), 345202 [mp_arc 13-50; arXiv: 1306.0881 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-013
    Pavel Exner, Christian Seifert, Peter Stollmann:
    Absence of absolutely continuous spectrum for the Kirchhoff Laplacian on radial trees
    Ann. Henri Poincaré 15 (2014), 1109-1121 [mp_arc 13-38; arXiv: 1305.0656 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-012
    Pavel Exner, Michal Jex:
    Spectral asymptotics of a strong $\delta'$ interaction on a planar loop
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 (2013), 345201 [mp_arc 13-37; arXiv: 1304.7696 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-011
    Daniel Dombek:
    Generating (+-beta)-integers by conjugated morphisms
  • DI13-010
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Itineraries induced by exchange of two intervals
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (5) (2013), 444-449 [abs]
  • DI13-009
    Ľubomíra Balková, Aranka Hrušková:
    Continued fractions of quadratic numbers
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (4) (2013), 322-328 [abs]
  • DI13-008
    Zuzana Masáková, Tomáš Vávra:
    Integers in number systems with positive and negative quadratic Pisot base
    RAIRO: Theor. Inf. Appl. 48 (2014), 341-367 [arXiv:1302.4655 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI13-007
    Karel Břinda, Edita Pelantová, Ondřej Turek:
    Balances of m-bonacci words
    Fundamenta Informaticae 132(1) (2014), 33-61 [arXiv:1301.3334 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI13-006
    David Krejčiřík, Nicolas Raymond, Matěj Tušek:
    The magnetic Laplacian in shrinking tubular neighbourhoods of hypersurfaces
    J. Geom. Anal. 25 (2015), 2546-2564 [arXiv:1303.4753 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-005
    David Krejčiřík, Nicolas Raymond:
    Magnetic effects in curved quantum waveguides
    Ann. Henri Poincaré 15 (2014), 1993-2024 [arXiv:1303.6844 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-004
    Vít Jakubský, Sengul Kuru, Javier Negro, S. Tristao:
    Supersymmetry in spherical molecules and fullerenes under perpendicular magnetic fields
    J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 25 (2013), 165301 [abs]]
  • DI13-003
    Francisco Correa, Vít Jakubský:
    Finite-gap twists of carbon nanotubes and an emergent hidden supersymmetry
    Phys. Rev. D87 (2013), 085019 [arXiv:1301.1943 [cond-mat.mes-hall]; abs]
  • DI13-002
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Resonances on hedgehog manifolds
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (2013), 416-426 [mp_arc13-11; arXiv: 1302.5269 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI13-001
    Pavel Exner, Ari Laptev, Muhammad Usman:
    On some sharp spectral inequalities for Schroedinger operators on semi-axis
    Commun. Math. Phys. 326 (2014), 531-541 [mp_arc 13-5; arXiv: 1301.4986 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI12-051
    Filip Studnička, Petr Šeba, Daniel Jezbera, Jan Kříž:
    Continuous monitoring of heart rate using accelerometric sensors
    in 35th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP 2012), pp. 559-561.
  • DI12-050
    Christiane Frougny, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    Minimal digit sets for parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems
    Journal of Integer Sequences 16 (2013), 13.2.17 [text]
  • DI12-049
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Optimal number representations in negative bases
    Acta Math. Hungar. 140 (2013), 329-340 [arXiv:1208.1413 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI12-048
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Proof of Brlek-Reutenauer conjecture
    Theor. Comp. Sci. 475 (2013), 120-125 [arXiv:1208.2505 [cs.DM]; abs;text]
  • DI12-047
    Tomáš Hejda, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    On the negative base greedy and lazy representations
    in "14eme Journ es Montoises d'Informatique Th orique", No. 23 (2012)
  • DI12-046
    Tomáš Vávra:
    Negative base arithmetics: quadratic Pisot case
    in "14eme Journ es Montoises d'Informatique Th orique", No. 23 (2012)
  • DI12-045
    Ľubomíra Balková:
    Factor frequencies in languages invariant under symmetries preserving factor frequencies
    Integers - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 12 (2012), A36 [arXiv:1107.0471 [math.CO]; abs]; an updated version of DI11-047
  • DI12-044
    Pierre Arnoux, Štěpán Starosta:
    Rauzy gasket
    in "Further Developments in Fractals and Related Fields" (J. Barral and S. Seuret, eds.), Trends in Mathematics, Springer, New York 2013
  • DI12-043
    D. Dombek, L. Hajdu, A. Petho: Representing algebraic integers as linear combinations of units
    Period. Math. Hung. 68 (2014), 135-142
  • DI12-042
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Purely periodic expansions in systems with negative base
    Acta Math. Hungarica 139 (2013), 208-227 [arXiv:1202.1948 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI12-041
    Daniel Dombek: Substitutions over infinite alphabet generating (-beta)-integers
    J. Found. Comp. Sci. 23 (2012), 1627-1639 [arXiv:1108.3627 [cs.DM]; abs]
  • DI12-040
    Karel Klouda:
    Bispecial factors in circular non-pushy D0L languages
    Theoretical Computer Science 445 (2012), 63-74 [arXiv:1201.1186 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI12-039
    Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Almost rich words as morphic images of rich words
    Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 23 (2012), 1067-1083 [text]
  • DI12-038
    Pavel Exner, Diana Barseghyan:
    Spectral analysis of Schroedinger operators with unusual semiclassical behavior
    Acta Polytechnica 53 (2013), 271-279
  • DI12-037
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Crypto-unitary forms of quantum evolution operators
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 52 (2013), 2038-2045 [arXiv:1204.5989 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-036
    Miloslav Znojil, Géza Lévai:
    Schroedinger equations with indefinite effective mass
    Phys. Lett. A376 (2012), 3000-3005 [arXiv:1201.6142 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-035
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum star-graph analogues of PT-symmetric square wells
    Can. J. Phys. 90 (2012), 1287-1293 [arXiv:1205.5211 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-034
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Coulomb potential and the paradoxes of PT-symmetrization
    J. Engin. Math. 82 (2013), 173-185 [arXiv:1204.1257 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-033
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum catastrophes: a case study
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 444036 [arXiv:1206.6000 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-032
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Matrix Hamiltonians with a chance of being complex symmetric
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 74 (2012), 5-6 [abs]
  • DI12-031
    František Štampach, Pavel Šťovíček:
    The characteristic function for Jacobi matrices with applications
    Linear Alg. Appl. 438 (2013), 4130-4155 [arXiv:1201.1743 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI12-030
    A. Dolhanczuk-Sródka, Z. Ziembik, J. Kříž, L. Hyšplerová, M. Waclawek:
    Investigation of committed radiation dose rate and relationships between alkaline metals concentrations in mushroom Xerocomus badius
    Ecol. Chem. Eng. 19 (2012), 649-664 [text]
  • DI12-029
    Vít Jakubský:
    Applications of the potential algebras of the two-dimensional Dirac-like operators
    Ann. Phys. 331 (2013), 216-235 [arXiv:1209.4980 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI12-028
    Vít Jakubský, Mikhail S. Plyushchay:
    Supersymmetric twisting of carbon nanotubes
    Phys. Rev. D85 (2012), 045035 [arXiv:1111.3776 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI12-027
    David Krejčiřík, Zhiqin Lu:
    Location of the essential spectrum in curved quantum layers
    J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), 083520 [arXiv:1211.2541 [math.DG]; abs]
  • DI12-026
    David Krejčiřík, Helena Šediváková:
    The effective Hamiltonian in curved quantum waveguides under mild regularity assumptions
    Rev. Math. Phys. 24 (2012), 1250018 [arXiv:1203.1189 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI12-025
    Pedro Freitas, Petr Siegl:
    Spectra of graphene nanoribbons with armchair and zigzag boundary conditions
    Rev. Math. Phys. 26 (2014) 1450018 [abs]
  • DI12-024
    Petr Siegl, David Krejčiřík:
    On the metric operator for the imaginary cubic oscillator
    Phys. Rev. D86 (2012), 121702(R) [arXiv:1208.1866 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-023
    Denis Kochan, David Krejčiřík, Radek Novák, Petr Siegl:
    The Pauli equation with complex boundary conditions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 444019 [arXiv:1203.5011 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-022
    Petr Siegl:
    PT-Symmetric Laplace-Beltrami operator in the strip on a sphere (an open problem)
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 73 (2012), 5-6 [abs]
  • DI12-021
    David Krejčiřík:
    PT-symmetric waveguides and the lack of variational techniques (an open problem)
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 73 (2012), 1-2 [abs]
  • DI12-020
    Pavel Exner:
    Decay law regularity (an open problem)
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 72 (2012), 1-2 [abs]
  • DI12-019
    Hervé Bergeron, Petr Siegl, Ahmed Youssef:
    New SUSYQM coherent states for P schl-Teller potentials: a detailed mathematical analysis
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 244028 [arXiv:1112.0935 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-018
    Rafael D. Benguria, Matěj Tušek:
    Indirect Coulomb energy for two-dimensional atoms
    J. Math. Phys. 53 (2012), 095213 [arXiv:1205.6926 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-017
    Rafael D. Benguria, Pablo Gallegos, Matěj Tušek:
    New estimate on the two-dimensional indirect Coulomb energy
    Ann. Henri Poincaré 13 (2012), 1733-1744 [arXiv:1106.5772 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-016
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex:
    Asymptotic properties of quantum Markov chains
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 485301 [abs]
  • DI12-015
    Pavel Exner, Diana Barseghyan:
    Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacians on perturbed twisted tubes
    Operators and Matrices 8 (2013), 167-183 [mp_arc 12-134; arXiv:1211.0401 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-014
    Miroslav Korbelář, Jiří Tolar:
    Symmetries of finite Heisenberg groups for multipartite systems
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 285305 [arXiv: 1210.6167 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-013
    Denis Borisov, Pavel Exner, Anastasia Golovina:
    Tunneling resonances in systems without a classical trapping
    J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013), 012102 [mp_arc 12-106; arXiv: 1210.0449 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI12-012
    G.M. Nikolopoulos, V. Hoskovec, I. Jex:
    Analysis and minimization of bending losses in discrete quantum networks
    Phys. Rev. A85 (2012), 062319 [abs]
  • DI12-011
    Pavel Exner, Konstantin Pankrashkin:
    Strong coupling asymptotics for a singular Schr\"odinger operator with an interaction supported by an open arc
    Commun. PDE 39 (2014), 193-212 [mp_arc 12-74; arXiv: 1207.2271 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-010
    Martin Štefaňák, Iva Bezděková, Igor Jex:
    Continuous deformations of the Grover walk preserving localization
    Eur. J. Phys. D66 (2012), 142 [abs]
  • DI12-009
    Pavel Exner:
    Momentum operators on graphs
    in "Spectral Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: A Festschrift in Honor of Fritz Gesztesy's 60th Birthday" (H. Holden, B. Simon, G. Teschl, eds.), Proc. Symp. Pure Math., vol. 87, AMS, Providence, R.I.; pp. 105-118 [mp_arc 12-64; arXiv: 1205.5941 [math-ph]]
  • DI12-008
    Pavel Exner, Olaf Post:
    Approximation of quantum graph vertex couplings by scaled Schroedinger operators on thin branched manifolds
    Commun. Math. Phys. 322 (2013), 207-227 [mp_arc 12-63; arXiv: 1205.5129 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-007
    Pavel Exner:
    Solvable models of resonances and decays
    in proceedings of the conference "Mathematical Physics, Spectral Theory and Stochastic Analysis" (Goslar 2011; M. Demuth, W. Kirsch, eds.), Birkhauser, Basel 2013; pp. 165-227 [mp_arc 12-46; arXiv: 1205.0512 [math-ph]]
  • DI12-006
    B. Kollár, T. Kiss, J. Novotn , I. Jex:
    Asymptotic dynamics of coined quantum walks on percolation graphs
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012), 230505 [arXiv:1204.6149 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-005
    Pavel Exner, Diana Barseghyan:
    Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacians and Schroedinger operators on geometrically nontrivial cusps
    J. Spect. Theory 3 (2013), 465-484 [mp_arc 12-32; arXiv: 1203.2098 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-004
    Fabio Bagarello, Miloslav Znojil:
    Non linear pseudo-bosons versus hidden Hermiticity. II: The case of unbounded operators
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 115311 [arXiv:1202.2028 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-003
    Miloslav Znojil, Hendrik B. Geyer:
    Smeared quantum lattices exhibiting PT-symmetry with positive P
    Fortschritte der Physik 61 (2013), 111-123 [arXiv:1201.5058 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-002
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum inner-product metrics via recurrent solution of Dieudonne equation
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 085302 [arXiv:1201.2263 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI12-001
    Jiří Hrivňák, Jiří Patera, Severín Pošta:
    Three-variable exponential functions of the alternating group
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 045201 [abs]

  • DI11-056
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Jan Smotlacha:
    Contractions of 3-Dimensional Representations of the Lie Algebra sl(2)
    J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 6 (2012), 1-6
  • DI11-055
    Andreas Schreiber, Aurél Gábris, Peter P. Rohde, Kaisa Laiho, Martin Štefaňák, Václav Potoček, Igor Jex, Craig Hamilton, Christine Silberhorn:
    A 2D quantum walk simulation of two-particle dynamics
    Science 336 (2012), 55-58 [abs]
  • DI11-054
    L. Barciakov , J. Pirk, P. eba, J. K :
    The development of ballistocardiography from 1877 to the present
    Cor et Vasa 53 (2012), 72-74
  • DI11-053
    J. Adam, Jr., M. Tater, E. Truhlík, E. Epelbaum, R. Machleidt, P. Ricci:
    Calculation of doublet capture rate for muon capture in deuterium within chiral effective field theory
    Phys. Lett. B709 (2012), 93-100 [arXiv: 1110.3183 [nucl-th]; abs]
  • DI11-052
    Daniel Dombek: Substitutions over infinite alphabet generating (-beta)-integers
    in Proceedings of the WORDS 2011 conference (Prague; P. Ambro et al., eds.), EPTCS 63, pp. 115-121
  • DI11-051
    Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Infinite words rich and almost rich in generalized palindromes
    in Proceedings of the DLT conference (Milano 2011; G. Mauri and A. Leporati, eds.), Springer LNCS 6795; pp. 406-416 [arXiv: 1102.4023 [math.CO]]
  • DI11-050
    Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Palindromic richness for languages invariant under more symmetries
    Theor. Comp. Sci. (2013) 518 (2014), 42-63 [arXiv: 1108.3042 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI11-049
    Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Languages invariant under more symmetries: overlapping factors versus palindromic richness
    Discrete Mathematics 313 (2013), 2432-2445 [arXiv: 1103.4051 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI11-048
    Tomáš Hejda, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Greedy and lazy representations of numbers in the negative base
    Kybernetika 49 (2013), 258-279 [arXiv: 1110.6327 [math.DS]; abs]
  • DI11-047
    Ľubomíra Balková :
    Factor frequencies in languages invariant under more symmetries
    Integers - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 12 (2012), A36 [arXiv:1107.0471 [math.CO]; abs]; see also DI12-045
  • DI11-046
    Ľubomíra Balková :
    Factor frequencies in generalized Thue-Morse words
    Kybernetika 48 (2012), 371-385 [arXiv: 1107.5033 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI11-045
    Štěpán Starosta:
    Generalized Thue-Morse words and palindromic richness
    Kybernetika 48 (2012), 361 370 [arXiv: 1104.2476 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI11-044
    Tomáš Hejda:
    Morphisms preserving the set of words coding 3-interval exchange
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 46 (2012), 107-122 [abs]; an updated version of D10-054
  • DI11-043
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    On Brlek-Reutenauer conjecture
    Theor. Comp. Sci. 412 (2011), 5649-5655; corrigentum 465 (2012), 73-74 [arXiv: 1101.5083 [math.CO]; abs, corr]
  • DI11-042
    Daniel Dombek, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Number representation using generalized (-beta)-transformation
    Theor. Comput. Sci. 412 (2011), 6653-6665 [arXiv: 1102.3079 [cs.DM]; abs]
  • DI11-041
    Christiane Frougny, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    Parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems
    Theor. Comput. Sci. 412 (2011), 5714-5727 [arXiv: 1102.5683 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI11-040
    Petr Novotný:
    Graded contractions of representations of Lie algebras
    J. Phys. G: Conf. Series 343 (2012), 012089 [abs]
  • DI11-039
    Filip Studnička:
    Analysis of biomedical signals using differential geometry invariants
    Acta Phys. Polonica A120 (2011), 154-157 [text]
  • DI11-038
    Jan Kříž:
    Chaos in the brain
    Acta Phys. Polonica A120 (2011), 127-131 [text]
  • DI11-037
    Ľubomíra Balková, Karel Břinda, Ondřej Turek:
    Abelian complexity of infinite words associated with quadratic Parry numbers
    Theor. Comp. Sci. 412 (2011), 6252-6260 [abs]
  • DI11-036
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Scattering along a complex loop in a solvable PT-symmetric model
    submitted [arXiv: 1112.2644 [math-ph]]
  • DI11-035
    Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric quantum models living in an auxiliary Pontryagin space
    J. Math. System Sci. 2 (2012), 102-109 [arXiv: 1110.1218 [math-ph]]
  • DI11-034
    Miloslav Znojil:
    The cryptohermitian smeared-coordinate representation of wave functions
    Phys. Lett. A375 (2011), 3176-3183 [arXiv: 1107.1770 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-033
    Fabio Bagarello, Miloslav Znojil:
    The dynamical problem for a non self-adjoint Hamiltonian
    Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 212 (2012), 109-119 [arXiv: 1105.4716 [math.FA]]
  • DI11-032
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Symbolic-manipulation constructions of Hilbert-space metrics in quantum mechanics
    in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6885 (2011), pp. 348-357 [arXiv: 1105.4525 [cs.SC]; abs]
  • DI11-031
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum Big Bang without fine-tuning in a toy-model
    J. Phys. G: Conf. Ser. 343 (2012), 012136 [arXiv: 1105.1282 [gr-qc]; abs]
  • DI10-030
    Pavel Exner, Petr Šeba, Daniel Vašata:
    Urban structure analysis
    in Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics, Proceedings of the QMath11 conference (Hradec Kr lov , September 6-10, 2010), World Scientific, Singapore 2011; pp. 260-264
  • DI11-029
    Miroslav Korbelář, Jiří Tolar:
    Symmetries of finite Heisenberg groups for k-partite systems
    J. Phys. G: Conf. Ser. 343 (2012), 012122 [abs]
  • DI11-028
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Jiří Tolar:
    CNOT on polarization states of coherent light
    Revista Mexicana de F sica S57 (3) (2011), 154-156 [arXiv: 1106.1057 [quant-ph]; text]
  • DI11-027
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Petr Luft, Jiří Tolar:
    Quantizations on the circle and coherent states
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 244027 [arXiv: 1201.3895 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-026
    Miloslav Znojil:
    N-site-lattice analogues of $V(x)=i x^3$
    Ann. Phys. 327 (2012) 893-913 [arXiv: 1111.0484 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-025
    Pavel Exner, Michal Jex:
    On the ground state of quantum graphs with attractive $\delta$-coupling
    Phys. Lett. A376 (2012), 713-717 [mp_arc 11-145; arXiv: 1110.1800 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-024
    Boris Shapiro, Miloš Tater:
    Spectral solutions of the Heun equation.
    Acta Polytechnica 51 (4) (2011), 90-94 [abs]
  • DI11-023
    Martin Štefaňák, Iva Bezděková, Igor Jex:
    Localization and spreading of three-state quantum walks

  • DI11-022
    Fabio Bagarello, Miloslav Znojil:
    Non linear pseudo-bosons versus hidden Hermiticity
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011), 415305 [arXiv: 1109.0605 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-021
    Pavel Exner, Diana Barseghyan:
    Spectral estimates for a class of Schroedinger operators with infinite phase space and potential unbounded from below
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012), 075204 [mp_arc 11-124; arXiv: 1109.0168 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-020
    David Krejčiřík, Petr Siegl, Jakub Železný:
    On the similarity of Sturm-Liouville operators with non-Hermitian boundary conditions to self-adjoint and normal operators
    Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 8 (2014), 255-281 [arXiv:1108.4946 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI11-019
    Martin Kolb, David Krejčiřík:
    The Brownian traveller on manifolds
    J. Spectral Theory 4 (2014), 235-281 [arXiv:1108.3191 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI11-018
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Decays of degeneracies in PT-symmetric ring-shaped lattices
    Phys. Lett. A375 (2011), 3435-3441 [arXiv: 1108.0620 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-017
    Tomáš Kalvoda, Pavel Šťovíček:
    A charged particle in a homogeneous magnetic field accelerated by a time periodic Aharonov-Bohm flux
    Ann. Phys. 326 (2011), 2702-2716 [arXiv:1107.2861 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-016
    L. Kecskes, T. Kiss, M. Štefaňák et al.:
    The role of measurement in the recurrence property of discrete timed quantum walks
    in proceedings of the conference "Photon Counting Applications, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Information Transfer and Processing III" Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 8072 (2011) [abs]
  • DI11-015
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex:
    Asymptotic dynamics of qubit networks under randomly applied controlled unitary transformations
    New J. Phys. 13 (2011), 053052 [abs]
  • DI11-014
    Hynek Lavička, Václav Potoček, Tamás Kiss, Erich Lutz, Igor Jex:
    Quantum walks with jumps
    Eur. Phys. J. D64 (2011), 119-129 [arXiv: 1106.2036 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-013
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Discrete quantum square well of the first kind
    Phys. Lett. A375 (2011), 2503-2509 [arXiv: 1105.1863 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-012
    Taksu Cheon, Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Inverse scattering problem for quantum graph vertices
    Phys. Rev. A83 (2011), 062715 [arXiv: 1104.1048 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-011
    Tamás Kiss, Stanislav Vymětal, L.D. Tóth, Aurél Gábris, Igor Jex, Gerd Alber:
    Measurement induced chaos with entangled states
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011), 100501 [arXiv: 1104.3107 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-010
    Craig S. Hamilton, Aurel Gábris, Igor Jex, Stephen M. Barnett:
    General U(4) gate for photon polarization and orbital angular momentum
    submitted [arXiv: 1012.2704 [quant-ph]]
  • DI11-009
    A. Schreiber, K.N. Cassemiro, V. Potoček, A. G bris, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn:
    Decoherence and disorder in quantum walks: From ballistic spread to localization
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011), 180403 [arXiv: 1101.2638 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-008
    Miloslav Znojil:
    The horizons of observability in PT-symmetric four-site quantum lattices
    Acta Polytechnica 51 (4) (2011), 104-113 [arXiv: 1103.4001 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-007
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex:
    Entanglement and decoherence: fragile and robust entanglement
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011), 090501 [arXiv: 1103.3318 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-006
    Denis Borisov, David Krejčiřík:
    The effective Hamiltonian for thin layers with non-Hermitian Robin-type boundary conditions
    Asympt. Anal. 76 (2012), 49-59 [arXiv:1102.5051 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI11-005
    M. Štefaňák, S.M. Barnett, B. Koll r, T. Kiss, I. Jex:
    Directional correlations in quantum walks with two particles
    New J. Phys. 13 (2011), 033029 [arXiv: 1102.4445 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-004
    A.M. Grundland, A.M. Hariton, L. Šnobl:
    Invariant solutions of supersymmetric nonlinear wave equations
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011), 085204 [abs]
  • DI11-003
    Goce Chadzitaskos, Petr Luft, Jiří Tolar:
    Coherent states on the circle
    J. Phys. G: Conf. Series 284 (2011), 012016 [arXiv:1101.4171 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI11-002
    Lenka Motlochová, Jiří Patera:
    Four families of orthogonal polynomials of C2 and symmetric and antisymmetric generalizations of sine and cosine functions
    submitted [arXiv:1101.3597 [math-ph]]
  • DI11-001
    David Krejčiřík:
    The improved decay rate for the heat semigroup with local magnetic field in the plane
    Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ. 47 (2013), 207-226. [arXiv:1101.1806 [math.AP]; abs]

  • DI10-067
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Planarizable supersymmetric quantum toboggans
    SIGMA 7 (2011), 018, 24pp. [arXiv: 1102.5162 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-066
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Cryptohermitian Hamiltonians on graphs. II. Hermitizations
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50 (2011), 1614-1627 [arXiv: 1101.1015 [quant-th]; abs]
  • DI10-065
    Miloslav Znojil:
    An exactly solvable quantum-lattice model with a tunable degree of nonlocality
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011), 075302 [arXiv: 1101.1183 [math-th]; abs]
  • DI10-064
    František Štampach, Pavel Šťovíček:
    On the eigenvalue problem for a particular class of finite Jacobi matrices
    Linear Alg. Appl. 434 (2011), 1336-1353 [arXiv: 1011.1241 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-063
    Jakub Železný:
    Spectrum of the metric operator of a simple PT-symmetric model
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50 (2011), 1012-1018 [abs]
  • DI10-062
    Juraj Kostra:
    On correspondence between orders and ideals with a normal basis in cyclic subfields of Q(zeta_p) of a prime degree l
    Math. Slovaca 60 (2010), 786-791 [abs]
  • DI10-061
    Miloslav Znojil, Miloš Tater:
    CPT-symmetric discrete square well
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50 (2011), 982-990 [arXiv: 1011.4806 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-060
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Infinite words with finite defect
    Adv. Appl. Math. 47 (2011), 562-574 [arXiv: 1009.5105 [math.CO];abs]
  • DI10-059
    Štěpán Starosta:
    On theta-palindromic richness
    Theor. Comp. Sci. 412 (2011), 1111-1121 [arXiv: 1005.07224 [math.CO];abs]
  • DI10-058
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Sturmian jungle (or garden?) on multiliteral alphabets
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 44 (2010), 443-470 [arXiv: 1003.1224 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI10-057
    Zuzana Masáková, Tomáš Vávra:
    Arithmetics in numeration systems with negative quadratic base
    Kybernetika 47 (2011), 74-92 [arXiv: 1011.1403 [math.NT]; text]
  • DI10-056
    Ľubomíra Balková, Karel Klouda, Edita Pelantová:
    Critical exponent of infinite words coding beta-integers associated with non-simple Parry numbers
    Proceedings of Numeration Workshop in Leiden (2010), in Integers 11B (2011), A1 [text]
  • DI10-055
    Christiane Frougny, Karel Klouda:
    Rational base number systems for p-adic numbers
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 46 (2012), 87 106 [abs]
  • DI10-054
    Tomáš Hejda:
    Morphisms preserving the set of words coding three interval exchange
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 46 (2012), 107-122 [abs]; see also DI11-044
  • DI10-053
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Ito-Sadahiro numbers vs. Parry numbers
    Acta Polytechnica 51 (4) (2011), 59-64 [arXiv: 1010.6181 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI10-052
    Goce Chadzitaskos:
    Optical element for X-ray microscopy
    Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Research A (2011), 206-208 [abs]
  • DI10-051
    Vít Jakubský, Luis-Miguel Nieto, Mikhail S. Plyushchay :
    Klein tunneling in carbon nanostructures: a free particle dynamics in disguise
    Phys. Rev. D83 (2011), 047702 [arXiv: 1010.0569 [cond-mat.mes-hall];abs]
  • DI10-049
    Vít Jakubský, Luis-Miguel Nieto, Mikhail S. Plyushchay :
    The origin of the hidden supersymmetry
    Phys. Lett. B692 (2010), 51-56 [arXiv: 1004.5489 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI10-048
    Francisco Correa, Horacio Falomir, Vít Jakubský, Mikhail S. Plyushchay :
    Supersymmetries of the spin-1/2 particle in the field of magnetic vortex, and anyons
    Ann. Phys. 325 (2010), 2653-2667 [arXiv: 1003.1434 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI10-047
    Francisco Correa, Horacio Falomir, Vít Jakubský, Mikhail S. Plyushchay :
    Hidden superconformal symmetry of spinless Aharonov-Bohm system
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 075202 [arXiv: 0906.4055 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI10-046
    Takuya Mine:
    Self-adjoint extensions of Schroedinger operators with delta-magnetic fields on Riemannian manifolds
    Acta Polytechnica 50 (5) (2010), 62-72 [abs]
  • DI10-045
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Anomalous real spectra of non-Hermitian quantum graphs in strong-coupling regime
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 335303 [arXiv: 1003.3738 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-044
    Denis Kochan:
    Does a functional integral really need a Lagrangian?
    Acta Polytechnica 50 (5) (2010), 57-61 [arXiv: 0812.0678 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-043
    Vít Jakubský:
    Aharonov-Bohm effect and the supersymmetry of identical anyons
    Acta Polytechnica 50 (5) (2010), 46-50 [abs]
  • DI10-042
    Miloslav Havlíček, Severín Pošta:
    The diamond lemma and the PBW Property in quantum algebras
    Acta Polytechnica 50 (5) (2010), 40-45 [abs]
  • DI10-041
    Miloslav Havlíček, Edita Pelantová, Jiří Tolar:
    On representations of sl(n, C) compatible with a Z_2-grading
    Acta Polytechnica 50 (5) (2010), 30-39 [abs]
  • DI10-040
    Steven Duplij, Sergey Sinel'shchikov:
    On U_q (sl_2)-actions on the quantum plane
    Acta Polytechnica 50 (5) (2010), 25-29 [abs]
  • DI10-039
    Petr Ambrož:
    Tilings generated by Ito-Sadahiro and balanced (-beta)-numeration systems
    Acta Polytechnica 50 (5) (2010), 7-16 [abs]
  • DI10-038
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Rectifiable PT -symmetric quantum toboggans with two branch points
    Acta Polytechnica 50 (5) (2010), 84-90 [arXiv: 1004.0453 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-037
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Time-dependent and/or nonlocal representations of Hilbert spaces in quantum theory
    Acta Polytechnica 50 (3) (2010), 62-68 [arXiv: 0910.1192 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-036
    Pavel Exner:
    Vertex couplings in quantum graphs: approximations by scaled Schroedinger operators
    Proceedings of the ICM satellite conference "Mathematics in Science and Technology" (New Delhi, August 15-17, 2010; ; A.H. Siddiqi, R.C. Singh, P. Manchanda, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2011; pp. 71-92 [arXiv: 1011.6019 [quant-ph]]
  • DI10-035
    Petr Siegl:
    PT-symmetric square well - perturbations and the existence of metric operator
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50 (2011), 991-996 [abs]
  • DI10-034
    Hervé Bergeron, Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Petr Siegl, Ahmed Youssef:
    Semi-classical behavior of Poeschl-Teller coherent states
    EPL 92 (2010), 60003 [arXiv:1007.3876 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-033
    Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Petr Siegl, Ahmed Youssef:
    Krein spaces in de Sitter quantum theories
    SIGMA 6 (2010), 011, 23 pages [arXiv:1001.4810 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI10-032
    Miloslav Havlíček, Severín Pošta:
    Center of quantum algebra Uq'(so3)
    J. Math. Phys. 52 (2011), 043521 [abs]
  • DI10-031
    Pierre Duclos, Pavel Šťovíček, Matěj Tušek:
    On the two-dimensional Coulomb-like potential with a central point interaction
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 474020 [arXiv:1006.5952 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-030
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Non-Weyl resonance asymptotics for quantum graphs in a magnetic field,
    Phys. Lett. A375 (2011), 805-807 [mp_arc 10-190; arXiv: 1011.5761 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-029
    Jaroslav Dittrich:
    Integer topological charges for finite energy fields in the O(3) sigma-model
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 474016 [abs]
  • DI10-028
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Gegenbauer-solvable quantum chain model
    Phys. Rev. A82 (2010), 052113 [arXiv:1011.48032 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-027
    Hector Hernández-Coronado, David Krejčiřík, Petr Siegl:
    Perfect transmission scattering as a PT-symmetric spectral problem
    Phys. Lett. A375 (2011), 2149-2152 [arXiv:1011.4281 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-026
    Craig S. Hamilton, Aurel Gabris, Igor Jex, Stephen M. Barnett:
    Quantum walk with a four dimensional coin
    New J. Phys. 13 (2011), 013015 [arXiv:1103.0126 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-025
    Thomas Brougham, G.M. Nikolopoulos, Igor Jex:
    Perfect transfer of multiple excitations in quantum networks
    Phys. Rev. A83 (2011), 022323 [arXiv:1102.5196 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-024
    David Krejčiřík, Aldo Pratelli:
    The Cheeger constant of curved strips
    Pacific J. Math. 254 (2011), 309-333 [arXiv:1011.3490 [math.OC]; abs]
  • DI10-023
    M. Štefaňák, B. Kollár, T. Kiss, I. Jex:
    Full-revivals in 2-D quantum walks
    Phys. Scripta T140 (2010), 014035 [arXiv: 1011.2066 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-022
    Pavel Exner, Petr Šeba, Daniel Vašata:
    Built-up structure criticality
    Physica A390 (2011), 3922-3931 [arXiv: 1011.2704 [soc-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-021
    Taksu Cheon, Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Tripartite connection condition for quantum graph vertex
    Phys. Lett. A375 (2010), 113-118 [arXiv: 1009.5216 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-020
    Raffaele Carlone Pavel Exner:
    Dynamics of an electron confined to a "hybrid plane" and interacting with a magnetic field,
    Rep. Math. Phys. 67 (2011), 211-227 [mp_arc 10-158; arXiv: 1009.5252 [math-ph]]
  • DI10-019
    Petr Hájíček, Jiří Tolar:
    Survey of an approach to quantum measurement, classical properties and realist interpretation problems
    Acta Physica Slovaca 60 (2010), 613-716 [arXiv:1008.2524 [quant-ph]; txt]
  • DI10-018
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Cryptohermitian Hamiltonians on graphs
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 50 (2011), 1052-1059 [arXiv:1008.2082 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-017
    Miroslav Korbelář, Jiří Tolar:
    Symmetries of the finite Heisenberg group for composite systems,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 375302 [arXiv: 1006.0328 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-016
    Peter P. Rohde, Andreas Schreiber, Martin Štefaňák, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Multi-walker discrete time quantum walks on arbitrary graphs, their properties, and their photonic implementation
    New J. Phys. 13 (2011), 013001 [arXiv:1006.5556 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-015
    David Krejčiřík, Enrique Zuazua:
    The asymptotic behaviour of the heat equation in a twisted Dirichlet-Neumann waveguide
    J. Diff. Eqs. 250 (2011), 2334-2346 [arXiv:1006.2619 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI10-014
    Pavel Exner, Peter Kuchment, Brian Winn:
    On the location of spectral edges in Z-periodic media,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 474022 [mp_arc 10-86; arXiv:1006.3001 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-013
    Thomas Brougham, V. Košťák, Igor Jex, Erika Anderson, Tamás Kiss:
    Entanglement preparation using symmetric multiports
    Eur. J. Phys. D61 (2011), 231-236 [arXiv:1010.2367 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-012
    Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    High-energy asymptotics of the spectrum of a periodic square-lattice quantum graph,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 474024 [mp_arc 10-83; arXiv:1006.1446 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-011
    Pavel Exner, Miloš Tater:
    Spectrum of Dirichlet Laplacian in a conical layer,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 474023 [mp_arc 10-150; arXiv:1006.0137 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-010
    B. Kollár, Martin Štefaňák, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Recurrences in three-state quantum walks on a plane
    Phys. Rev. A82 (2010), 012303 [arXiv:1005.0688 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-009
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    On the absence of absolutely continuous spectra for Schr dinger operators on radial tree graphs,
    J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010), 122107 [mp_arc 10-59; arXiv:1004.1980 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-008
    E. Brian Davies, Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Non-Weyl asymptotics for quantum graphs with general coupling conditions,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 474013 [mp_arc 10-58; arXiv:1004.0856 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-007
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová, Tomáš Vávra:
    Arithmetics in number systems with negative base
    Theor. Comp. Sci. 412 (2011), 835-845 [arXiv:1002.1009 [math.NT]; abs]
  • DI10-006
    Thomas Brougham, Stephen M. Barnett, Igor Jex:
    Interference of composite bosons
    J. Mod. Phys. 57 (2010), 587-594 [abs]
  • DI10-005
    David Krejčiřík, Petr Siegl:
    PT-symmetric models in curved manifolds
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 485204 [arXiv:1001.2988 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI10-004
    Petr Ambrož, Daniel Dombek, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Numbers with integer expansion in the numeration system with negative base
    Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 47 (2012), 241-266 [arXiv:0912.4597 [math.NT]]
  • DI10-003
    Martin Fraas, David Krejčiřík, Yehuda Pinchover:
    On some strong ratio limit theorems for heat kernels
    Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A28 (2010), 495-509 [arXiv:0912.4337 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI10-002
    Jan Smotlacha, Goce Chadzitaskos, Costas Daskaloyannis:
    Spectra of photon down conversion
    Proceedings of "XXVIII International Workshop on Geometical Methods in Physics" (Bialystok 2009; P. Kielanowski et al, eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1191, Springer 2010; pp. 166-171
  • DI10-001
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Resonances from perturbations of quantum graphs with rationally related edges,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010), 105301 [mp_arc 09-216; arXiv:0912.3936 [math-ph]; abs]

  • DI09-051
    Joachim Asch, Tomáš Kalvoda, Pavel Šťovíček:
    Resonant cyclotron acceleration of particles by a time periodic singular flux tube
    SIAM J. Appl. Math. 71 (2011), 829-853 [arXiv:1011.0311 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-050
    Petra Košťáková, Pavel Šťovíček:
    Noncommutative Bloch analysis of Bochner Laplacians with nonvanishing gauge fields
    J. Geom. Phys. 61 (2011), 727-744 [arXiv:1011.6536 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-049
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Topology-controlled spectra of imaginary cubic oscillators in the large-L approach
    Phys. Lett. A374 (2010), 807-812 [arXiv:0912.1176 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-048
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Complete set of inner products for a discrete PT-symmetric square-well Hamiltonian
    J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009), 122105 [arXiv:0911.0336 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-047
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Fundamental length in quantum theories with PT-symmetric Hamiltonians II: The case of quantum graphs
    Phys. Rev. D80 (2009), 105004 [arXiv:0910.2560 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI09-046
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Cryptohermitian picture of scattering using quasilocal metric operators
    SIGMA 5 (2009), 085, 21pp. [arXiv:0908.4045 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-045
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Fundamental length in quantum theories with PT-symmetric Hamiltonians
    Phys. Rev. D80 (2009), 045022 [arXiv:0907.2677 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI09-044
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Scattering theory using smeared non-Hermitian potentials
    Phys. Rev. D80 (2009), 045009 [arXiv:0903.1007 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-043
    Miloslav Znojil, Vít Jakubský:
    Supersymmetric quantum mechanics living on topologically nontrivial Riemann surfaces
    PRAMANA - Journal of Physics 73 (2009), 397-404 [arXiv:0904.2294 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-042
    Miloslav Znojil, Hendrik B. Geyer:
    Sturm-Schroedinger equations: formula for metric
    PRAMANA - Journal of Physics 73 (2009), 299-306 [arXiv:0904.2293 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-041
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Three-Hilbert-space formulation of Quantum Mechanics
    SIGMA 5 (2009), 001, 19pp. [arXiv:0901.0700 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-040
    Stanislav Vymětal, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex, Gerd Alber, Aurél Gábris, Táňa Langrová:
    Chaos in the conditional dynamics of two qubits purification protocol
    in Let's Face Chaos through Nonlinear Dynamics AIP Conf. Proc, vol. 1076 (2008), 255-261 [abs]
  • DI09-039
    Hynek Bíla:
    Spectra of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians on tobogganic contours
    PRAMANA - Journal of Physics 73 (2009), 307-314 [arXiv:0905.1498 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-038
    Hynek Bíla:
    Adiabatic time-dependent metrics in PT-symmetric quantum theories
    submitted [arXiv:0902.0474 [quant-ph]]
  • DI09-037
    Daniel Lenz, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Note on powers in three interval exchange transformations
    Theor. Compu. Sci. 412 (2011), 3788-3794 [arXiv:0909.1109 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI09-036
    Petr Ambrož, Anna Frid, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    On the number of factors in codings of three interval exchange
    Discr. Math. Theor. Comp. Sci. 13 (2011), 51 66 [arXiv:0904.2258 [math.CO]; text]
  • DI09-035
    Ľubomíra Balková, Karel Klouda, Edita Pelantová:
    Repetitions in beta-integers
    Lett. Math. Phys. 87 (2009), 181-195 [abs]
  • DI09-034
    Petr Šeba:
    Parking and the visual perception of space
    J. Stat. Mech. (2009), L10002 [arXiv:0907.1914 [physics.soc-ph]; abs]]
  • DI09-033
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gerd Alber, Igor Jex:
    Asymptotic evolution of random unitary operations
    Central European J. Phys. 8 (2010), 1001-1014 [arXiv:0908.4534 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-032
    Thomas Brougham, Goce Chadzitaskos, Igor Jex:
    Transformation design and nonlinear Hamiltonians
    J. Mod. Optics 56 (2009), 1588-1597 [arXiv:0907.4900 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-031
    Andreas Schreiber, Katiuscia Cassemiro, Vašek Poto ek, Aurel Gábris, Peter Mosely, Erika Andersson, Igor Jex, Christine Silberhorn:
    Photons walking the line: a quantum walk with adjustable coin operations
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010), 050502 [arXiv:0910.2197 [quant-ph]; abs, see also the press release]
  • DI09-030
    Jiří Hrivňák, Lenka Motlochová, Jiří Patera:
    Two dimensional symmetric and antisymmetric generalizations of sine functions
    J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010), 073509 [arXiv:0912.0241 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-029
    Takuya Mine:
    Landau levels on the hyperbolic plane in the presence of Aharonov-Bohm fields
    J. Funct.Anal.263 (2012), 1701-1743 [abs]
  • DI09-028
    Daniel Jezbera, David Kordek, Jan Kříž, Petr Šeba, Petr Šroll:
    Walkers on the circle
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010 (2010), L01001 [arXiv:0909.1687 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-027
    Hynek Lavička, Lin Lin, Jaroslav Novotný:
    Employment, production and consumption model: patterns of phase transitions
    Physica A389 (2010), 1708-1720 [abs]
  • DI09-026
    Miloslav Znojil, Petr Siegl, Géza Lévai:
    Asymptotically vanishing PT-symmetric potentials and negative-mass Schr dinger equations
    Phys. Lett. A373 (2009), 1921-1929 [abs]
  • DI09-025
    Petr Siegl:
    The non-equivalence of pseudo-Hermiticity and presence of antilinear symmetry
    PRAMANA - Journal of Physics 73 (2009), 279-287 [text]
  • DI09-024
    Géza Lévai, Petr Siegl, Miloslav Znojil:
    Scattering in the PT-symmetric Coulomb potential
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 295201 [abs]
  • DI09-023
    Bernhard Burgstaller:
    A descent homomorphism for semimultiplicative sets
    Rocky Mts J. Math. 44 (2014), 809-851 [abs]
  • DI09-022
    Jaroslav Dittrich, Vladimir I. Inozemtsev:
    Towards the proof of complete integrability of quantum elliptic many-body systems with spin degrees of freedom
    Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 14 (2009), 218-222 [abs]
  • DI09-021
    Taksu Cheon, Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Spectral filtering in quantum Y-junction
    J. Phys. Soc. Japan 78 (2009), 124004 [arXiv:0908.3717 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-020
    Taksu Cheon, Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Approximation of a general singular vertex coupling in quantum graphs
    Ann. Phys. 325 (2010), 548-578 [mp_arc 09-142; arXiv:0908.2679 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-019
    Oleh Hul, Petr Šeba, Leszek Sirko:
    Departure of some parameter-dependent spectral statistics of irregular quantum graphs from random matrix theory predictions
    Phys. Rev. E79 (2009), 066204 [abs]
  • DI09-018
    Pavel Exner, Hagen Neidhardt, Valentin Zagrebnov:
    Remarks on Trotter-Kato product formula for unitary groups
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 69 (2011), 451-478 [mp_arc 09-107; arXiv:0907.1199 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-017
    David Krejčiřík, Enrique Zuazua:
    The Hardy inequality and the heat equation in twisted tubes
    Journal de Math matiques Pures et Appliqu es 94 (2010), 277-303. [arXiv:0906.3359 [math.AP]; abs]
  • DI09-016
    T. Brougham, G.M. Nikolopoulos, and I. Jex:
    Communication in quantum networks of logical bus topology
    Phys. Rev. A80 (2009), 052325. [arXiv:0910.3798 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-015
    Petr Siegl:
    Surprising spectra of PT-symmetric point interactions
    submitted [arXiv:0906.0226 [math-phys]]
  • DI09-014
    Petr Šeba:
    Traffic and the visual perception of space
    submitted [arXiv:0904.4835 [physics.soc-ph]]
  • DI09-013
    Jiří Tolar, Goce Chadzitaskos:
    Feynman's path integral and mutually unbiased bases
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 245306 [arXiv:0904.0886 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-012
    Boris Shapiro, Kouichi Takemura, Miloš Tater:
    On spectral polynomials of the Heun equation. II
    Commun. Math. Phys. 311 (2012), 277-300 [arXiv:0904.0650 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-011
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gerd Alber, Igor Jex:
    Random unitary dynamics of quantum networks
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 282003 [arXiv:0904.0107 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-010
    Martin Štefaňák, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Recurrence of biased quantum walks on a line
    New J. Phys. 11 (2009), 043027 [arXiv:0902.3600 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-008
    Frieder Kleefeld:
    On the dynamical generation of quark-level-linear-sigma-model-like theories beyond one loop
    AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1030 (2009), pp. 412-415 [arXiv:0805.2703[hep-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-007
    Frieder Kleefeld:
    On how to complete the dynamical generation of quark-level linear sigma model like theories beyond one loop with positive semi-definite norm
    [arXiv:0802.1540 [hep-ph]]
  • DI09-006
    Raouf Dridi:
    On the geometry of the first and the second Painleve equations
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 125201 [abs]
  • DI09-005
    Jose M. Arrieta, David Krejčiřík:
    Geometric versus spectral convergence for the Neumann Laplacian under exterior perturbations of the domain
    Proceedings of "Integral Methods in Science and Engineering", Birkhauser, Boston 2009; pp.9-19 [arXiv:0901.4726 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI09-004
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Palindromes in infinite ternary words
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 43 (2009), 687-702 [arXiv:0901.4261 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI09-003
    Miloslav Havlíček, Edita Pelantová, Jiří Tolar:
    On representations of Lie algebras compatible with a grading
    [arXiv:0901.2300 [math-ph]]
  • DI09-002
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    On geometric perturbations of critical Schr dinger operators with a surface interaction
    J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009), 112101 [mp_arc 09-7; arXiv:0901.1148 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI09-001
    Pavel Exner, Petr Šeba, Daniel Vašata:
    The distribution of landed property
    Physica A388 (2009), 4619-4623 [mp_arc 09-5; arXiv:0901.0765 [physics.soc-ph]; abs]

  • DI08-68
    A.M. Grundland, A.M. Hariton, L. Šnobl:
    Invariant solutions of the supersymmetric sine-Gordon equation
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 335203 [arXiv:0812.3862[math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-067
    Boris Shapiro, Miloš Tater:
    On spectral polynomials of the Heun equation I
    J. Approx. Theory 162 (2010), 766-781 [arXiv:0812.2321v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-066
    Miloslav Havlíček, Jiří Patera, Edita Pelantová, Jiří Tolar:
    Lie algebras compatible with a grading
  • DI08-065
    Denis Borisov, Pedro Freitas:
    Asymptotics of Dirichlet eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in thin domains
    J. Funct. Anal. 258 (2010), 893-912 [abs]
  • DI08-064
    Milan Krbálek, Petr Šeba:
    Spectral rigidity of vehicular streams (Random Matrix Theory approach)
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 345001 [arXiv:0812.1106v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-063
    Miloslav Znojil:
    The complete menu of eligible metrics for a family of toy Hamiltonians $H \neq H^\dagger$ with real spectra
    [arXiv:0806.4295v1 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-062
    Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric Sturmians
    [arXiv:0804.3857v1 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-061
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Two-step identification of observables in PT-symmetric quantum-toboggan models to be revised
    [arXiv:0803.0403v1 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-060
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Conditional observability versus self-duality in a schematic model
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 304027 [arXiv:0710.0457v2 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-059
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum toboggans: models exhibiting a multisheeted PT symmetry
    J. Phys.: Conf. Series 128 (2008), 012046 [arXiv:0710.1485v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-058
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Time-dependent version of cryptohermitian quantum theory
    Phys. Rev. D78 (2008), 085003 [arXiv:0809.2874v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-57
    Libor Šnobl, Pavel Winternitz:
    All solvable extensions of a class of nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension n and degree of nilpotency n-1
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 105201 [arXiv:0809.3259[math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-056
    Čestmír Burdík, Severín Pošta, Ondřej Navrátil:
    The adjoint representation of quantum algebra U_q(sl(2))
    J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 16 (2009), 63-75 [abs]
  • DI08-055
    S. Twareque Ali, Ľ. Balková, E.M.F. Curado, J.-P. Gazeau, M.A. Rego-Monteiro, Ligia M.C.S. Rodrigues, K. Sekimoto:
    Non-commutative reading of the complex plane through Delone sequences
    J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009), 043517 [arXiv:0811.4400 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-054
    Ľubomíra Balková, Karel Klouda, Edita Pelantová:
    Repetitions in beta-integers
    Lett. Math. Phys. 87 (2009), 181-195 [arXiv:0812.4006v1 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI08-053
    Karel Klouda, Edita Pelantová:
    Factor complexity of infinite words associated with non-simple Parry numbers
    Integers - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 9 (2009), 281-310 [arXiv:0812.0164 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI08-052
    Jan Kříž, Petr Šeba:
    Mechanical monitoring of human cardiovaskular system
    in Analysis of Biomedical Signals Images, Proceedings of Biosignal 2008 (Brno 2008, ISSN 1211-412X), 165
  • DI08-051
    Oleh Hul, Petr Šeba, Leszek Sirko:
    Investigation of parameter-dependent properties of quantum graphs
    Phys. Scripta T135 (2009), 014048 [abs]
  • DI08-050
    Jiří Hrivňák, Petr Novotný:
    Twisted cocycles of Lie algebras and corresponding invariant functions
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 430 (2009), 1384-1403 [arXiv:0905.2599[math-ph];abs]
  • DI08-049
    I. Marzoli, P. Tombesi, G. Ciaramicoli, G. Werth, P. Bushev, S. Stahl, F. Schmidt-Kaler, M. Hellwig, C. Henkel, G. Marx, I. Jex, E. Stachowska, G. Syawiola, A. Walaszyk:
    Experimental and theoretical challenges for the trapped electron quantum computer
    J. Phys. B: Atom. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 (2009), 154010 [arXiv:0810.4408v1 [quant-ph];abs]
  • DI08-048
    V. Potoček, A. Gábris, T. Kiss, I. Jex:
    Optimized quantum random walk search algorithm on a hypercube
    Phys. Rev. A79 (2009), 012325 [abs]
  • DI08-047
    T. Kiss, L. Kecskes, M. Štefaňák, I. Jex:
    Recurrence in coined quantum walks
    Physica Scripta T135 (2009), 014055 [abs]
  • DI08-046
    S. Vymětal, T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Alber, A. Gábris, T. Langrov :
    Complex chaos in the conditional dynamics of qubits
    AIP Conference Proceedings 1076 (2008), 255-261 [abs]
  • DI08-045
    T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Alber, E. Kollar:
    Properties of complex chaos in conditional qubit dynamics
    Int. J. Quant. Inf. 6, supp. 1 (2008), 695-700 [abs]
  • DI08-044
    C.S. Hamilton, H. Lavička, E. Andersson, J. Jeffers, I. Jex:
    Quantum public key distribution with imperfect device components
    Phys. Rev. A79 (2009), 023808. [abs]
  • DI08-043
    Petr Ambrož, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Morphisms fixing words associated with exchange of three intervals
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 44 (2010), 3-17 [arXiv:0811.2147 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI08-042
    M. Grundland, J. Patera, Z. Masáková, N. Dodgson:
    Image Sampling with Quasicrystals
    SIGMA 5 (2009), 075, 13pp. [preprint; abs]
  • DI08-041
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Relation between powers of factors and recurrence function characterizing Sturmian words
    Theoretical Computer Science 410 (2009), 3589-3596 [arXiv:0809.0603 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI08-040
    M. Štefaňák, D. Haase, W. Merkel, M.S. Zubairy, W.P. Schleich:
    Factorization with exponential sums
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 304024 [abs]
  • DI08-039
    Angela Mestre, Robert Oeckl:
    Hopf algebras and the combinatorics of connected graphs in quantum field theory
    Proc. of the Conference on Combinatorics and Physics (MPIM Bonn, March 2007), to appear [arXiv:0808.1070v1 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-038
    Angela Mestre:
    Generating connected and biconnected graphs
    Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 13 (2009), 251-281 [arXiv:0710.5711v2 [math.CO]; text]
  • DI08-037
    Petr Siegl:
    Supersymmetric quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonians with point interactions on a loop
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 244025 [abs]
  • DI08-036
    Pavel Šťovíček, Matěj Tušek:
    On the spectrum of a quantum dot with impurity in the Lobachevsky plane
    Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 198, 291-304; Birkhauser Verlag, Basel 2009 [arXiv:0811.3825 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-035
    Thomas Brougham, Erika Andersson, Stephen M. Barnett:
    Entropic uncertainties for joint quantum measurements
    Phys. Rev. A80 (2009), 042106. [arXiv:0812.1474v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-034
    Taksu Cheon, Pavel Hejčík:
    Anomalous relativistic tunneling and exotic point interactions
    Europhys. Lett. 81 (2008), 50001 [arXiv:0709.3495 [quant-ph], abs]
  • DI08-033
    Pavel Exner, Olaf Post:
    Approximation of quantum graph vertex couplings by scaled Schroedinger operators on thin branched manifolds
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 415305 [mp_arc 08-220; arXiv:0811.3707 [math-ph], abs]
  • DI08-032
    L. Háková, M. Larouche, J. Patera:
    The rings of n-dimensional polytopes
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 495202 [abs]
  • DI08-031
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Discrete PT-symmetric models of scattering
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 292002 [arXiv:0806.2019 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-030
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Scattering theory with localized non-Hermiticities
    Phys. Rev. D78 (2008), 025026 [arXiv:0805.2800 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI08-029
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Identification of observables in quantum toboggans
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 215304 [arXiv:0803.0403 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-028
    Petr Šeba, Daniel Vašata:
    Chaos in a one dimensional integrable quantum system
    Phys. Lett. A373 (2009), 826-831 [arXiv:0808.2930 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-027
    Michal Lawniczak, Oleh Hul, Szymon Bauch, Petr Šeba, Leszek Sirko:
    Experimental and numerical investigation of the reflection coefficient and the distributions of Wigner s reaction matrix for irregular graphs with absorption
    Phys. Rev. E77 (2008), 056210 [abs]
  • DI08-026
    Claudio Cacciapuoti, Raffaele Carlone, Rodolfo Figari:
    Resonances in models of spin dependent point interactions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009), 035202 [arXiv:0807.3924 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-025
    Emil Doležal, Petr Šeba:
    Spectral density of sample covariance matrices of colored noise
    submitted [arXiv:0807.2378 []]
  • DI08-024
    Pierre Duclos, Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    On the spectrum of a bent chain graph
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 415206 [mp_arc 08-136; arXiv:0807.1419 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-023
    P. Hájíček, J. Tolar:
    Intrinsic properties of quantum systems
    Found. Phys. 39 (2009), 411-432. [arXiv:0806.4437 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-022
    V. Potoček, A. Gabris, T. Kiss, I. Jex:
    Optimized quantum random walk search algorithms
    [arXiv:0805.4347 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-021
    Martin Štefaňák, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex:
    Recurrence properties of unbiased coined quantum walks on infinite d-dimensional lattices
    Phys. Rev. A78 (2008), 032306 [arXiv:0805.1322 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-020
    A.M. Grundland, I. Yurdusen:
    On certain geometric aspects of surfaces associated with CP^{N-1} sigma models
    submitted [text]
  • DI08-019
    Petr Šeba:
    Parking in the city: an example of limited resource sharing
    Acta Phys. Polonica A116 (2009), 779-782 [arXiv:0804.1676 [physics.soc-ph]; text]
  • DI08-018
    A.M. Grundland, A.J. Hariton:
    Supersymmetric version of a hydrodynamic system in Riemann invariants and its solutions
    J. Math. Phys. 49 (2008), 043502 [abs]
  • DI08-017
    Claudio Cacciapuoti, Domenico Finco:
    Graph-like models for thin waveguides with Robin boundary conditions
    Asympt. Anal. 70 (2010), 199-230 [arXiv:0803.4314 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-016
    Petr Novotný, Jiří Hrivňák:
    On the (alpha,beta,gamma)-derivations of Lie algebras and corresponding invariant functions
    J. Geom. Phys. 58 (2008), 208-217 [arXiv:0803.2682 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-015
    Petra Kocábová, Pavel Šťovíček:
    Generalized Bloch analysis and propagators on Riemannian manifolds with a discrete symmetry
    J. Math. Phys. 49 (2008), 033518 [arXiv:0802.4235v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-014
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová:
    Palindromic saturation
    submitted [arXiv:0802.2995 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-013
    Ľubomíra Balková, Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Edita Pelantová:
    Asymptotic behavior of beta-integers
    Lett. Math. Phys. 84 (2008), 179-198 [arXiv:0802.2992 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-012
    P. Hájíček, J. Tolar:
    Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of quantum systems
    submitted [arXiv:0802.0750 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-011
    David Krejčiřík:
    Twisting versus bending in quantum waveguides
    Proceedings of the INI programme "Analysis on Graphs and Applications" (Cambridge 2007), AMS "Contemporary Mathematics" Series, vol. 77, Providence, R.I., 2008; pp. 617-636 [arXiv:0712.3371 [math-ph]]
  • DI08-010
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum knots
    Phys. Lett. A372 (2008), 3591-3596 [arXiv:0802.1318 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-009
    Andreas Fring, Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric deformations of Calogero models
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 194010 [arXiv:0802.0624 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-008
    Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric knotting of coordinates: a new, topological mechanism of quantum confinement
    [arXiv:0801.0517 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-007
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Matrix Hamiltonians with an algebraic guarantee of unbroken PT-symmetry
    [arXiv:0801.0359 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-006
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Which operator generates time evolution in Quantum Mechanics?
    [arXiv:0711.0535 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-005
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Reply to Comment on &qout;Time-dependent quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonians and the unitary quantum evolution"
    [arXiv:0711.0514 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-004
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Time-dependent quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonians and the unitarity of quantum evolution
    [arXiv:0710.5653 [quant-ph]]
  • DI08-003
    Miloslav Znojil:
    On the role of the normalization factors kappa_n and of the pseudo-metric P\neq P^+ in crypto-Hermitian quantum models
    SIGMA 4 (2008), 001 [arXiv:arXiv:0710.4432v3 [math-ph]; text]
  • DI08-002
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Horizons of stability
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 244027 [arXiv:0710.1501 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI08-001
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    Interlaced dense point and absolutely continuous spectra for Hamiltonians with concentric-shell singular interactions
    Proceedings of the QMath10 Conference (Moeciu 2007), World Scientific, Singapore 2008; pp. 48-65 [mp_arc 08-19; arXiv:0801.4306 [math-ph]]

  • DI07-063
    Denis Kochan:
    Quantization of Non-Lagrangian systems
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 24 (2009), 5319-5340 [abs]
  • DI07-062
    Denis Kochan:
    Quantization of Non-Lagrangian systems: some irresponsible speculations
    in AIP Conf. Proc. 956 (2007), 3-8
  • DI07-061
    Pavel Exner, Sylwia Kondej:
    Hiatus perturbation for a singular Schr\"odinger operator withan interaction supported by a curve in $\mathbb{R}^3$
    J. Math. Phys. 49 (2008), 032111 [mp_arc 07-301; arXiv:0712.0313 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-060
    Daniel Gebert, Oliver Kern, Gernot Alber, Igor Jex:
    Stabilization of quantum information by combined dynamical decoupling and detected-jump error correction
    Eur. Phys. J. D46 (2008), 381-394 [arXiv:0712.1480v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-059
    David Krejčiřík:
    Spectrum of the Laplacian in a narrow curved strip with combined Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
    ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 15 (2009), 555-568 [arXiv:0803.0937 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI07-058
    David Krejčiřík, Miloš Tater:
    Non-Hermitian spectral effects in a PT-symmetric waveguide
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 244013 [arXiv:0802.0921 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-057
    Boris Shapiro, Miloš Tater:
    Root asymptotics of spectral polynomials
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 32-36 [abs]
  • DI07-056
    Goce Chadzitaskos:
    Coherent states on open finite chains
    Proceedings of "XXVI International Workshop on Geometical Methods in Physics" (Bialowieza 2007; P. Kielanowski et al, eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 956, Springer 2007; pp. 240-244
  • DI07-055
    Jaroslav Dittrich, Vladimir I. Inozemtsev:
    The commutativity of integrals of motion for quantum spin chains and elliptic functions identities
    Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 13 (2008), 19-26 [arXiv:0711.1973v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-054
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    A sharp upper bound for the first Dirichlet eigenvalue and the growth of the isoperimetric constant of convex domains
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 2997-3006 [arXiv:0710.5475 [math.SP]; abs]
  • DI07-053
    Vít Jakubský:
    Thermodynamics of Pseudo-Hermitian systems in equilibrium
    Mod. Phys. Lett. A22 (2007), 1075-1084 [quant-ph/0703092; abs]
  • DI07-052
    Vít Jakubský:
    Pseudo-Hermitian operators in description of physical systems
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 47-50 [abs]
  • DI07-051
    Pavel Exner, Andrea Mantile:
    On the optimization of the principal eigenvalue for single-centre point-interaction operators in a bounded region
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 065305 [mp_arc 07-297; arXiv:0711.4247 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-050
    Jun-Hua Chen, Edita Pelantová, Miloslav Znojil:
    Classification of the conditionally observable spectra exhibiting central symmetry
    Phys. Lett. A372 (2008), 1986-1989 [arXiv:0711.3947 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-049
    Petr Šeba:
    Markov chain of distances between parked cars
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 122003 [arXiv:0707.3924v3 [nlin.AO]; abs]
  • DI07-048
    Mark Harmer:
    Two particles on a star graph II
    Russ. J. Math. Phys. 15 (2008), 473-480 [arXiv:0711.3117 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-047
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Tridiagonal PT-symmetric N by N Hamiltonians and a fine-tuning of their observability domains in the strongly non-Hermitian regime
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 13131-13148 [0709.1569v1 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-046
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quantum toboggans with two branch points
    Phys. Lett. A372 (2008), 584-590 [0708.0087v1 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-045
    Miloslav Znojil:
    PT-symmetric quantum chain models
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 9-14 [abs]
  • DI07-044
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Conditional observability
    Phys. Lett. B650 (2007), 440-446 [0704.3812v1 [hep-th]; abs]
  • DI07-043
    Miloslav Znojil, Uwe Guenther:
    Dynamics of charged fluids and 1/L perturbation expansions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 7375-7388 [math-ph/0610055v2; abs]
  • DI07-042
    Jaroslav Smejkal, Vít Jakubský, Miloslav Znojil:
    Relativistic vector bosons and PT-symmetry
    Journal of Physical Studies 11 (2007), 45-54 [hep-th/0611287]
  • DI07-041
    Jan Kříž, Petr Šeba:
    Force plate monitoring of human hemodynamics
    Nonlinear Biomedical Physics 2 (2008), 1 [physics/0507135v2; abs]
  • DI07-040
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová:
    A note on symmetries in the Rauzy graph and factor frequencies
    Theor. Comp. Sci. 410 (2009), 2779-2783 [arXiv:0902.0632 [math.CO]; abs]
  • DI07-039
    P. Arnoux, V. Berth , Z. Masáková, E. Pelantov :
    Sturm numbers and substitution invariance of 3iet words
    Integers - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 8 (2008), no. A14, 17pp [arXiv:0710.5845v1 [math.CO]; text]
  • DI07-038
    Petr Baláži, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Characterization of substitution invariant 3iet words
    Integers - Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 8 (2008), no. A20, 21pp [arXiv:0709.2638 [math.CO]; text]
  • DI07-037
    Milena Svobodová:
    Fine gradings of low-rank complex Lie algebras and their real form
    SIGMA, Proceedings of the Conference "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" 4 (2008), 039 (13 pp.) [abs]
  • DI07-036
    Petr Ambrož:
    Matrices associated to 3-interval exchange transformation and their spectra
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 68-70 [abs]
  • DI07-035
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová, Wolfgang Steiner:
    Sequences with constant number of return words
    Monatshefte fur Mathematik 155 (2008), 251-263 [math.CO/0608603; abs]
  • DI07-034
    Ondřej Turek:
    Balance properties of the fixed point of the substitution associated to quadratic simple Pisot numbers
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 41 (2007), 123-135 [abs]
  • DI07-033
    Pavel Exner, Petr Šeba:
    A Markov process associated with plot-size distribution in Czech Land Registry and its number-theoretic properties
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 045004 [arXiv:0711.1836 [physics.soc-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-032
    Pavel Exner:
    Leaky quantum graphs: a review
    Proceedings of the INI programme "Analysis on Graphs and Applications" (Cambridge 2007), AMS "Contemporary Mathematics" Series, vol. 77, Providence, R.I., 2008; pp. 523-564 [mp_arc 07-261; arXiv:0710.5903 [math-ph]]
  • DI07-031
    Pierre Duclos, Ondřej Lev, Pavel Šťovíček:
    On the energy growth of some periodically driven quantum systems with shrinking gaps in the spectrum
    J. Stat. Phys. 130 (2008), 169-193 [arXiv:0710.2331 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-030
    V. Geyler, P. Šťovíček, M. Tušek:
    A quantum dot with impurity in the Lobachevsky plane
    Proceedings of the 6th Workshop Operator Theory, Birkhaeuser OT series, vol. 188, Basel 2009; pp. 135-148 [arXiv:0709.2790 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-029
    P. Šulc, J. Tolar:
    Group theoretical construction of mutually unbiased bases in Hilbert spaces of prime dimensions
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 15099-15111 [arXiv:0708.4114 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-028
    Mark Harmer:
    Two particles on a star graph I
    Russ. J. Math. Phys. 14 (2007), 4350-439 [arXiv:0708.0915 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-027
    Tamás Fülöp:
    Singular potentials in quantum mechanics and ambiguity in the self-adjoint Hamiltonian
    SIGMA 3 (2007), 107 [arXiv:0708.0866 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-026
    Denis Borisov, David Krejčiřík:
    PT-symmetric waveguides
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 62 (2008), 489-515 [arXiv:0707.3039 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-025
    David Krejčiřík:
    Calculation of the metric in the Hilbert space of PT-symmetric model via the spectral theorem
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), 244012 [arXiv:0707.1781 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-024
    P. Exner, O. Post:
    Quantum networks modelled by graphs
    Proceedings of the Joint Mathematics/Physics Workshop "Quantum Few-Body System" (Aarhus 2007), AIP Conf. Proc., vol. 998; Melville, NY, 2008, pp. 1-17. [arXiv:0706.0481 [math-ph]]
  • DI07-023
    C. Frougny, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová:
    Infinite special branches in words associated with beta-expansions
    Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 9 (2007), 125-144 [abs]
  • DI07-022
    P. Kocábová, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová:
    Ambiguity in the m-bonacci numeration system
    Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 9 (2007), 109-124 [abs]
  • DI07-021
    P. Ambro , Z. Mas kov , E. Pelantov :
    Addition and multiplication of beta-expansions in generalized Tribonacci base
    Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 9 (2007), 73-88 [abs]
  • DI07-020
    Pavel Exner, Petr Šeba:
    A "hybrid plane" with spin-orbit interaction
    Russ. J. Math. Phys. 14 (2007), 430-434 [mp_arc 07-121; arXiv:0705.2487 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-019
    Martin Štefaňák, Igor Jex, Tamás Kiss:
    Recurrence and P lya number of quantum walks
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008), 020501 [arXiv:0705.1991 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-018
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    On the dense point and absolutely continuous spectrum for Hamiltonians with concentric $\delta$ shells
    Lett. Math. Phys. 82 (2007), 25-37 [mp_arc 07-117; arXiv:0705.1407 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-017
    Claudio Cacciapuoti, Pavel Exner:
    Nontrivial edge coupling from a Dirichlet network squeezing: the case of a bent waveguide
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), L511-L523 [mp_arc 07-99; arXiv:0704.2912 [math-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-016
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    A remark on helical waveguides
    Phys. Lett. A369 (2007), 393-399 [mp_arc 07-96; arXiv:0704.2770 [quant-ph]; abs]
  • DI07-015
    Petr Ambrož, Lenka Háková, Edita Pelantová:
    A note on 3iet preserving morphisms
    Proceedings WORDS 2007(Marseille) (P. Arnoux, N. Bedaride, J. Cassaigne, eds.), Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy 2007; pp. 18-24 [math.CO/0703792]
  • DI07-014
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Maximal couplings in PT-symmetric chain-models with the real spectrum of energies
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 4863-4875 [math-ph/0703070, abs]
  • DI07-013
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Determination of the domain of the admissible matrix elements in the four-dimensional PT-symmetric anharmonic model
    Phys. Lett. A367 (2007), 300-306 [quant-ph/0703168, abs]
  • DI07-012
    Miloslav Znojil:
    A return to observability near exceptional points in a schematic PT-symmetric model
    Phys. Lett. B647 (2007), 225-230 [quant-ph/0701232, abs]
  • DI07-011
    Pavel Exner, Ondřej Turek:
    Approximations of singular vertex couplings in quantum graphs
    Rev. Math. Phys. 19 (2007), 571-606 [mp_arc 07-62; math-ph/0703051; abs]
  • DI07-010
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas, Evans M. Harrell:
    On the critical exponent in an isoperimetric inequality for chords
    Phys. Lett. A368 (2007), 1-6 [mp_arc 07-53; math-ph/0703020; abs]
  • DI07-009
    Pavel Exner, Olaf Post:
    Convergence of resonances on thin branched quantum wave guides
    J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), 092104 [mp_arc 07-46; math-ph/0702075; abs]
  • DI07-008
    Petr Luft, Goce Chadzitaskos, Jiří Tolar:
    Dihedral symmetry of periodic chain: quantization and coherent states
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 4833-4845 [quant-ph/0702180, abs]
  • DI07-007
    Petr Ambrož, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Matrices of 3iet preserving morphisms
    Theoret. Comp. Sci. 400 (2008), 113-136 [math.CO/0702336]
  • DI07-006
    Julien Bernat, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    On a class of infinite words with affine factor complexity
    Theoret. Comp. Sci. 389 (2007), 12-25 [math.CO/0612466]
  • DI07-005
    A. Gabris, T. Kiss, I. Jex:
    Scattering quantum random-walk search with errors
    Phys. Rev. A76 (2007), 062315 [quant-ph/0701150v3; abs]
  • DI07-004
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gerd Alber, Igor Jex:
    Network implementation of covariant two-qubit quantum operations
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 042309 [quant-ph/0701048; abs]
  • DI07-003
    Čestmír Burdík, Severín Pošta, Ondřej Navrátil:
    Two-dimensional matrix Calogero models of the BC_2 type
    Yad. Fiz. 70 (2007), 491-495 [abs]
  • DI07-002
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Mass-sign duality of cubic oscillators
    Adv. Studies Theor. Phys. 1 (2007), 405-408 [math-ph/0612073; text]]
  • DI07-001
    Pavel Exner, Mario Helm, Peter Stollmann:
    Localization on a quantum graph with a random potential on the edges
    Rev. Math. Phys. 19 (2007), 923-939 [mp_arc 06-371; math-ph/0612087; abs]

  • DI06-054
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    Location of the nodal set for thin curved tubes
    Indiana Univ. Math. J. 57 (2008), 343-376 [math.SP/0602470; abs]
  • DI06-053
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    Unbounded planar domains whose second nodal line does not touch the boundary
    Math. Res. Lett. 14 (2007), 107-111 [abs]
  • DI06-052
    Tomas Ekholm, Hynek Kovařík, David Krejčiřík:
    A Hardy inequality in twisted waveguides
    Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 188 (2008), 245-164. [math-ph/0512050; abs]
  • DI06-051
    V.B. Belyaev, M. Tater, E. Truhlík:
    Influence of protons on the capture of electrons by the nuclei of 7Be in the Sun
    Phys. Rev. C75 (2007), 034608 [astro-ph/0606679; abs]
  • DI06-050
    Jeremy M. Hutson, Pavel Soldán:
    Molecular collisions in ultracold atomic gases
    Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 26 (2007), 1-28 [physics/0610219; abs]
  • DI06-049
    Denis Kochan:
    How to quantize forces: an academic essay how the strings could enter classical mechanics
    J. Geom. Phys. 60 (2010), 219-229 [hep-th/0612115; abs]
  • DI06-048
    Joachim Asch, Pavel Šťovíček:
    On the dynamics created by a time dependent Aharonov-Bohm flux
    Rep. Math. Phys. 59 (2007), 299-303 [abs]
  • DI06-047
    Joachim Asch, Pavel Šťovíček:
    Dynamics of a classical Hall system driven by a time dependent Aharonov-Bohm flux
    J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), 052901 [math-ph/0609039]
  • DI06-046
    Pavel Exner:
    Unstable system dynamics: do we understand it fully?
    Rep. Math. Phys. 59 (2007), 351-363 [abs]
  • DI06-045
    Denis Borisov:
    Distant perturbations of the Laplacian in a multi-dimensional space
    Ann. H. Poincaré 8 (2007), 1371-1399 [math-ph/0608006; abs]
  • DI06-044
    Denis Borisov:
    Asymptotic behaviour of the spectrum of a waveguide with distant perturbation
    Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 10 (2007), 155-196 [math-ph/0606011; abs]
  • DI06-043
    Milan Krbálek, Petr Šeba:
    Statistical variances in traffic data
    submitted [physics/0611049]
  • DI06-042
    Milan Krb lek:
    Equilibrium distributions in thermodynamical traffic gas
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 5813-5821 [cond-mat/0603375; abs]
  • DI06-041
    Tamás Fülöp, Izumi Tsutsui:
    Boundary effect of a partition in a quantum well
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 4585-4608 [quant-ph/0612011; abs]
  • DI06-040
    Ladislav Hlavat , Libor Šnobl:
    Poisson-Lie T-plurality as canonical transformation
    Nucl. Phys. B768 (2007), 209-218 [hep-th/0608133; abs]
  • DI06-039
    V. Košťák, G. Nikolopoulos, I. Jex:
    Perfect state transfer in networks of arbitrary topology and coupling configuration
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 042319 [abs]
  • DI06-038
    A. Tereszkiewicz, A. Odzijewicz, M. Horowski, I, Jex, G. Chadzitaskos:
    Explicitly solvable models of two-mode coupler in Kerr-media
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 063817 [abs]
  • DI06-037
    Ondřej Lev, Pavel Šťovíček:
    On a semiclassical formula for non-diagonal matrix elements
    Int. J. Theor. Phys. 46 (2007), 2688-2707 [hep-th/0611109; abs]
  • DI06-036
    R.D. Benguria, R. Brummelhuis, P. Duclos, S. Perez-Oyarzun, P. Vytřas:
    Asymptotic behaviour of the equilibrium nuclear separation for the H_2^+ molecule in a strong magnetic field
    J. Phys. A39 (2006), 13325-13336 [abs]
  • DI06-035
    Pedro Freitas, David Krejčiřík:
    Waveguides with combined Dirichlet and Robin boundary conditions
    Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 9 (2006), 335-352 [math-ph/0701075; abs]
  • DI06-034
    David Krejčiřík, Hynek Kovařík:
    A Hardy inequality in a twisted Dirichlet-Neumann waveguide
    Math. Nachr. 281 (2008), 1159-1168 [math-ph/0603076; abs]
  • DI06-033
    Denis Kochan:
    Noncommutative Lagrange mechanics
    SIGMA 4 (2008), 028 [hep-th/0610061; abs]
  • DI06-032
    Miloslav Znojil:
    On a few new quantization recipes using PT-symmetry
    Czech. J. Phys 56 (2006), 977-984 [abs]
  • DI06-031
    M. Znojil, H.B. Geyer:
    Construction of a unique metric in quasi-Hermitian quantum mechanics: non-existence of the charge operator in a 2x2 matrix model
    Phys. Lett. B640 (2006), 52-56 [quant-ph/0607104; abs]; erratum B649 (2007), 494 [doi]
  • DI06-030
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Spiked potentials and quantum toboggans
    J. Phys. A39 (2006), 13325-13336 [quant-ph/0606166, abs]
  • DI06-029
    Čestmír Burdík, Severín Pošta, Ondřej Navrátil:
    On the matrix 3x3 exactly solvable models of the type G_2
    J. Nonlin. Math. Phys. 13, Suppl. (2006), 27-36 [text]
  • DI06-028
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Self-matching properties of Beatty sequences
    Acta Polytechnica 47 (2007), 21-24 [math.CO/0609631; abs]
  • DI06-027
    Ľubomíra Balková, Zuzana Masáková:
    Palindromic complexity of infinite words associated with non-simple Parry numbers
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 43 (2009), 145-163 [math.CO/0611508; abs]
  • DI06-026
    Vít Jakubský, Jaroslav Smejkal:
    A positive-definite scalar product for free Proca particle,
    Czech. J. Phys. 56 (2006), 985-998 [hep-th/0610290; abs]
  • DI06-025
    Pavel Exner, Jiří Lipovský:
    Equivalence of resolvent and scattering resonances on quantum graphs,
    in "Adventures in Mathematical Physics" (Proceedings, Cergy-Pontoise 2006), AMS "Contemporary Mathematics" Series, vol. 447, Providence, R.I., 2007; pp. 73-81. [mp_arc 06-302; math-ph/0610065]
  • DI06-024
    Manuel Lara, John L. Bohn, Daniel E. Potter, Pavel Soldán, Jeremy M. Hutson:
    Cold collisions between OH and Rb: The field-free case,
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 012704 [physics/0608200, abs]
  • DI06-023
    Manuel Lara, John L. Bohn, Daniel E. Potter, Pavel Sold n, Jeremy M. Hutson:
    Ultracold Rb-OH collisions and prospects for sympathetic cooling
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006), 183201 [physics/0607084, abs]
  • DI06-022
    Jeremy M. Hutson, Pavel Soldán:
    Molecular formation in ultracold atomic gases
    Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 25 (2006), 497-596 [physics/0607234, abs]
  • DI06-021
    Jiří Patera, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
    Fine group gradings of the real forms of sl(4,C), sp(4,C), and o(4,C)
    J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), 093503 [math-ph/0608032]
  • DI06-020
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová, Ondřej Turek:
    Combinatorial and arithmetical properties of infinite words associated with non-simple quadratic Parry numbers
    RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 41 (2007), 307-328 [cs.DM/0608065; abs]
  • DI06-019
    Ľubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová, Wolfgang Steiner:
    Return words in the Thue-Morse and other sequences
    submitted [math.CO/0608603]
  • DI06-018
    T. Probst-Schendzielorz, A. Wolf, M. Freyberger, J. Bergou, I. Jex, Bing He:
    Unambiguous discriminator for unknown quantum states: An implementation
    Phys. Rev. A75 (2007), 052116 [abs]
  • DI06-017
    M. Štefaňák, T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Mohring:
    The meeting problem in the quantum random walk
    J. Phys. A39 (2006) 14965-14983 [abs]
  • DI06-016
    Frieder Kleefeld:
    On some meaningful inner product for real Klein-Gordon fields with positive semi-definite norm
    Czech. J. Phys. 56 (2006), 999-1006 [quant-ph/0606070, abs]
  • DI06-015
    Denis Borisov, Pavel Exner:
    Distant perturbation asymptotics in window-coupled waveguides. I. The non-threshold case
    J. Math. Phys. 47 (2006), 113502 [mp_arc 06-177; math-ph/0606022, abs]
  • DI06-014
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    Resonance asymptotics in the generalized Winter model
    Phys. Lett. A360 (2006), 57-61 [quant-ph/0606020, abs]
  • DI06-013
    David Krejčiřík, Hynek Bíla, Miloslav Znojil:
    Closed formula for the metric in the Hilbert space of a PT-symmetric model
    J. Phys. A39 (2006), 10143-10153 [math-ph/0604055, abs]
  • DI06-012
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Matching method and exact solvability of discrete PT-symmetric square wells
    J. Phys. A39 (2006), 10247-10261 [quant-ph/0605209, abs]
  • DI06-011
    Miloslav Znojil:
    Quasi-exact minus-quartic oscillators in strong-core regime
    Phys. Lett. A359 (2006), 21-25 [quant-ph/0602231, abs]
  • DI06-010
    T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Alber, S. Vymětal:
    Complex chaos in the conditional dynamics of qubits
    Phys. Rev. A74 (2006), 040301 [quant-ph/0511208, abs]
  • DI06-009
    E. Andersson, M. Curty, I. Jex
    Experimentally realizable quantum comparison of coherent states and its applications
    Phys. Rev. A74 (2006), 022304 [quant-ph/0601130, abs]
  • DI06-008
    Pavel Exner, Pavel Hejčík, Petr Šeba:
    Approximations by graphs and emergence of global structures
    Rep. Math. Phys. 57 (2006), 445-455 [quant-ph/0508226, abs]
  • DI06-007
    Jaroslav Novotný, Gerd Alber, Igor Jex:
    Completely positive covariant two-qubit quantum processes and optimal quantum NOT operations for entangled qubit pairs
    Phys. Rev. A73 (2006), 062311 [quant-ph/0603184, abs]
  • DI06-006
    Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Quasicrystals: algebraic, combinatorial and geometrical aspects
    Proceedings of NATO School "Physics and Computer Science - From Numbers and Languages to (Quantum) Cryptography", Security through Science Series: Information and Communication Security, vol. 7, J.-P. Gazeau, J. Ne et il, B. Rovan (eds.), IOS Press (2007), 113-131 [math-ph/0603065]
  • DI06-005
    Petr Baláži, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
    Factor versus palindromic complexity of uniformly recurrent infinite words
    Theoret. Comp. Sci. 380 (2007), 266-275 [math.CO/0603607; abs]
  • DI06-004
    Petr Ambrož, Christiane Frougny:
    On alpha-adic expansions in Pisot bases
    Theoret. Comp. Sci. 380 (2007), 266-275 [math.NT/0603650, abs]
  • DI06-003
    P. Ambro , C. Frougny, Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová:
    Palindromic complexity of infinite words associated with simple Parry numbers
    Annales de l' Institut Fourier 56 (2006), 2131-2160 [math.CO/0603608, abs]
  • DI06-002
    Pavel Exner, Takashi Ichinose, Hagen Neidhardt, Valentin Zagrebnov:
    Zeno product formula revisited
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 57 (2007), 67-81 [mp_arc 06-73; math-ph/0411036, abs]
  • DI06-001
    Pavel Exner, Martin Fraas:
    The decay law can have an irregular character
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 1333-1340 [quant-ph/0603067, abs

  • Monographs, textbooks, book chapters, edited volumes

  • Miloslav Znojil:
    Three-Hilbert-space formulation of quantum theory: unitary evolution via non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. in "Topics in Mathematical Physics, Quantum Physics and Path Integrals", written version of the series of six lectures for the "4-th Jijel School of Theoretical Physics" (September 2016, Abdelhafid Bounames and Abdenacer Makhlouf, eds.), ISTE-Wiley Editions 2023; pp. 79-126.
  • Pavel Exner, Rupert L. Frank, Fritz Gesztesy, Helge Holden, Timo Weidl, eds.:
    Partial Differential Equations, Spectral Theory, and Mathematical Physics
    The Ari Laptev Anniversary Volume, xii+481 p.; EMS Press, Berlin 2021.

  • Igor Jex, Ivan Štoll, Jiří Tolar:
    Classical Theoretical Physics (in Czech)
    Karolinum, Prague 2017, ISBN 978-80-246-3545-3

  • Pavel Exner, Hynek Kovařík:
    Quantum Waveguides
    xxii+382 p.; Springer International, Heidelberg 2015.

  • Fabio Bagarello, Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec, Miloslav Znojil, eds.:
    Non-Selfadjoint Operators in Quantum Physics: Mathematical Aspects
    432p.; J. Wiley & Sons 2015

  • Pavel Exner, Wolfgang König, Hagen Neidhardt, eds.:
    Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics
    Proceedings of the QMath12 conference held in Berlin, September 10-13, 2013; xii+383 p.; World Scientific, Singapore 2014.

  • Georgios M. Nikolopoulos, Igor Jex, eds.:
    Quantum State Transfer and Network Engineering
    Series "Quantum Science and Technology"; x+250 p.; Springer, Heidelberg 2014.

  • Pavel Exner:
    Functional analysis, in "Mathematical Tools for Physicists" (2nd ed.; M. Grinfeld, ed.), Wiley, Weinheim 2015; pp. 449-474

  • K. Klouda, Z. Masáková, R. Mesiar, M. Štěpnička, eds.:
    Special issue: ISCAMI and Analytic and algebraic methods 2011
    Kybernetika 48 (2012), no. 3, pp. 357-586

  • P. Ambrož, Š. Holub and Z. Masáková, eds.:
    WORDS 2011, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
    Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 63 (2011), 276 p.

  • Pavel Exner, ed.:
    Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics
    Proceedings of the QMath11 conference held in Hradec Kr lov , September 6-10, 2010; xii+274 p.; World Scientific, Singapore 2011.

  • Pavel Exner, ed.:
    XVIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics
    Proceedings of the ICMP held in Prague, August 3-8, 2009; xvii+690 p.; World Scientific, Singapore 2010.

  • Ji Blank, Pavel Exner, Miloslav Havlíček:
    Hilbert-Space Operators in Quantum Physics. Second edition (revised and extended)
    xviii+666 p.; Springer, Dordrecht 2008.

  • Pavel Exner, Jonathan P. Keating, Peter Kuchment, Toshikazu Sunada, Alexander Teplyaev, eds.:
    Analysis on Graphs and Applications, Proceedings of a Isaac Newton Institute programme, January 8 - June 29, 2007; 670 p.;
    AMS "Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics" Series, vol.77, Providence, R.I., 2008

  • Andreas Fring, Hugh Jones, Miloslav Znojil, eds.:
    Proceedings of the "6th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics", SIGMA 4 (2008) [text]

  • Patents

  • Jaroslav Červen , Goce Chadzitaskos, Vladislav Kosejk:
    The way of image reconstruction, Patent 306380. PV 2015-511

  • Goce Chadzitaskos:
    Roentgen Telescope, Patent CZ 303940. 2013-05-22

  • Goce Chadzitaskos:
    Optical Element for X-ray Microscopy, European Patent Office, 2168130. 2012-06-06, 2012

  • Goce Chadzitaskos:
    An Optical term for Roentgen Microscopy, Patent CZ 299759. 2008-10-03, 2008

  • Miscellanea

  • Andrii Khrabustovskyi, Miloslav Znojil:
    Simple device for spectroscopy laboratory exercises
    Acta Polytechnica 62 (2022), 1-2 [text]
  • Damián Bušovský, Michaela Křížová, Jan Kříž, Jan Loskot, Filip Studnička, Leontýna Šlégrová, Jan Šlégr:
    Simple device for spectroscopy laboratory exercises
    Physics Education 57 (2022), 015014
  • Ľubomíra Dvořáková:
    Vyzkou ejte metodu Monte Carlo (Try the Monte Carlo method)
    Rozhledy matematicko-fyzik ln 2 (2019), 1-11
  • Ľubomíra Dvořáková, David Ryzák:
    Antipalindromy (Anripalindromes)
    Rozhledy matematicko-fyzik ln 1 (2019), 2-10
  • Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Marie Dohnalová:
    Mince zaj maj nejen numismatiky (Coins are of interest not only to numismatists)
    Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie 62 (2017), 110-120 [abs]
  • Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Ji Vesel :
    Anketa L'Enseignement Math matique a Maty Lerch
    Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie 61 (2016), 285-294 [abs]
  • Ľubomíra Dvořáková, Georgii Ponimatkin:
    Ku elose ky v neeukleidovsk ch prostorech (Conic Sections in non-Euclidean Spaces)
    Rozhledy matematicko-fyzik ln 1 (2018), 1-14 [abs]
  • Edita Pelantová, Štěpán Starosta:
    Chv la struktur (Praise of Structures)
    Rozhledy matematicko-fyzik ln 90 (2015), 99-108
  • Hynek Lavička:
    Simulations of Agents on Social Network, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8383-4412-6.
  • A.A. Andrianov, C.M. Bender, H.F. Jones, A.V. Smilga, M. Znojil, eds.:
    Proceedings of the "7th International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics"
    SIGMA 5 (2009) [cf. papers 1,5,7,17,18,39,43,47,53,64, and 69]
  • Igor Jex:
    Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
    s. as. fyz. 59 (2009),141
  • Miloslav Znojil:
    Proceedings of the 3-rd Microconference Analytic and Algebraic Methods III
    SIGMA 4 (2008) [text]
  • Edita Pelantová:
    Unusual representations of numbers, in Proceedings of the 29th Conference on History of Mathematics, Matfyzpress, Prague 2008, ISBN 978-80-7378-048-7; pp. 153-155

  • Igor Jex:
    "Ludwig Boltzmann - the first among the atomists" (in Czech); Prometheus Publishers, Prague 2006

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